Recent posts from groups

Thank you to our excellent candidate for standing in the 2023 Public Library Archives and Special Collections (PLASC) Section election. Please take some time to review the candidate statement below so you can make an informed choice. You will be voting for one Vice Chair/Chair-Elect (or Co-chair), for a two-year term. Ballots will be managed by SAA staff through Survey Monkey; keep an eye on your inbox for when the ballot opens! Vice Chair/Chair Candidates Charmaine Bonner Supervising Archivist...
(The following announcement was shared on the section listserv on September 11:) The Section member's vote to adopt the new section name, "Solo Archivists Section" resulted in a 72.73% vote in favor of adoption, with a 27.27% vote against the adoption. Given this positive response, the new section name and updated bylaws have been submitted for approval by SAA Council, which will hopefully happen soon. I will notify you as soon as we get official approval of our name change. Thanks everyone so...
Sep 22, 2023   Solo Archivists Section
Standards Annual Report, 2022-2023
Sep 19, 2023   Standards Committee
Vice Co-Chair Candidate Caroline Collins Biography   My name is Caroline Collins (she/her) and I am a local records archivist at the Library of Virginia in Richmond, Virginia. I received bachelor’s degrees in Information Science and History from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and I earned my MSIS from the University of Texas at Austin in 2021. While in Austin, I interned at the Briscoe Center for American History. Prior to my current position, I worked part-time as a library...
Ben Blake, Director, George Meany Labor Archives, University of Maryland, College Park Steering Committee Statement Before becoming the Director of the George Meany Labor Archives, University of Maryland, College Park in 2016, I had significant experience in labor archives, including two years at San Francisco State's Labor Archives and Research Center and have been responsible for the archives of union records and labor related collections in Cleveland, Youngstown and Baltimore. I hold a BA in...
Aug 29, 2023   Labor Archives Section
Thanks to everyone who attended the joint annual meeting of the Encoded Archival Standards (EAS) Section and the Technical Subcommittee on Encoded Archival Standards (TS-EAS) on June 20, 2023. A recording of the meeting is available at the Society of American Archivists' events site: This year, our annual meeting included updates from TS-EAS and EAS Section leaders, and the Building a National Finding Aid...
Slate of candidates for 2023 IA steering committee Incoming Vice-Chair, class of 2026 Deb Eschweiler (She/Her) Job Title:  Editor | Media Asset Manager | Audiovisual Archivist (self-employed) Bio: With a video editing career spanning over 3 decades, Deb Eschweiler has been shepherding analog and digital media, organizing project elements, and safeguarding client’s media legacies since before she could put a name to the process. Her undergraduate studies included a minor in history and a...
Vice Chair/Chair Elect Candidates: Sophia McGuire Biography: Sophia has been in the records & archives field since 2010, beginning her work as a student assistant in the Rare Books & Manuscripts Library at Ohio State. In 2013 Sophia pursued an MLIS at the University of Pittsburgh, with a focus in Archives & Records Management. Since then, Sophia has worked in a variety of capacities as a records manager & archivist, primarily in government records. Her work has encompassed...
Aug 16, 2023   Records Management Section
Exciting stuff! The video of the 2023 VMS meeting has been posted here, and the approved standing rules have also been added to the website.
Aug 15, 2023   Visual Materials Section
The Archivists and Archives of Color section is excited to announce the 2023 Membership Directory! So far we have collected over 160 entries. This year we created both a website and PDF version: Website version PDF version We are also reopening the form for those who missed the first round and would like to be included in the directory. The form will close on August 31, 2023. If you have an update or correction to your existing entry, or any questions, please email us at aacr.roundtable@gmail...
Steering Committee for Archival History Section, 2023-2024   Dane Flansburgh, Chair   Natalie Worsham, Vice-Chair   Elizabeth Jones-Minsinger, Early Career Member   Trevor Alvord, Member-at-Large   Caitlin Oiye Coon, Member-at-Large    Sebastian Modrow, Member-at-Large 
Aug 9, 2023   Archival History Section
The Reference, Access, & Outreach section of the Society of American Archivists seeks additional nominees for election to the following roles: Chair, incoming replacement for Vice-Chair resignation 2 year commitment, chair role to start by Jan 2024 Steering Committee Member-at-Large 2 year commitment Vice-chair/Chair-elect 3 year commitment, chair role to start August 2024 All roles begin September 2023 or at the conclusion of the election. Nominations can be made directly via...
  Results are in from the 2023 Web Archiving Steering Committee elections! Hope Dunbar – Vice Chair/Chair-Elect Bio: I am currently the University Archivist at State University of New York at Buffalo. My role requires me to balance multiple priorities including departmental outreach, advocacy, acquisition, processing, and exhibits. A large part of moving into this role has been balancing physical and digital processing and capture. I feel strongly that born digital materials are likely...
