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Whether you’re a budding archivist with a captivating idea, a seasoned author with several published works under your belt, or somewhere in between, the Society of American Archivists welcomes your participation in our publishing program. The goal of the program is to provide our members with the opportunity to contribute to the production of consistently high-quality resources that serve their needs and those of the archives profession as well as enrich the professional literature. Here’s how you can participate . . .
Archival Outlook, SAA’s award-winning magazine, is one of the leading outlets for new voices. Open access and published six times per year, it focuses on how archives are used by the public and archivists on the job, and includes how-to pieces on timely and relevant topics as well as updates members on SAA business and the work of its many component groups. It also reports on regional, national, and international news of relevance to the North American archival profession. Articles are typically 700 words (one page in layout) to 1,200 words (double-page spread) in length. They should include some kernel of information that will enlighten the reader professionally. High-resolution (300 dpi or higher) images are encouraged.
For queries about article ideas or to submit an article: JULIA PILLARD, Communications Manager, jpillard@archivists.org.
American Archivist is in its ninth decade of publication and is the leading journal in the field. It seeks to reflect thinking about theoretical and practical developments in the archival profession; about the relationships between archivists and the creators and users of archives; and cultural, social, legal, and technological developments that affect the nature of recorded information and the need to create and maintain it. The journal features a variety of types and lengths of articles, including research articles, case studies, perspectives, book reviews, and book review essays.
A unique feature of the journal is the REVIEWS PORTAL, which keeps readers abreast of the latest technology in archives, digital projects, and tools that support archives access and description.
All article inquiries (except reviews) should be directed to: AMY COOPER CARY, Editor, AmericanArchivist@archivists.org.
To learn more about reviewing a professional resource or to suggest a review of a resource, contact: ROSE BUCHANAN and STEPHANIE LUKE, Reviews Editors, ReviewsEditor@archivists.org.
The Case Studies Series provides SAA component groups the opportunity to develop and edit a set of open access works relating to a closely-defined area of archival theory or practice. Works are typically 1,500 to 5,000 words in length and serve as examples of archival practice or illustrate issues worthy of broad discussion and debate. The various series address teaching with primary sources (Reference, Access and Outreach Section), archival ethics (Committee on Ethics and Professional Conduct), Native American archival materials (Native American Archivists Section), government records (Government Records Section), university archives (College and University Archives Section), and records management (Records Management Section).
For more information, click on teh links above to contact the component group affiliated with the case studies series.
SAA’s robust book publishing program has brought a rich variety of content to readers since the 1970s. The Publications Board encourages all writers to add to the catalog by considering the core beliefs and strategic priorities of SAA, the needs of the archives profession, current titles in progress, and the potential market for such works. We welcome informal conversations with and preliminary proposals from members who believe that SAA should undertake a particular publication project. The 175+ titles published by SAA since 2000 include original research, advanced texts, fundamentals, manuals, readers, thought pieces, and classics. Popular collections include the Archival Fundamentals Series III, the Archival Futures series co-published with ALA, and the twenty-six modules that comprise Trends in Archives Practice. The latest releases cover an assortment of topics—why not yours!
For more information, contact: STACIE WILLIAMS, Publications Editor, PublicationsEditor@archivists.org.
This online, open-access resource is the foremost reference on the archival lexicon, drawing primarily from the professional literature in the United States and Canada. Launched in April 2020, the dictionary contains nearly 3,000 terms with citations from thousands of sources. DAT is a continual work in progress, and you can help build it by providing feedback on definitions, suggesting new terms and citations, and expanding your vocabulary by subscribing to the Word of the Week e-blast.
For more information, contact: KATY STERNBERGER and ROSEMARY PLEVA FLYNN, Co-Chairs, Dictionary Working Group, dictionary@archivists.org.
Interested in getting more involved by helping to shape SAA’s publications? Each fall, SAA’s Call for Volunteers includes new positions on the American Archivist Editorial Board, the Publications Board, and the Dictionary Working Group. SAA’s Vice President/President-Elect reviews volunteer applications and appoints members to join these groups the following August. The American Archivist Editorial Board consists of 12 members who serve three-year terms; the Publications Board consists of 9 members who serve four-year terms; and the Dictionary Working Group consists of 11 members who serve three-year terms. All three groups welcome early-career members, who are appointed via a separate call for volunteers in the spring. Keep an eye on the SAA website and In the Loop newsletter for calls to volunteer.
Talk with current Board members about their experiences serving (login to SAA website to access email addresses):
Both the book publishing program and the American Archivist journal are on the lookout for peer reviewers. Whether you’re a generalist, subject specialist, or expert in the archives field, consider serving as a peer reviewer of manuscripts submitted for publication consideration. Allied disciplines also welcome—records management, library and information science, and public history. For more information, contact:
AMY COOPER CARY, American Archivist Editor, AmericanArchivist@archivists.org
STACIE WILLIAMS, Publications Editor, PublicationsEditor@archivists.org
This online-only SAA group launched last spring. Although not directly affiliated with the journal or book publishing program, the group is designed to support archivists who need help with writing projects. Anyone can join! Learn more here (login to SAA Connect for access): Professional Writing Virtual Group, https://mysaa.archivists.org/mygroups.
For general queries regarding the SAA publishing program, contact:
SAVANAH TIFFANY, Assistant Director of Publishing, stiffany@archivists.org
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