Recent posts from groups

Please do not forget to register for our 2023 annual meeting on July 11, 2023, 12:00-1:30 pm ET/11:00 am-12:30 pm CT/9:00-10:30 am PT. Registration is under SAA Connect/Events. In addition to summarizing the activities and achievements of this year, two international archives will offer presentations at our meeting. Alison Surtees will present the work of the Manchester Digital Music Archive in the UK and Boróka Lipka will talk about the recently developed archives of Trafó House of...
Jul 4, 2023   Performing Arts Section
Newest version of the VMS Bibliography is here, thanks to the hard work of Angela Schwartz!  
Jul 3, 2023   Visual Materials Section
Dear colleagues, We will be holding the 2023 Local Government Records Section election soon!  Thank you so much to our excellent candidate for standing in the election. Please take some time to review their candidate statement so you can get to know them. You will be voting for: One Vice Chair/Chair-Elect (or Co-chair), for a two-year term Vice Chair/Chair-Elect   Sophia McGuireRecords Management AnalystCity of Gahanna, Ohio   Candidate Bio: Sophia has been in the records & archives field...
Greetings LAS Members: Election ballots are now open! We hope that you will take a moment to vote and assist the section with future transitions. As a section, we are voting for new Steering Committee members for the following positions: Vice-Chair/ Chair-Elect, Newsletter Editor, and Regional Representative. To learn more about the candidates for each of these positions, please visit the following page:
Jun 28, 2023   Solo Archivists Section
The Web Archiving Section hosted a joint meeting with the Preservation and International Archival Affairs sections on June 20th, 2023.  The meeting featured speakers from Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCHO). When Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, Ukraine's online cultural heritage was at risk. Three library professionals from around the world joined together to create SUCHO, and have been working to create a digital backup of Ukrainian cultural heritage websites from museums,...
Jun 28, 2023   Web Archiving Section
Thank you to all of our excellent candidates for standing in the 2023 Native American Archives Section election. Please take some time to review their candidate statements and get to know them so you can make an informed choice. You will be voting for: One Vice Chair/Chair-Elect, for a two-year term; and Four Steering Committee members (two-year terms).  Ballots will be managed by SAA staff through Survey Monkey; keep an eye on your inbox for when the ballot opens!  Vice Chair/Chair-Elect...
Please vote in the 2023 election for the SAA ARCS Steering Committee. The ballot is now available at this link: The "View Ballot" link will direct users to the usual SurveyMonkey election ballot. Users must be logged in to access the page. Once they submit one ballot, users will be redirected back to the main page to complete their next ballot. The election closes on July 17, 2023.
This year we have multiple open spots on our section's leadership team: Vice-Chair (1) Steering committee members (up to 2)  We have a slate of great candidates. One is nominated for vice-chair and two for the steering committee. Please learn more about the positions and candidates below, then cast your vote!   List of Positions Vice-Chair/Chair Elect (2-year commitment, 1 year as Vice-Chair and 1 year as Chair): Serves as Vice-Chair from the conclusion of the 2023 annual meeting through the...
Jun 23, 2023   Archival Educators Section
VICE CHAIR/CHAIR-ELECT (Select 1) Danielle SangalangArchivist and Records Manager, Massachusetts College of Art and Design Biography: Danielle Sangalang is the Archivist and Records Manager at Massachusetts College of Art and Design. She holds a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science and History from Simmons University. Danielle is an active member of the Digital Commonwealth Board of Directors and Past President (July 2019-June 2020).  In 2020, she had the opportunity to help guide...
Please join the Technical Subcommittee on Describing Archives: A Content Standard (TS-DACS) for our annual business meeting on Monday, June 26, 2023 from 12-1:30 PM (EST). This meeting will be held via Webex. Please remember to register for the event through the SAA Connect event site.   There are no costs to attend the session and it is open to all; SAA membership is not required.    The annual meeting will include updates from TS-DACS on a variety of work, including TS-DACS educational videos...
2023 Recording Available here.  Please join the PLASC Steering Committee for the Society of American Archivists' Public Library Archives and Special Collections annual section meeting! To gain access to the meeting, make sure that you register. You can register for the section meeting at DESCRIPTION The Public Library Archives and Special Collection (PLASC) will be meeting on June 29, 2023 from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM (CST) [4:00 PM to 5:30 PM EST]. The meeting will begin with...
Dear Colleagues,  The Society of American Archivists has established the Archival Repatriation Committee in 2022. Our charge is to:    [E]nsure that the organization's services, activities, policies, communications, and products support the goal of supporting archivists in repatriating and receiving archival materials. It coordinates with various SAA entities, external organizations, and originating communities and monitors, evaluates, advocates for, and reports on matters relating to the...
Thank you to all of our excellent candidates for standing in the 2023 STHC Section election. Please take some time to review their candidate statements and get to know them so you can make an informed choice. You will be voting for: One Junior Co-Chair (two-year term) Two At-Large Steering Committee Members (three-year terms) Ballots will be managed by SAA staff, so please keep an eye on your inbox for when the ballot opens! Junior Co-Chair Candidate Stephen A. Logsdon Head of Archives...
