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Research and Innovation Roadmap Update 1.4, adopted by SAA Council & Updated July 2023.
2024 Special Election: Candidate Statements Thank you to all of our excellent candidates for standing in the 2024 Preservation Section special election. Please take some time to review their candidate statements and get to know them so you can make an informed choice.    You will be voting for: One Member-At-Large (Two-year term) Ballots will be managed by SAA staff. Once the ballots have been prepared they will be foung here.   Steering Committee Member Candidates   The following candidates...
Feb 23, 2024   Preservation Section
The Reference, Access, and Outreach Section (RAO) of the Society of American Archivists is seeking two new co-chairs to lead the Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) Subcommittee. The TPS Subcommittee advocates for the active and interactive use of primary sources in teaching and learning as a core component of archival work. The co-chairs work together with the RAO Steering Committee to plan and develop different programming opportunities throughout the year, such as the Article Discussion Club...
Announcing the Raymond W. Smock Fellowship to support attendance at the annual meeting of the Association of Centers for the Study of Congress. The meeting is May 15-17, at the National Archives Research Center in Washington D.C. The 2024 meeting host is the Center for Legislative Archives.   The Smock Fellowship of $1000 is open to those who work at an ACSC member institution and have not previously attended an annual meeting. If you know someone who fits these criteria, please forward this to...
If you missed the SAS "UnBOXed" event on February 9 about the new SAS Buddy Program, or just prefer to hear the program summarized verbally rather than read about it, check out the recording here! If the event has inspired you to look into joining the Buddy List program for 2023-2024, visit the sign-up form.  Other details can be found on the microsite. Any questions about the program?  Or ideas for future UnBOXed events?  Send those to your SAS steering committee at soloarchivists.saa@gmail....
Feb 12, 2024   Solo Archivists Section
The 2023 Winter Newsletter includes: A letter from the MAS Chair, Tara Laver News from the MAS section about the upcoming elections in Spring 2024 A report on the 90th anniversary celebrations at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art by Tara Laver A report on preserving the film, The American Vision (1995) by Kelly Burton Meet Your Fellow Archivist: Kelly Schulz
Feb 2, 2024   Museum Archives Section
Dear EAD and EAC-CPF users, On behalf of SAA’s Technical Subcommittee for Encoded Archival Standards (TS-EAS) we are pleased to announce the minor releases of the EAC-CPF 2.0.1 and the EAD3 1.1.2 Tag Libraries as well as an update to the Schematron files that are available for extended validation of EAC-CPF 2.0 and EAD3 XML files. What’s new in the EAC-CPF 2.0.1 Tag Library? This minor revision to the Tag Library covers a typographical error in @targetType (see issue #111) and adaptation of...
The Technical Subcommittee on Encoded Archival Standards (TS-EAS) wishes you all a happy new year and hopes you have had a good start into 2022!    Tapping into the spirit of new starts, we would like to pick up on the call for comments to improve the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) that we initiated at the end of last year. TS-EAS wants to hear from you in more detail what you are missing in the current version of EAD and what you would like to see in a future version of the standard. We...
Reference, Access and Outreach Section, 2022 Election Ballot At-Large Steering Committee Nominees (2 positions):   Lauren White, CA Job Title: Archivist Institution: Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Bio statement:  Lauren White, CA, is an archivist at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and has previously held positions at the University of Michigan, University of Toledo, and Purdue University.  She has a BA in English from the University of Southern Mississippi and an MSI from the...
The Reference, Access, and Outreach Section (RAO) of the Society of American Archivists (SAA) seeks proposals for the 2023 Spring/Summer IDEAS Webinar Series (April-July) and Annual Meeting Marketplace of IDEAs on Friday, July 14, 2023 @ 4pm EDT/3pm CDT/2pm MDT/1pm PDT. Topics focused on the RAO sub-committee areas of Teaching with Primary Sources, Exhibits and Events, and Public Services Assessment are encouraged. Proposals addressing topics or themes related to the following will be...
The SAA Preservation Section is asking for volunteers interested in the position of Member-at-Large to self-nominate for a special election!  This individual would serve on the SAA Preservation Section Steering Committee as a Member-at-Large and, once elected, be appointed as the Education Chair for a 2 year term (2024 - 2026) by the Preservation Section Chair. If you are interested in nominating yourself, or would like to nominate someone else, please send the name and a 4 or 5 sentence...
Jan 18, 2024   Preservation Section
  The SAA Preservation Section is asking for volunteers interested in the position of Member-at-Large to self-nominate for a special election!  This individual would serve on the SAA Preservation Section Steering Committee as a Member-at-Large and, once elected, be appointed as the Education Chair for a 2 year term (2024 - 2026) by the Preservation Section Chair. If you are interested in nominating yourself, or would like to nominate someone else, please send the name and a 4 or 5 sentence...
