Directory of Archival Consultants

Are you looking for an archives consultant?

This easy-to-use Directory of Archival Consultants contains information about experts across the country who provide professional consulting services on various aspects of archives and archiving. All listings in this directory are paid listings. Information provided by consultants is not independently checked or verified.

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  • Areas of expertise include primary terms (listed in the right-hand margin) as well as secondary specialty terms
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Expertise: Access and classification reviews; ArchivesSpace; Historical research; Content Management Applications; Archival appraisal; Digital Preservation Applications; Preservica; Archival program evaluation; Archival standards; Arrangement and description; Budgeting and financial planning; Cataloging; Inventories; Creative media; Digitization / digital program development; Disaster preparedness; Electronic records management; Selecting and Implementing Collections Management Systems; Exhibit planning and implementation; Facilities planning and development; Finding aids; Genealogical Research; Government relations; Management and administration; Outreach and public programs; Policy development; Preservation; Records survey planning and implementation; Staffing and implementation; Strategic planning; Transcription
Contact Name: Alexandra M. Hilton, MLIS
New York, NY
Expertise: Archival program evaluation; Archival standards; Disaster preparedness; Exhibit planning and implementation; Outreach and public programs; Preservation; Strategic planning; Other
Contact Name: Lynsey Crantz-Allie
Blue Ridge, VA

“Inspiring families, businesses, and organizations to preserve and share their history.”

Archive Your Past is all about family history and historical documents.  Organize, digitize and preserve your historical documents or family history collection with Archive Your Past. 

For historical societies and libraries with archival collections, Archive Your Past will preserve, process, and describe your collection as an...

Expertise: Archival standards; Arrangement and description; Finding aids; Preservation
Contact Name: Anni Parsons
Milwaukee, WI

Kilberg Archival Services strives to help individuals and organizations preserve historical records and artifacts. We offer a range of services in archives management, preventive conservation, and mountmaking.

Allison Kilberg has more than 15 years of experience in galleries, archives, and museums. She has worked for distinguished organizations including the Art Institute of Chicago, the Smithsonian Libraries, and the Illinois History and Lincoln Collections at the University of Illinois. She earned her Master's Degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, specializing in archives and special collections. Allison has worked with a...

Expertise: Archival appraisal; Archival program evaluation; Arrangement and description; Cataloging; Digitization / digital program development; Exhibit planning and implementation; Finding aids; Genealogical Research; Management and administration; Outreach and public programs; Preservation; Reference services; Staffing and implementation; Transcription
Contact Name: Allison Kilberg
Louisville, KY

Liz Phillips Consulting, LLC works with organizations and individuals looking to organize and preserve historic materials. We offer archives and collections management services for physical and digital collections as well as strategic services in policy development and project planning.

Expertise: ArchivesSpace; Collection Guides; Digital Archiving; Encoded Archival Description (EAD); Metadata Improvement; Archival appraisal; Archival standards; Descriptive metadata; Arrangement and description; Finding aids; Policy development; Preservation; Records survey planning and implementation; Software applications; Strategic planning
Contact Name: Liz Phillips
Davis, CA

Work with our Trusted Subject Matter Experts

Our internationally-recognized consulting team is a trusted partner in information gathering, recommending best practices, and providing guidance for decision making. To date, our services have helped over 500 clients and procured an estimated one million dollars in grant funding for cultural heritage institutions.

Areas of Expertise 

  • Digitization & Metadata
  • Disaster Planning & Response
  • Environmental Assessment & Preservation
  • Project Management
  • Space Planning
  • and more!

Cost Effective Solutions...

Expertise: Needs Assessments; Archival and Library Security; Audiovisual preservation and digitization; Community Programs; Archival standards; Digital Preservation; Digitization / digital program development; Project Management; Disaster preparedness; Site assessments; Facilities planning and development; Storage and housing; Policy development; Preservation; Records management; Records survey planning and implementation; Strategic planning
Contact Name: Katy Klettlinger
Serving the US and abroad

For us it's not work, we truly love what we do. With over 35 years of audiovisual production and media conversion experience, Media Transfer Service provides high-level digitization of audio, video, motion picture film and still image formats for archives and private collections both in North America and clients off-shore. We provide full-service audiovisual media digitization as well as enhancement, treatment and recovery of contaminated or damaged audiovisual media formats, tape baking services for both audiotape and videotape formats and audio/video transcription services. We also have the background and experience...

Expertise: Audio Preservation Services, Training, and Resources; Digital Archiving; Audiotape; Audiovisual preservation and digitization; Videotape; Digitization; Digitization / digital program development; Preservation
Contact Name: John Schroth
East Rochester, NY


Monocurate LLC is a brick-and-mortar specialized archival consulting firm located in Austin, Texas. Monocurate is dedicated to providing comprehensive services in archival management, preservation, and digitization. Founded by a skilled archivist with a commitment to safeguarding historical and cultural materials, Monocurate works closely with individuals, organizations, and communities to ensure that their valuable records and collections are properly preserved for future generations.

Our Advantages

Expertise: Collection Guides; Encoded Archival Description (EAD); Needs Assessments; Videotape; Artist Archives; Digitization; Collaboration; Archival standards; Arrangement and description; Inventories; Preservation policy and procedures development; Site assessments; Facilities planning and development; Storage and housing; Genealogical Research; Oral history planning and implementation; Outreach and public programs; Preservation; Records survey planning and implementation; Other
Contact Name: Brooke Lake, MLIS
Austin, TX

Founded in 1973, the nonprofit NEDCC | Northeast Document Conservation Center specializes in the preservation of paper- and film-based materials as well as audio recordings. The Center serves clients nationwide, including archives, government agencies, other cultural heritage organizations, and  individuals.

NEDCC provides conservation treatment and digitization for book, photograph, and paper collections, including large...

Expertise: Audiovisual preservation and digitization; Conservation Treatment; Digital Preservation; Digitization / digital program development; Preservation policy and procedures development; Disaster preparedness; Preservation; Staff training and recruitment
Contact Name: Ann Marie Willer, Director of Preservation Services
Andover, MA

Rachael Cristine Woody is the owner of Relicura LLC, a firm that provides services to archives, museums, and cultural heritage organizations. She specializes in establishing collection programs, assessment and planning for historical collections, teaching grant acquisition strategy, and vetting and implementing Collection Management Systems (CMS). Previously she revived the archives at the Freer|Sackler Museum of the Smithsonian...

Expertise: Archival program evaluation; Archival standards; Digital Asset Management; Arrangement and description; Cataloging; Digitization / digital program development; Project Management; Selecting and Implementing Collections Management Systems; Facilities planning and development; Fundraising and grant writing; Management and administration; Oral history planning and implementation; Outreach and public programs; Policy development; Preservation; Software applications; Staff training and recruitment
Contact Name: Rachael Woody
Portland, OR