Recent posts from groups

The Technical Subcommittee for Encoded Archival Description (TS-EAD) and the Schema Development Team welcome comments on the beta release of the revised EAD schema. The beta release is a completely re-written Relax NG schema. A W3C schema version is also available for testing. This version addresses most of the feedback received during the alpha comment period. A few unresolved issues remain, all of which can be reviewed on the project's GitHub repository issue tracker. The schema versions...
Make new friends, reconnect with old ones, and generally have a good time by attending the Science, Technology, and Healthcare (STHC) Roundtable this year at the Society of American Archivists Annual Conference at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside. We are having a joint meeting this year with the Women Archivists Roundtable and departing from our normal sequence will start the meeting with a program celebrating the memory of Joan Warnow-Blewett. The meeting takes place from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. on...
Vice Chair/Chair Elect - Melissa Gonzales Secretary - Susan Kline Steering Committee - Steve Ammidown, Lisa Huntsha, Caitlin Wells
Congratulations to NAAR's newly elected leadership members! Vice-Char/Chair-Elect (2013-2015) Gina RappaportHead Archivist/PhotoArchivistNational Anthropological ArchivesSmithsonian Institution Bio: Gina Rappaport is the head archivist and archivist for photograph collections at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Anthropological Archives (NAA), a position she has held since 2009. In this position she is responsible for all aspects of the management of the NAA’s photograph collections,...
Many thanks to those of you who have already taken the (short) survey--your feedback is greatly appreciated!  If you haven't taken the survey, we invite you to contribute your comments and ideas. The survey is located here: Many thanks!
Jul 24, 2013   Women Archivists Section
The new WCRT co-chairs are Stephanie Bayless and Leslie Fields. Congratulations Stephanie and Leslie!  Thank you to all the candidates who ran in the recent election.    Also, the WCRT proposed by-laws passed unanimously by those members who voted in the election! 
Jul 17, 2013   Women's Collections Section
The Metadata and Digital Object Roundtable is excited to announce the appointment of our new MDOR Intern, Julie Seifert, whose term will run from August 2013-July 2014.  Julie is a graduate student in Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, concentrating in Archives and Records management and pursuing the Digital Curation certificate. Among her reasons for applying to the MDOR internship, Julie cited her interest in getting involved in SAA governance and her desire...
Society of American Archivists’ (SAA) Oral History Section Live Web Chat: Lessons Learned from Boston College and the Belfast Case    Wednesday, July 17, 2013 @ 2pm Eastern Featuring guest panelists Clifford Kuhn and Elena Danielson   Learn more          
Jul 10, 2013   Oral History Section
The Nominations Committee this year includes: Kimberly Anderson Adriana Cuervo Jaimie Quaglino   A call for nominations was sent to the section membership in May with June 1 as the response deadline.  The section’s by-laws stipulate that all nominees, including self-nominations, are entitled to run for office. The Chair Elect (write-in candidate) will serve as Section Chair in 2014-2015 and Past Chair in 2015-2016.  Two seats for the section’s steering committee will be filled for the 2013...
We are pleased to present the 2013-2014 slate of candidates for the Preservation Section leadership:   Chair/Chair-Elect  Cathy Martyniak:  Cathy was named the Audiovisual and Image Archivist at the University of Florida (UF) Special and Area Studies Collection Department in August of 2012. Previously, she was the Preservation Officer for the UF Libraries for 14 years. She chaired numerous groups in the Preservation and Reformatting Section of the American Libraries Association including the...
Jul 5, 2013   Preservation Section
The Research Libraries Roundtable is holding its 2013 election for the position of Vice Chair/Chair-Elect. The Vice Chair/Chair Elect shall be elected annually for a two-year term, serving in year one as Vice Chair and in year two as Chair.   Candidates for the 2013 Election Benjamin Goldman Digital Records ArchivistThe Pennsylvania State University Stephanie L. KaysArchivist for Collections ManagementUniversity of Oregon   Information About...
(revised 6/17/2013)   SOCIETY OF AMERICAN ARCHIVISTS STUDENTS AND NEW ARCHIVES PROFESSIONALS ROUNDTABLE BYLAWS ARTICLE ONE: MISSION The Students and New Archives Professionals (SNAP) Roundtable exists to focus attention on and give voice to the needs and concerns of its members--and, in particular, students, interns, new professionals, early-career archivists, and individuals seeking professional employment--within the Society of American Archivists (SAA) and the field in general....
