Design Records Section


The Design Records Section (DRS) of the Society of American Archivists supports the preservation of architectural, engineering, landscaping, and construction records and brings together care-givers to discuss the storage, conservation, arrangement, and description problems inherent in specialized records. Our mission is to provide a forum for members to discuss issues related to access and management of architectural records and related fields. This site serves to fulfill this mission by providing a clearinghouse of information on architectural records in the spirit of the Cooperative Preservation of Architectural Records (COPAR).

Becoming a member of the section is as simple as logging in to the Society of American Archivists web site (you needn't be a member to create a logon account) and contacting the Design Records Section co-chairs. Section members meet once a year during the annual Society of American Archivists conference, and communicate throughout the year via the Design Records Section listserv.

News & Announcements