Jan 17, 2024   Preservation Section
The Archival History Section steering committee invites members of the section and SAA to attend a virtual lecture on February 7, 12 PM EST, by archives and records management researcher Geoffrey Yeo. Yeo will speak about his two recent ventures into the field of archival history: his book Record-Making and Record-Keeping in Early Societies and his paper "Let Us See What Is Meant be the Word 'Recorde.'" During his lecture, Yeo will address the following questions: Why did the topic of record...
Jan 11, 2024   Archival History Section
The Teaching with Primary Sources sub-committee of the Reference, Access and Outreach Section of the Society of American Archivists is accepting applications for the role of Associate Editor for the Case Studies on Teaching With Primary Sources series. For more information about the series, visit: The Associate Editor works with the Editor to maintain the Teaching with Primary Sources Case Studies as a...
The Congressional Papers Section (CPS) is holding a special election to fill the vacant seat on the steering committee left after Kate Gregory assumed the role of Chair. You will be voting for: One Steering Committee member (two-year term). Ballots will be managed by SAA staff through Survey Monkey; keep an eye on your inbox for when the ballot opens! Steering Committee Member Candidate The following candidate is running for the vacant seat on the section steering committee: Dina...
The Technical Subcommittee for Encoded Archival Standards (TS-EAS) at the Society of American Archivists (SAA) invites you to engage with a draft of the new version of the Encoded Archival Description standard, EAD 4.0, between December 2023 and February 2024, ahead of the public call for comments. For this activity, we are specifically looking towards archival aggregators as well as software providers and developers.  Having started the major revision process with various engagement...
We are pleased to present the candidates for the 2020-2021 RAO election ballot. We hope you will carefully review the candidate statements before voting. Thanks to the nominations and election subcommittee and to our steering committee members who have finished their terms.  The following positions are up for election:  1 Vice Chair / Chair Elect (3 year term, serving 1 year each as vice chair, chair, and immediate past chair) 2 Member at Large positions on the Steering Committee (2 year term...
Are you looking to shape the future direction and activities of the Reference, Access, and Outreach Section? Put yourself forward for an elected RAO position!  The Nominating Committee seeks nominations from all current RAO members for these vacancies:  Two Steering Committee members, for two-year terms One Vice-Chair / Chair Elect, for a three-year term. (The successful candidate will serve one year as Vice-Chair, one year as RAO Chair, and one year as Immediate Past Chair).  We value a...
Thank you to all of our excellent candidates for standing in the 2024 User Experience Section Special Election. Please take some time to review their candidate statements and get to know them so you can make an informed choice. You will be voting for: 2 Steering Committee members (term ending August 2024).  We are also voting to approve our Section standing rules, as detailed below. The proposed rules are an important step to formalizing governance of the User Experience Section and were open...
Dec 5, 2023   User Experience Section
Bid our old name farewell and welcome the new the latest two issues of SOLO, the newsletter of the Solo Archivists Section. The Fall 2023 issue (published in October under our former name of Lone Arrangers Section) includes messages from our incoming and outgoing chairs, a celebration of our section's 20th anniversary, and updates and reflections from members on instruction, family letters, and personal achievements during 2023. The Special Edition 2023 issue (published in November) details the...
Nov 30, 2023   Solo Archivists Section
The Crisis, Disaster, and Tragedy Response Working Group (CDTRWG) welcomed Pamela Schwartz, Executive Director of the Orange County Regional History Center. Through review and juxtaposition of case studies in preserving oral histories containing instances of contemporary and generational trauma, this presentation will include a discussion of purpose, process, ethics, challenges, and use of oral history on topics relating to the Pulse nightclyb shooting, the Ocoee Massacre, politics and law, and...
Greetings Solo Archivists! I'm pleased to announce that our section's name change to "Solo Archivists Section" was just approved at the November SAA Council Meeting. Please be on the look-out for our upcoming special issue of SOLO, which will be appearing in your inboxes soon. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the steering committee at  With kind regards, Julie Yamashita Chair Solo Archivists Section, 2023-2024
Nov 2, 2023   Solo Archivists Section
Thank you to everyone who shared and voted in the most recent Accessibility and Disability Section election. While the Steering Committee was extremely pleased that it was a competitive race for our four vacancies, no one ran for the position of Vice Chair/Chair-Elect. Thus, it is necessary to hold a second election, and we are grateful to second-year Steering Committee member Joe Schill for nominating himself. Vice Chair/Chair-Elect Candidate: Joe Schill, Senior Archivist, Rakow Research...
Help shape the future of the Society of American Archivists' Students and New Professionals Section (SNAP)!  The SAA-SNAP Section provides educational outreach that furthers professional development, dialogue, and engagement. We host educational and networking webinars, twitter-chats, and other events; oversee the development and dialogue on our SNAP blog; help raise awareness of SAA’s vast professional resources (career development webinars, resume reviews, mentoring, job and internship boards...