About this blog
The Schedule (http://saarmrt.wordpress.com/) is your source for news about the Society of American Archivists Records Management Section. Our intention with this blog is to provide announcements, learning and education opportunities, and chances to share knowledge with other members of the RMRT in a more dynamic way than we could achieve with the SAA-provided microsite alone. (The microsite will still be the section’s repository for meeting minutes, reports and other...
The RAAC steering committee will hold its first meeting on November 7, 2013 at 2:00 EST, over the phone, with results to be shared on this site.
Meeting Agenda:
introductions (5 minutes)
determine steering committee structure (i.e. nominate steering committee chair or co-chairs; webmaster; chairs of ad-hoc committees, etc.) (10-15 minutes)
self-identify steering committee members serving for 2 vs. 3 year terms (5 minutes)
discuss plan for splitting other (non-...
On Friday, October 11th the Issues & Advocacy Roundtable sent a Letter to Target Corporation's CEO, Gregg Steinhafel, regarding the recent annoucement that Target had discontinued its corporate archives. Please read the letter attached below.
On Wednesday, October 16th the Issues & Advocacy Roundtable received a Response from Target Corporation's, Senior Vice President, Communications and Reputation Management, Susan Kahn regarding changes in Target's Archives. Please read the...
Annual Meeting Minutes, August 14 2013
If you submitted a session proposal with an archives history component or theme, don't forget to ask for endorsement from the Archival History Roundtable.
To request endorsement, send a copy of your proposal form to AHRT Chair Melissa Gottwald (melissa.gottwald@gmail.com) by Friday October 11 at the latest.
The Roundtable may endorse up to two proposals. Endorsement does not guarantee session acceptance, but it is one of the factors that the Program Committee considers.
All endorsement...
The SAA Council adopted the motion to approve the Military Archives Roundtable bylaws on 30 Sept 2013! Thanks to the MART for your hard work, and a special thanks to Dr. Jim Ginther for his diligence with this project!
The membership of the MART adopted the Bylaws, with an online ballot with 100% approval, on 16 July 2013. Congratulations to MART! We now have excellent guidelines to help us accomplish our work!
The approved bylaws will be posted to the MART microsite.
SNAP 2013 Special Elections
Candidate Statements
Liza Booker
I am an alumni at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and I began my library career by working in an academic library at the University of Illinois for three years. I have complied bibliographies, webliographies, and organized various research projects. I am currently working as a Research Librarian in Fayetteville, NC for Operation Services Inc., under the jurisdiction of the Centers for Disease Control...
Comment categories included: Amenities, Awards, Content, Cost, Hotel, Location, Plenaries and Presidential Address, Program structure and deadlines, Research Forum, Sections and Roundtables, Shorter meeting, Timing, Vendors / Exhibit Hall, Wifi and Online access
All official representatives to the Regional Archival Associations Consortium (RAAC) are eligible to run for a position on the group’s Steering Committee. We ask that you consult with your regional organization and consider running for a position. This is an opportunity to help our fledgling group develop and to increase collaboration and communications among the regional organizations in the United States.
The deadline for applications and nominations is midnight (PST) Friday, September 27,...
What kinds of experiences have you had with online access with other organizations and what would you like to see SAA offer, with the caveat about expense?
What types of session formats would you like to see offered?
What types of networking opportunities should be available at the annual meeting?
What are you looking for in a plenary session?
Should the Annual meeting be shortened to contain attendees’ costs...
MLS Student, University of Maryland
I am a second-year MLS student at the University of Maryland, specializing in Archives, Records, and Information Management. My background is in Latin American studies, with a focus on human rights and gender issues. Before enrolling at Maryland, I worked for several years in the public policy arena in Washington DC, as well as working internationally on human rights issues in Guatemala. This experience -- particularly supporting families of the...
In a “Joint Letter on the National Library and Archives of Grenada,” the Archivists and Archives of Color Roundtable and the Issues & Advocacy Roundtable of SAA applaud the newly elected Minister for Education and Human Resource Development, the Honorable Anthony Boatswain for his “efforts to reopen and restore the Sheila Buckmire Memorial Library,” which serves as the national library and national archives center. It has been closed to the people of Grenada since July 2011.
To read the...
House Bill Would Slash NEH Funding by 49%–Contact Congress Today!
Monday, July 22nd, 2013
The House of Representatives Appropriations Committee just released its FY 2014 Interior and Environment Appropriations draft bill with a 49 percent ($71 million) cut for the National Endowment for the Humanities. Click here to send a message today to urge your Representative to vote against these devastating cuts.
A discussion of the plan's highlights as well as a link to the plan can be found here.
Preservation Section Business Meeting and Program, Friday August 16 12:30pm - 2:30pm in the Grand Salon 7/10
The Preservation Section will host a panel on Preservation in the Cloud, an examination of what “digital preservation” means in a cloud computing environment. This panel discussion will ask hard questions about the difference between “storage” and “preservation” when it comes to the cloud and consider real-life implementation and planning that goes into working in the cloud. Speakers...
The results of the Privacy and Confidentiality Roundtable 2013 election are as follow:
Vice Chair/Chair Elect: Amy Fitch
Steering Committee Member: Nancy Kaiser
Referendum to determine whether the bylaws of the Roundtable are to be adopted: Approved
Thanks to everyone who participated!
Meeting Date(s):
August 16, 2013 - 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Program Presentations, 4:00-5:00
Jennifer HeadBlessed Virgin Mary Congregation ArchivistJennifer will discuss pioneering religious women in science and will present on several sisters who were influential in the field of science, including: Sister Mary Kenneth Keller, BVM, who is believed to be the first American woman to receive a Ph.D. in computer science and worked on the creation of BASIC, as well as formed the computer science...
At the CoSA and SAA Joint Annual Meeting in New Orleans, the Preservation Section of SAA will be selling Grab 'n Go Disaster Bags *at the registration area* to benefit the National Disaster Recovery Fund for Archives.
The bag will contain:
Disaster Wheel
Tyvek envelopes for pocket response plans List of useful emergency numbers List of other supplies to fill the bag
The cost is $20, and the bags will only be available for sale on site. Get them while...
So, the Annual Meeting Task Force submitted its final report (http://www2.archivists.org/sites/all/files/0513-V-B-AMTF-Final.pdf) to Council in May. Council has reviewed the report and President, Jackie Dooley’s report prioritizing the report’s recommendations (http://www2.archivists.org/sites/all/files/0813-1-III-A-1-AnnMtgPriorities.pdf) will be discussed by Council at the annual meeting.
But wait, there’s more! On Thursday, August 15 at noon, the Task Force is hosting a forum to learn your...