Registration is now open for the joint annual meeting of the Society of American Archivists Encoded Archival Standards (EAS) Section and the Technical Subcommittee on Encoded Archival Standards (TS-EAS). The meeting will be held via Webex on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM (CT). Please visit the event listing on SAA’s website to register. There are no costs to attend the session and it is open to all; SAA membership is not required. While you do not need to register for the...
Please join the Science, Technology and Health Care section for our annual meeting to be held virtually on Tuesday, June 27, 2023 from 11AM-12:30PM (Central) / 12-1:30PM (Eastern). Following a brief business meeting and update from SAA Council Liaison Derek Mosely, the meeting program will feature four lightning talk presentations and a discussion on strategies for demonstrating impact in the archives. The meeting is free and open to all who would like to attend but advance registration is...
SAA OHS Steering Committee Nominations: Meet the Candidates 2023 It is that time of the year again, SAA election season! Thank you to all of our excellent candidates for standing in the 2023 Oral History Section election. Please take some time to review their candidate statements and get to know them so you can make an informed choice.   This year our membership will be voting for: One Vice Chair/Chair-Elect; for a three year term; Two Steering Committee members; for two year terms. Ballots...
Jun 7, 2023   Oral History Section
The Reference, Access, & Outreach section of the Society of American Archivists seeks nominees for election to the following roles:  Steering Committee Member-at-Large (2) 2 year commitment Vice-chair/Chair-elect 3 year commitment All roles begin at the conclusion of the 2023 Annual Meeting. Nominations can be made via our 2023 Nominations Form by the end of the business day on June 16, 2023. For more information and details on roles and responsibilities you can review the...
Registration is now open for the joint annual meeting of the Society of American Archivists Encoded Archival Standards (EAS) Section and the Technical Subcommittee on Encoded Archival Standards (TS-EAS). The meeting will be held via Webex on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM (CT). Please visit the event listing on SAA’s website to register. There are no costs to attend the session and it is open to all; SAA membership is not required. While you do not need to register for the...
Thank you to all of our excellent candidates for standing in the 2023 Accessioning, Acquisitions, & Appraisal Section election. Please take some time to review their candidate statements and get to know them so you can make an informed choice. You will be voting for: One Vice Chair/Chair-Elect for a three-year term; and [2] Steering Committee members (two-year terms).  Ballots will be managed by SAA staff through Survey Monkey; keep an eye on your inbox for when the ballot opens!  Vice...
Thank you to all of our excellent candidates for standing in the 2023 Archivists of Religious Collections Section election. Please take some time to review their candidate statements and get to know them so you can make an informed choice. You will be voting for: One Vice Chair/Chair-Elect (or Co-chair), for a two-year term Two Steering Committee members (three-year terms) Ballots will be managed by SAA staff through Survey Monkey; keep an eye on your inbox for when the ballot opens!...
Oral History Section Virtual Meeting  Wednesday, June 28, 2023  12 - 1:30 EDT / 9 - 10:30 PDT / 11 - 12:30 CDT CALL FOR PROPOSALS  In the spirit of creating connections, let's get to know each other through our oral history projects. We invite you to submit a proposal for a 10-15 minute presentation on oral history projects you have worked on over the past year. What topics are your oral history projects centered on and why? What projects have been the most meaningful for you? What new...
Jun 5, 2023   Oral History Section
Nominees for Vice-Chair Hope Dunbar, University Archivist, State University of New York at Buffalo I would like to nominate myself for the position of Vice-Chair/Chair Elect for the SAA Web Archiving Section. I am currently the University Archivist at State University of New York at Buffalo. My role requires me to balance multiple priorities including departmental outreach, advocacy, acquisition, processing, and exhibits. A large part of moving into this role has been balancing physical and...
Jun 2, 2023   Web Archiving Section
The following candidate is running for the Co-chair position:  Vakil Smallen International Brotherhood of Teamsters Labor History Archivist, George Washington University Since 2019, Vakil Smallen has been the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Labor History Archivist at the George Washington University, where he works closely with the Teamsters to preserveand ensure access to the records of their history and the history of American labor more broadly. Prior to taking this position, he was...
Jun 1, 2023   Labor Archives Section
2023 Election: Candidate StatementsThank you to all of our excellent candidates for standing in the 2023 Preservation Section election. Please take some time to review their candidate statements and get to know them so you can make an informed choice.  You will be voting for:One Vice Chair/Chair-Elect (1 year term as Vice-Chair; following two years as Chair and Past-Chair) One Member-At-Large (Two-year term)Ballots will be managed by SAA staff. Ballots opened Monday, June 26, and...
Jun 1, 2023   Preservation Section
You will be voting for: One Vice Chair/Chair-elect, for a two-year term Two Steering Committee members, each for a three-year term Ballots will be managed by SAA staff through Survey Monkey; please keep an eye on your inbox for when the ballot opens! Vice Chair/Chair-Elect (select one) Name: Deborah Smith Professional title, institution, or affiliation: Executive Director, Jones Memorial Library Biographical Information:  Deborah Smith is Executive Director of the Jones Memorial Library in...
Jun 1, 2023   Women Archivists Section