Guest blogger Daniela Major discusses collaboration and fostering connecting in this week's post, "It Takes a Village to Raise and Archive: How the Use of Web Sources Fosters Collaboration."
Daniela Major is an Early Stage Researcher in Digital Humanities at the School of Advanced Study, where she is working on a PhD project on the Media coverage of the European Union. Previously, she studied history and worked as a researcher at, the Portuguese Web Archive. She is very interested...
A recap of our facinating December Coffee Chat with Dr. Ian Milligan is now live on our blog. Read more about Dr. Milligan's efforts to make web archives easier for historians and researchers to use.
The Technical Subcommittee on Encoded Archival Standards (TS-EAS), in collaboration with the Encoded Archival Standards Section Steering Committee, is excited to share the recordings of two webinars held in November 2022 that introduce the new version of the EAC-CPF standard.
Encoded Archival Context - Corporate bodies, Persons, and Families (EAC-CPF) is an international standard maintained by SAA for encoding contextual information about persons, corporate bodies, and families related to...
Join the Museum Archives Section at our winter series of pop-up presentations. Please RSVP for each individual event using the links below:
Monday, January 23, 2023, 1pm-1:30pm CT: Collective Relevance: Curating Black Art & History Through Independent Praxis kYmberly Keeton, ART | library deco
Introduction to ART | library deco + Art as Practice Documentation through the Lens of BGLAM: Black Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums
RSVP for the January pop-up here: https://us06web....
The Technical Subcommittee on Encoded Archival Standards (TS-EAS) is happy to share the recordings of two webinars held in March 2022 in the context of the ongoing major revision of EAD (Encoded Archival Description). Furthermore, the EAD team of TS-EAS has finalized a minor revision of the EAD3 Tag Library, which the Standards Committee approved before the summer break.
Minor revision of the EAD3 Tag Library
While the major revision is taking up speed, TS-EAS would like to announce the...
The 2022-2023 Steering Committee met for the first time in October to discuss our goals for the upcoming year, and we are looking forward to continuing with our Coffee Chats and publishing some great content in the form of blog and Twitter posts. We would also love for people in our section to get involved and share their ideas, so we invite you to participate by submitting news, announcements, and topics of interest. We also welcome guest contributors to the blog, so please feel free to...
The Accessibility & Disability Section has launched a refreshed and revamped website with resources, information about the section, and the ADS blog. Find the new ADS site at
Thank you to all who considered standing as a candidate for standing in the special 2022-2023 Military Archives Section election for the 2022-2023 cycle. Due to a rules matter for section officials, the Military Archives Section is holding a special election for the 2022-2023 cycle for one candidate for the position of Secretary. This position will serve for two years from 2022-2024. We previously had former MARS secretary Amy Mondt filling in as Secretary until we resolved a matter...
Thank you to all who considered standing as a candidate for standing in the special 2022-2023 Military Archives Section election for the 2022-2023 cycle. Due to a rules matter for section officials, the Military Archives Section is holding a special election for the 2022-2023 cycle for one candidate for the position of Secretary. This position will serve for two years from 2022-2024. We previously had former MARS secretary Amy Mondt filling in as Secretary until we resolved a matter...
In this new guest blog post, you can read about the purpose, tools, and goals of the Portuguese web archive!
A reminder that the Society of American Archivists' (SAA) Technical Subcommittee on Encoded Archival Standards (TS-EAS), in collaboration with the Encoded Archival Standards Section Steering Committee, will be hosting a webinar in November 2022 to introduce the new version of the EAC-CPF standard.
Encoded Archival Context - Corporate bodies, Persons, and Families (EAC-CPF) is an international standard maintained by SAA for encoding contextual information about persons, corporate bodies, and...
We need your help to make SAA’s Lone Arrangers Section the best it can be for its members. LAS leadership is working to better know its members, the landscape of our profession as solo archivists, and what you want out of this section. After electing the members of the steering committee to specific roles, we have been working to revitalize the SOLO newsletter, web resources, the regional representatives program, and the events program. But we need your input. Broken down into six sections (...
The Museum Archives Section is hosting a series of pop-up presentations starting this fall 2022. Please join us on one or both dates to learn more about what colleagues are working on in museum archive settings. RSVP for each individual event using the links below.