Aug 3, 2023   Web Archiving Section
The Summer 2023 Newsletter includes: Meet Your Fellow Archivist: Ceila Emmelhainz News from The Frick Collection by Sally Brazil An internship Highlight from the Virginal Museum of Fine Arts by Nuelle R. Johnson A Collection Highlight from the Corning Museum of Glass by Sarah Alender A Report on Digitizing Travel Sketchbooks of Frances Prindle Taft by Madalyn Rehrman A Report on Organizing Vertebrate Paleontology Archives at AMNH by Ruth E. Hurwitz
Aug 2, 2023   Museum Archives Section
The 2023 Privacy and Confidentiality Section election results are in, and the section leadership is pleased to congratulate:   Elizabeth Russell – 2023-2024 Vice Chair/Chair Elect Anu Kasarabada – 2023-2024 Steering Committee Member Leslie Schuyler – 2023-2024 Steering Committee Member Ashlyn Velte – 2023-2024 Steering Committee Member
The Election results for the Lone Arrangers Section are in! Thanks so much to everyone who volunteered for positions and voted. Below are the results: Vice Chair/Chair-Elect: Hilary Swett Newsletter Editor: Allison Bundy Regional Representatives Co-Lead: Alison Quirion Please congratulate Hilary, Allison and Alison on their new positions! Julie Yamashita Chair Lone Arrangers Section
Aug 1, 2023   Solo Archivists Section
The roadmap is an active and evolving document, developed by the SAA Committee on Research, Data and Assessment, and represents research interests that have been identified by members across the profession. The roadmap will help shape priorities and opportunities that advance broader professional interests. Adopted SAA Research and Innovation Roadmap, v 1.4 Your feedback is sought on Roadmaps ongoing development -- please share your input using this survey.
  Congratulations to the three new members elected to the Archivists of Religious Collections Section Steering Committee (ARCS)! Beaudry Allen, Vice-Chair begins a two year term as Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect. Rhiannon Allen-Roberts begins a two-year term as General Steering Committee Member. Trevor Alvord begins a two-year term as General Steering Committee Member.  Continuing in their present positions for one more year are:  Erin Louthen, Chair Mary Grace Kosta, General Steering Committee...
Congratulations to the new members of the Accessibility & Disability Section steering committee! The following candidates have been elected as steering committee members: Dylan Goodwin, Amanda McGrory, and Tarienne Mitchell. Jess Bolwar has been elected as the steering committee early-career member. Thank you to all of the candidates who stood for the 2023 election.
Just a reminder to join SAA's Technical Subcommittee on Encoded Archival Standards (TS-EAS) for an open session on the ongoing major revision of the Encoded Archival Description (EAD). After a general introduction on the timeline and overarching topics of the revision process, we will have a closer look at EAD's relationshio to Records in Contexts (RiC) as well as presenting some discussion points hot of the press from the EAD sub-team meeting of the days before.  With this open session, we...
The recording from the 2023 LAS Annual Meeting on June 12 is now available!  Please click here to view. During the virtual meeting, the LAS Steering Committee recognized our 20th anniversary as an official SAA group (originally a roundtable, now a section) and introduced important updates, initiatives, and future plans for the section.  We also welcomed Christina Zamon, Head of Special Collections and Archives at Georgia State University, who presented on her soon-to-be-released book, Alone in...
Jul 19, 2023   Solo Archivists Section
  Thank you to all of our excellent candidates for standing in the 2023 Performing Arts Section election. Please take some time to review their candidate statements and get to know them so you can make an informed choice.  You will be voting for two Co-chairs, each for a two-year term. The ballot is now open through August 13, 2023, and every PAS member's vote counts!  The ballot is available under your SAA user profile or via this link.  Elizabeth K. Batiuk
Jul 19, 2023   Performing Arts Section
We hope to see you at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the College & University Archives Section!  You must be registered to attend.  Please follow this link to get registered.  We hope to see you there!
The Diverse Sexuality and Gender Section co-chairs are proposing changes to the standing rules of this section. General changes throughout the Standing Rules: Inclusive pronoun usage modify LGBTQIA to LGBTQIA+ Changes regarding Article 4. Governance include: Defining the Social Media / Web Liaison(s) position and responsibilities Establishing a Program Coordinator position Establishing an option for past-chairs to join the Steering Committee and serve a term of two years ...
Version 1.3 of the SAA Research and Innovation Roadmap -- an active and evolving document, developed by the SAA Committee on Research, Data and Assessment, and asserts the critical research needs and gaps that have been identified by members across the profession. The roadmap reflects an analysis of current and emerging research, assessment, and data needs, to frame and inform work the profession might undertake in the years to come. Roadmap 1.3 FEEDBACK WELCOME! Please share your feedback on...