Recent posts from groups

The Accessibility and Disability Section (ADS) Steering Committee is seeking nominations by Monday, May 27th for the following five (5) vacancies: Vice Chair/Chair-Elect: one (1) vacancy; one year as Vice Chair and one year as Chair. Steering Committee member: three (3) vacancies; two-year term. Student/early-career Steering Committee member: one (1) vacancy; one-year term. The Steering Committee meets for up to 45-minutes once a month from September through May (nine meetings) and holds an...
Help shape the future of the Society of American Archivists' Students and New Professionals Section (SNAP)!  The SAA-SNAP Section provides educational outreach that furthers professional development, dialogue, and engagement. We host educational and networking webinars, and other events; oversee the development and dialogue on our SNAP blog; help raise awareness of SAA’s vast professional resources (career development webinars, resume reviews, mentoring, job and internship boards, etc.); and...
You can make an impact by joining SAA's Accessioning, Acquisitions, and Appraisal (AA&A) Section by nominating yourself or recommending others for a leadership position on the AA&A Section Steering Committee. We are seeking individuals for the following three positions: (1) Vice Chair/Chair Elect (3-year commitment as Vice Chair, Chair, and Immediate Past Chair) (2) At-Large Members (2-year commitment) Steering committee members spend an average of a few hours per month working on...
The recording for our second "UnBOXED: Small Digitization Projects" event, held on April 26, is now available!  Please click here to view. In the Part 2 recording, you will hear from the following panelists: Akio Lis, American Numismatic Association Library (Colorado) The American Numismatic Association Library has been working to catalog their archives and digitize and publish portions of the archive collection online. At this time, they have fully digitized five collections, both with staff...
Apr 30, 2024   Solo Archivists Section
  Please join the Visual Materials steering committee for an informal gathering on Wednesday, May 8th at 1pm ET / 10am PT. Come learn about what we’ve been up to, ask us questions about the section, and hear what we’ve got planned in the near future!   This is also a great opportunity to meet us if you are considering running for office – the call for candidates is coming soon!   Register here:    
Apr 29, 2024   Visual Materials Section
The steering committee would like to express our heartfelt thank you to all of you who voted in this year's special election, and in particular to our candidates!  After a particularly close race, our new Member-at-Large and Education Chair is Jesse Keel.  Jesse Keel is an associate preservation specialist at the Northeast Document Conservation Center in Andover, MA. She provides preservation consultations, training programs, assessments, and disaster advice to a variety of cultural heritage...
Apr 23, 2024   Preservation Section
The Technical Subcommittee on Encoded Archival Standards (TS-EAS) is pleased to release Encoded Archival Description (EAD) 4.0, a draft updated version of the standard for public review and comment. To ensure the greatest possible input from EAD users around the world, the subcommittee is calling for comments on the proposed changes to the current version, EAD3 (deprecated), schema and tag library, and the previous version, EAD 2002, DTD, schema, and tag library. The deadline for comments on...
Please join us on May 1, 2024 at 4:00PM EDT for the next in our series of discussions with colleagues in the field. At this meeting we are fortunate to be joined by archivists from the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C.     Meet and Greet #4 About the Kennedy Center Archives   The Kennedy Center Archives was established in 2019 to preserve and promote access to the history of the nation's cultural arts center, which opened in 1971 as a living memorial to...
Apr 17, 2024   Performing Arts Section
Please join the SAA User Experience Section for its inaugural section meeting! UX Section Steering Committee members will discuss the section's creation and its initial goals, followed by an open discussion among Section members and other attendees about how we'll collectively build a user experience-focused community of practice through the Section. A fuller agenda will be posted closer to the meeting date.
Apr 26, 2023   User Experience Section
Thank you to all of our excellent candidates for standing in the 2021 Human Rights Archives Section election. Please take some time to review their candidate statements and get to know them so you can make an informed choice. You will be voting for two Steering Committee members (three-year terms). Ballots will be managed by SAA staff through Survey Monkey; keep an eye on your inbox for when the ballot opens!  The following candidates are running for the section steering committee: Katherine...
The Technical Subcommittee on Encoded Archival Standards is pleased to release Encoded Archival Context - Corporate bodies, Persons, Families (EAC-CPF) 2.0, a draft updated version of the standard for public review and comment. To ensure the greatest possible input from EAC-CPF users around the world, the subcommittee is calling for comments on the proposed changes to the current version, EAC-CPF 2010. The deadline for comments on the change proposals is June 30, 2021. For details on the new...
  The Technical Subcommittee on Encoded Archival Standards (TS-EAS) is pleased to announce the publication of the first post in a collaborative series on the current EAD revision process. In "Shape the Future of EAD: A Call to Action – Part I," published in the Description Section's online newsletter, we provide updates about the ongoing revision of Encoded Archival Description (EAD) and examine why the EAD standard needs revision and provide an insight into the revision process. The second...
