Diverse Sexuality and Gender Section

Pink triangleThe Diverse Sexuality and Gender Section (DSGS) was founded in 1989 by members of the Society of American Archivists who were concerned about LGBTQIA+ history and the role of members of this community in the archival profession. The group, which welcomes non-members of the Society and people of all sexual orientations, promotes the preservation and research use of records documenting LGBTQIA2S+ history and serves as a liaison between LGBTQIA2S+ archives, archivists, and the Society of American Archivists.

Dignity/Integrity's memorial quilt on the Lawn in D.C. October 1996. From the Papers of Carl Archacki at Virginia Commonwealth University, James Branch Cabell Library Special Collections and Archives.We are committed to bringing information about LGBTQIA2S+ archives to the public through projects such as the Lavender Legacies Guide (no longer updated), a listing of repositories in the United States and Canada with collections relating to the LGBTQIA+ community, and to helping small community-based archives with information about archival practices.

News & Announcements

Candidate statements for the 2024-2026 Diverse Sexuality and Gender Section leadership positions
2023 DSGS Annual Meeting (Wednesday July 12, 2023, 12pm – 1:30pm EST / 9am-10:30am PST) The meeting is open and free for anyone to attend, but registration is required on the event page.
The Diverse Sexuality and Gender Section co-chairs are proposing changes to the standing rules of this section, including changes to the Governance and Business sections.
Please take some time to review the candidate statement(s) for the DSGS 2021-2023 Co-Chair before submitting your vote once the ballots open.
The Diverse Sexuality and Gender Section meeting will begin with the annual business meeting and introduction of the new co-chair. The remaining time will be devoted to a panel presentation focused on archival successes documenting queer communities of color.
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