2024 Archival History Section annual business meeting

Please join us for the Archival History Section (AHS) annual business meeting on Tuesday, July 30 at 12 PM EST, 11 AM CT. During the meeting we will cover old business, announce the winner of the AHS annual archival history award as well as the election of the new board, and a presentation by Fallon Carey of the National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition (NABS). Below is a biography and summary of her presentation.

Bio: Fallon Carey joined the team at NABS in fall of 2022. She is a citizen of the Cherokee Nation and Gates Millennium Scholarship Alumni. She is passionate about advocating for tribal sovereignty in archival collections and has worked to facilitate relationships between tribal and nontribal institutions. Since graduating from the University of Wisconsin- Madison with a master’s in library science in 2020, she has worked at the University of Utah cataloging oral histories from individuals from 90 different Tribal Nations for the Native American Oral History project funded by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation. Her past projects include a position as a contributor to the Hennepin County Library Native Advisory Council and the Minnesota Department of Education’s Indigenous Representations Project.  Before moving to Minneapolis, she lived on the Cherokee Nation reservation and got her BFA in Ceramics with a minor in Art History from the University of Tulsa. Fallon is a descendant of a boarding school survivor who attended Chilocco Indian Training School.

Presentation summary: Fallon will discuss her work with The National Native American Boarding School Digital Archive (NIBSDA). In 2024, NABS launched NIBSDA which aims to make records available from over 523 boarding school institutions whose goal was to assimilate Indigenous children into settler-American ways of living. It is our hope that with the documentation of these records, we will usher in a movement that amplifies the voices and experiences of these children to promote healing for communities affected by the U.S. Indian Boarding School Policy.

The AHS annual business meeting is open to all, and you can register here: https://connect.archivists.org/events/event-description?CalendarEventKey=17dc3937-2f20-45c8-bf70-018f35da3c39&Home=%2fevents%2fcalendar

Hope to see you there,

Dane, Chair, Archival History Section steering committee