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SAA launched the Research Forum in 2007 to provide an opportunity to discuss and share information about research initiatives with relevance for archives and records management. Researchers, practitioners, educators, students, and the curious across all sectors of archives and records management are welcome to participate.
Relevant research has implications for good archival practice and occurs across a spectrum of activities—from “pure” research to applied research to innovative practice. If you’re engaged in research, seeking to identify research-based solutions for your institution, willing to participate in the research cycle by serving as a beta site for research trials, or simply interested in what’s happening in research and innovation—then the SAA Research Forum is for you!
The 2025 Research Forum will be conducted as two Zoom-based virtual sessions, each four hours long on:
July 23, 12:00-4:00 pm CT RSVP here
July 30, 12:00-4:00 pm CT RSVP here
To date, the Research Forum has consisted of:
If you have suggestions for future SAA Research Forum events, please contact us at ResearchForum@archivists.org.
Thank you for your encouragement and we look forward to seeing you at the next SAA Research Forum.
Sarah Pratt Martin and Chris Marino
SAA Research Forum Co-chairs
See Julie McLeod’s interview with the Research Forum organizers and participants, part of the Records Management Today Podcast Series.