Vote in the Preservation Section Special Election! Ballots are now open until Friday, March 29.  Ballot Page:   The “View Ballot” link will direct users to the usual SurveyMonkey election ballot. Users must be logged in to access the page. Thank you to both of our excellent candidates for standing in the 2024 Preservation Section special election. Please take some time to review their candidate statements and get to know them so you can make an informed...
Mar 18, 2024   Preservation Section
A new issue of SOLO, the newsletter of the Solo Archivists Section, is now available. This spring issue includes lovely highlights from a few of our fellow solo arrangers, updates on exciting events in our section's near future, and one solo arranger's experience with a creative method of crafting finding aids. If you are interested in submitting to SOLO, you can send submissions for highlights through this Google Form, and send any updates and/or articles to
Mar 13, 2024   Solo Archivists Section
We invite you to participate as a guest author in our section’s blog series on the memory lab experience from the perspective of those operating a “lab” and maintaining a DIY digitization program for the public. We want to hear your memory lab experiences for the benefit of public libraries considering starting their own digitization program or looking to enhance their current program. Guidelines 1.     Who: blog post can be written by an individual or team facilitating a public library...
ARCS is holding a special election for the vacant position of Secretary of the SAA ARCS Steering Committee. You will be voting for one Secretary, for a two-year term. One candidate has been nominated for the position. Shoshana Traum | Biography and Candidate Statement: "I'd like to offer to serve as secretary of the steering committee for the Archivists of Religious Collections Section, if I am eligible. I am a recent graduate of Simmons University's School of Library and Information Science,...
Please join the Solo Archivists Section for two panel events on small digitization projects! There will be time for Q&A so please bring your questions. UnBOXED: Small Digitization Projects 1 Thursday, March 28, 2024 2pm Eastern / 1pm Central / 12pm Mountain / 11am Pacific / 10am Alaska / 8am Hawaiʻi Register: Panelists: Katherine Banks, Milligan University (Tennessee) For almost ten years, the archivist...
Mar 7, 2024   Solo Archivists Section
2024 Special Election: Candidate Statement    Many thanks to all of our excellent candidates for putting themselves forward in this election cycle. Please read and consider their statements carefully before submitting your votes. The positions up for election this cycle are: Vice Chair / Chair Elect for a 2-year term (1 position) SAA will be sending the ballots out to all members, so watch your inbox and vote! Vice Chair/Chair-Elect Candidate The following candidate is running for the Vice...
Research and Innovation Roadmap Update 1.4, adopted by SAA Council & Updated July 2023.
2024 Special Election: Candidate Statements Thank you to all of our excellent candidates for standing in the 2024 Preservation Section special election. Please take some time to review their candidate statements and get to know them so you can make an informed choice.    You will be voting for: One Member-At-Large (Two-year term) Ballots will be managed by SAA staff. Once the ballots have been prepared they will be foung here.   Steering Committee Member Candidates   The following candidates...
Feb 23, 2024   Preservation Section
The Reference, Access, and Outreach Section (RAO) of the Society of American Archivists is seeking two new co-chairs to lead the Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) Subcommittee. The TPS Subcommittee advocates for the active and interactive use of primary sources in teaching and learning as a core component of archival work. The co-chairs work together with the RAO Steering Committee to plan and develop different programming opportunities throughout the year, such as the Article Discussion Club...
Announcing the Raymond W. Smock Fellowship to support attendance at the annual meeting of the Association of Centers for the Study of Congress. The meeting is May 15-17, at the National Archives Research Center in Washington D.C. The 2024 meeting host is the Center for Legislative Archives.   The Smock Fellowship of $1000 is open to those who work at an ACSC member institution and have not previously attended an annual meeting. If you know someone who fits these criteria, please forward this to...
If you missed the SAS "UnBOXed" event on February 9 about the new SAS Buddy Program, or just prefer to hear the program summarized verbally rather than read about it, check out the recording here! If the event has inspired you to look into joining the Buddy List program for 2023-2024, visit the sign-up form.  Other details can be found on the microsite. Any questions about the program?  Or ideas for future UnBOXed events?  Send those to your SAS steering committee at soloarchivists.saa@gmail....
Feb 12, 2024   Solo Archivists Section
The 2023 Winter Newsletter includes: A letter from the MAS Chair, Tara Laver News from the MAS section about the upcoming elections in Spring 2024 A report on the 90th anniversary celebrations at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art by Tara Laver A report on preserving the film, The American Vision (1995) by Kelly Burton Meet Your Fellow Archivist: Kelly Schulz
Feb 2, 2024   Museum Archives Section