2012 Call for Nominations


The Acquisitions and Appraisal Section Nominating Committee is currently seeking nominations for candidates to run for the position of Vice-Chair / Chair-Elect, and for two open slots on the Steering Committee for Committee Members-at-Large.   

In order to be nominated for these positions, one must be both a member of the Society of American Archivists and a member of the Acquisitions and Appraisal Section.  The duties of these positions are as follows:

Vice Chair/Chair Elect:  Once elected, the Vice Chair serves for one year in this position (2012-2013), beginning at the conclusion of the SAA Annual Meeting.  During this time, the Vice Chair produces the Section’s newsletter (a minimum of twice per year), takes minutes at Section meetings, and acts as the chair in the absence of the Section Chair.  At the conclusion of the 2013 Annual Meeting, the Vice Chair then assumes the role of Chair for the next year (2013-2014), and subsequently, as Past Chair (2014-2015).  While serving as Chair, this person will preside at meetings of the Section and the steering committee; coordinate Section-proposed sessions for the annual meeting and section endorsements; and with other officers sets the Section's agenda for the year; appoints Section committees as needed.  The chair also represents the Section in its relations with SAA in general and with the Council and other groups within the Society; appoints Section committees as needed; and coordinates preparation of an annual report of Section activities and submits it to the SAA executive office.  While serving as the Past Chair, this person will be responsible for chairing the Nominating Committee for that year’s section election.  In each role, this person is expected to attend the SAA Annual Meeting. 

Steering Committee Members (At large):  These members will serve two-year terms (2012-2014), and at the request of the Chair, may serve on the Nominating Committee, assist in planning the Section meeting program, assist in planning annual meeting sessions of interest to the Section, or other responsibilities as assigned. They also participate in discussion of Section business and are expected to attend the annual meeting.

Elections will be held online July 1 to August 1, and election results will be announced at the Section meeting during the SAA conference in San Diego.

Please send suggestions for candidates to any member of the Nominating Committee:

Brad Bauer:  bbauer@ushmm.org

Jennifer Graham:  jennifera.graham@wisconsinhistory.org

Denise Gallo:   Denise.Gallo@doc.org


The deadline for nominations is June 1, 2012. Thank you for your participation.