Wednesday, November 16, 2022, 1pm-2pm CTStarted From The Middle, Now We're Here: Making A Game Plan For Metadata Justice At The Dickinson Research Center Lulu Zilinskas, Kera Newby, Samantha SchaferNational Cowboy & Western...
Happy Archives Month!
We miss you! Join us for updates from your Lone Arrangers Section committee and an informal conversation between members. Bring your questions and let's discuss!
UnBOXed: LAS Community Exchange
Thursday, October 27
2pm Eastern / 1pm Central / 11am Pacific
RSVP for meeting!
This is a free event open to all. RSVP required for Zoom security.
Dear members of the Encoded Archival Standards community:
TS EAS is seeking to fill three international and four SAA based vacancies in TS EAS during the fall of 2022. We seek new members through open calls and will evaluate all applications. There might be an on-line call performed after we have gone through the applications.
TS EAS meets four times a year (committee members must attend at least two of these) and also has smaller teams working with specific tasks like the maintenance of the...
The Society of American Archivists' (SAA) Technical Subcommittee on Encoded Archival Standards (TS-EAS), in collaboration with the Encoded Archival Standards Section Steering Committee, will be hosting a webinar in November 2022 to introduce the new version of the EAC-CPF standard.
Encoded Archival Context - Corporate bodies, Persons, and Families (EAC-CPF) is an international standard maintained by SAA for encoding contextual information about persons, corporate bodies, and families related to...
The annual meeting of the Society of American Archivists’ Archival History Section continued the trend from the last two years, being held virtually on August 8, 2022. In addition to our business meeting and reports of work during 2021-2022, the meeting featured two speakers from the Boston area, thus acknowledging that the overall annual meeting would soon take place in this city. These speakers were by Petrina Jackson, Lia Gelin Poorvu Executive Director of the Schlesinger Library, Harvard...
The Web Archiving Section's ballot is now open until Sept. 23. Please vote for this year's nominees! Ballot Page:
Thank you to all who considered standing as a candidate for standing in the 2022 Military Archives Section election for the 2022-2023 cycle. We are providing the candidate's statement through our SAA MARS microsite page here, for you to review prior to any voting. Please take some time to review the candidate(s) statements and get to know them so you can make an informed choice.
You will be voting for:
One Vice Chair/Chair-Elect for a two-year term
The new chair of the MARS Section is...
The Fall 2022 issue of SOLO, the newsletter of the Lone Arrangers Section of the Society of American Archivists, is now available. This issue includes highlights and updates from LAS members as well as four articles on digitizing a large audiovisual collection, rethinking digitization standards, preserving World War II–era correspondence, and organizing records for a columbarium.
Read all past issues of SOLO on our Newsletter page.
Have an experience or idea you would like to share with your...
Thank you to everyone who was able to join us at the SAA 2022 Annual Meeting for the conversation lounge. Here are the slides -- which include links to the google form for your feedback on the beta version of the Research and Innovation Roadmap.
The SAA Committee on Ethics and Professional Conduct (CEPC) seeks case studies engaging with the principles set forth in the current SAA Core Values and Code of Ethics, which was recently revised by the CEPC and approved by the SAA Council in August 2020. The goal is to develop a series of writings that address archival ethics in actionable, approachable language so that the resulting case studies can be used both as pedagogical tools and as practical resources in the workplace.
Nominees for Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect
Corinne Chatnik
I recently began my position as Digital Collections and Preservation Librarian at Union College in Schenectady, NY and was previously a professional archivist specializing in digital archiving for five years at the New York State Archives. I have always pushed to embrace the age of technology and the new formats that will shape the archival record going forward. Websites are so integral to documenting daily life, technological advancements and...
Here’s our slate of candidates and their information:
Vice Chair / Chair Elect:
(Select One)
William Coates I work as a freelance archivist in Los Angeles and around the country, specializing in the collections of writers, artists, musicians, and filmmakers. I am completing 2 years service as an at-large member of the Independent Archivists Section steering committee.
Candidate Statement:
Throughout my term in the Chair positions, I would like to make the...
Congratulations and welcome to our newly-elected Steering Committee Members!
Vice Chair/ Chair Elect: Julie Yamashita
Events Coordinator: Rebecca Leung
Regional Rep: Hilary Swett
Web Liaison: Shaun Kirkpatrick