Submit an Article

Archival Outlook, SAA’s award-winning magazine, is one of the leading outlets for new voices. Most of the articles are written by members—why not you! Open access and published six times per year, articles may focus on archival best practices, how archives are used by the public, and archivists on the job, as well as how-to pieces on timely and relevant topics. Articles also update members on SAA business and the work of its many component groups and report on regional, national, and international news of relevance to the North American archival profession.

Contact Julia PIllard, SAA's Marketing and Communications Specialist, with your queries and ideas. Please use "Archival Outlook Query" in your subject heading. 

Submission Details

  • Articles are 700 words (one page in layout) to 1,200 words (double-page spread) in length. They should include some kernel of information that will enlighten the reader professionally.
  • Photos are welcome! Submit 3 to 5 high-resolution images (300 dpi or higher) for which you can grant permission to publish. Photos are also considered for the cover.  
  • Email your submission as a Word doc with relevant images (jpg or tiff) attached separately. 
  • If accepted, articles will be copyedited according to the Chicago Manual of Style. Authors will have a chance to approve final page proofs. 

Submissions are accepted on an ongoing basis. Deadlines are December 1, February 1, April 1, June 1, August, 1, and October 1. 

Submit to Kudos

If you're an SAA member with an exciting announcement, such as a new job, retirement, or professional accomplishment, we want to celebrate you! Please email a brief description of the news and your bio (4-7 sentences) with a high-resolution photo to Julia Pillard for consideration in the Kudos section of the next issue of Archival Outlook