Directory of Archival Consultants

Are you looking for an archives consultant?

This easy-to-use Directory of Archival Consultants contains information about experts across the country who provide professional consulting services on various aspects of archives and archiving. All listings in this directory are paid listings. Information provided by consultants is not independently checked or verified.

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  • Areas of expertise include primary terms (listed in the right-hand margin) as well as secondary specialty terms
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Rebecca Hankins is a President Barack Obama appointee to the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC). As a Commission member, she was responsible for evaluating and dispensing between $5-10 million dollars in grants annually for the National Archives. Prior to her appointment, Rebecca was elected a Distinguished Fellow of the Society of American Archivist-- the highest honor...

Expertise: Collection Guides; development; Digital Archiving; Equity, Diversity, Access, Belonging, and Inclusion; Information appraisal; Arrangement and description; Fundraising and grant writing; Oral history planning and implementation; Outreach and public programs; Reference services; Strategic planning
Contact Name: Rebecca Hankins
Bryan, TX

With more than 40 years of experience working with diverse organizations, our consultants offer expertise in a wide range of services and approaches to managing, protecting, and using historical materials.

Our knowledge of all types of archival records including digital and analog (paper-based) documentation, as well as various image media, and artifacts, allows us to help achieve successful intellectual and physical control, and management of collections.

We help you meet your goals and objectives through program development and project support.

Our Values:

  • History and those who create it matter
  • Access is...
Expertise: Access and classification reviews; Architectural Records; Archival appraisal; Archival program evaluation; Archival standards; Arrangement and description; Budgeting and financial planning; Landscape, Planning and Design Records; Digitization / digital program development; Project Management; Exhibit planning and implementation; Facilities planning and development; Finding aids; Fundraising and grant writing; Management and administration; Outreach and public programs; Policy development; Preservation; Records survey planning and implementation; Reference services; Strategic planning
Contact Name: Waverly Lowell
Oakland, CA