Candidate Statement for Co-Chair of the Labor Archives Roundtable Ben Blake 6/27/2013   After working a variety of jobs and being an active member of a number of unions, including as a steelworker at US Steel Gary Works and a teamster at UPS in Chicago, I developed a strong interest in labor history and archives. I subsequently earned a BA form Hampshire College focusing on labor economics, an MA from Cleveland State in labor history and an MLIS specializing in labor archives at the University...
Jun 29, 2013   Labor Archives Section
Candidate for Vice Chair/Chair-Elect: J. Gordon Daines   Biography: J. Gordon Daines III is the University Archivist and Assistant Department Chair, Manuscripts in the L. Tom Perry Special Collections at Brigham Young University. Gordon holds an undergraduate degree in history from Brigham Young University, a master’s degree in history from the University of Chicago, and a certificate in archives and records management from Western Washington University. He has worked for the Oregon Historical...
Jun 28, 2013   Description Section
Vice-Char/Chair-Elect Gina RappaportHead Archivist/PhotoArchivistNational Anthropological ArchivesSmithsonian Institution Bio: Gina Rappaport is the head archivist and archivist for photograph collections at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Anthropological Archives (NAA), a position she has held since 2009. In this position she is responsible for all aspects of the management of the NAA’s photograph collections, as well as general oversight of NAA operations and outreach.  Before joining...
The Archival History Roundtable is seeking nominations (including self-nominations) for officers and steering committee members. Positions available are Chair (1-year term), Vice-chair/Chair elect (2- year term), and three steering committee positions (1-year term).
Jun 27, 2013   Archival History Section
The Archival History Roundtable recently held a referendum to approve the group's proposed bylaws, attached. The bylaws were approved by the membership with no negative votes and will be forwarded to the SAA Council for final approval.
Jun 27, 2013   Archival History Section
Candidate for Vice Chair Sarah Quigley  Sarah Quigley, CA, is a Manuscript Archivist at Emory University's Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library.  She has a B.A in History and a M.S. in Information Studies, both from the University of Texas at Austin.  From 2007-2009, she was a project archivist at the Jesse Helms Center, focusing on the arrangement of the former Senator's congressional records.  In 2009, she joined the staff at MARBL as a project archivist working with the records of the...
Jun 26, 2013   Issues and Advocacy Section
(revised 6/14/2013) SOCIETY OF AMERICAN ARCHIVISTS STUDENTS AND NEW ARCHIVES PROFESSIONALS ROUNDTABLE BYLAWS ARTICLE ONE: MISSION The Students and New Archives Professionals (SNAP) Roundtable exists to focus attention on and give voice to the needs and concerns of its members--and, in particular, students, interns, new professionals, early-career archivists, and individuals seeking professional employment--within the Society of American Archivists (SAA) and the field in general. ARTICLE...
As you know from the daily news, there is a national debate on privacy in general and specifically government access to big data warehouses that are collecting information on private citizens. The Privacy & Confidentiality Roundtable is posting a couple of links about the issues from The Guardian and the Federation of American Scientists, but -- as they say -- we do not endorse the views expressed. We do think they might serve as a springboard for discussion. Feel free to post your views or...
BYLAWS: In June 2013, we cast votes for and against the new Bylaws for the Roundtable. The election results were: a total of 19 people voted, with 18 votes for adoption, and 1 vote against adoption. The Bylaws were therefore approved. Please see the page link below with the newly adopted Bylaws. ELECTION OF CHAIR: The call for nominations for Chair yielded one nomination. Please see the page link below for information on the candidate. An official ballot message and link will be sent by SAA in...
Vice Chair/Chair-Elect Candidate: Gabrielle M. Dudley Gabrielle M. Dudley serves as the Research Library Fellow for Reference and Instruction at the Manuscript, Archive, and Rare Book Library (MARBL) at Emory University. In May 2012, Gabrielle graduated from the University of South Carolina with a MA in Public History and a MLIS with an emphasis in African American history and archival administration. She also holds a BA in History from the University of Montevallo. Gabrielle has been a member...
In a “Joint Letter on the National Library and Archives of Grenada,” the Archivists and Archives of Color Roundtable and the Issues & Advocacy Roundtable of SAA applaud the newly elected Minister for Education and Human Resource Development, the Honorable Anthony Boatswain for his “efforts to reopen and restore the Sheila Buckmire Memorial Library,” which serves as the national library and national archives center. It has been closed to the people of Grenada since July 2011. The letter to...