Recent posts from groups

The Technical Subcommittee for Encoded Archival Description (TS-EAD) issued a call for comments on the revision of EAD 2002 in October 2010.  The comment period ended on February 28, 2011.   One hundred and twenty-seven comments were received.  The submissions received during the comment period have been compiled into a spreadsheet and made available through the SAA standards portal EAD Revision page.  
The Steering Committee of the SAA Preservation Section invites all members to consider, confer and collaborate—and propose preservation-focused sessions for the SAA 2012 Annual Meeting, August 5-12, in San Diego, California. The 2012 theme “Beyond Borders” enables us to envision new opportunities beyond our institutions and specializations, to expand our perceptions of history, culture, memory, and recordkeeping to arrive at a more inclusive and holistic view of the great work of archives.  See...
Jul 27, 2011   Preservation Section
Roundtable Meetings II Aug 24, 2011 3:15 PM - 5:15 PM Archivists’ Toolkit ™ / Archon ™ To promote and facilitate support for users of archives management tools, ArchivesSpace developers and staff present an update of the AT/Archon integration. We will also learn how some repositories are using AT or Archon for managing digital objects and providing reference services. Please join us! BUSINESS3:15-3:30 Recap of AT/Archon RT 2010-11 activities, governance Tom Hyry: SAA Council and...