Recent posts from groups

      Anna Kephart   Anna's interest in women's history began when she scandalized the rest of her sixth-grade class by giving a National History Day presentation on the history of the development of the birth control pill, and its impact on women's lives since the 1960s.  Since then, she has had a strong interest in learning about and preserving the history of women, which was strengthened by attaining a BA in History and Classics from Kenyon College, focusing on female perspectives in both...
Jun 18, 2013   Women's Collections Section
The following is the bio statement from the candidate for Junior Co-Chair, Natalie Baur. "Natalie Baur joined the University of Miami Libraries as the Archivist for the Cuban Heritage Collection in 2012. In her role as archivist, Natalie coordinates processing and description of manuscript, audio visual, and oral history collections held at the Cuban Heritage Collection at the University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida. Natalie is enthusiastic about outreach and enjoys teaching introductory...
We have three candidates for EAD Roundtable Co-Chair this year and three candidates for 2 available Steering Committee Member positions.  Please read the following candidate statements and don't forget to cast your votes! Co-Chair candidates: Jodi Allison-Bunnell Biography:  Jodi Allison-Bunnell is the Program Manager for Northwest Digital Archives, an EAD finding aid program of the Orbis Cascade Alliance. She is one of the founders of NWDA and has worked with the group in one...
I. NAME.  The name of the roundtable shall be Encoded Archival Description (EAD) Roundtable. II. MISSION.  The mission of the roundtable is to promote the implementation and use of encoding standards for dissemination of archival information. To this end, we aim to provide tools and information for use in encoding archival descriptions; discuss and facilitate the use of software for markup, parsing, indexing, and delivery; and monitor and contribute to encoding standard development for archival...
CALL FOR NOMINATIONSVice Chair/Chair Elect (1) and Steering Committee (2) We invite you to send us nominations for Vice Chair/Chair Elect and Steering Committee for the Oral History Section. Please feel free to nominate yourself. Here are the by-laws that explain the duties and terms of officers: Serving as a section leader is a great way to get involved with--or continue to be involved with--SAA, and a chance to benefit your...
Jun 13, 2013   Oral History Section
Vice Chair / Chair-Elect: Lisa Sjoberg Bio:  My current position is the College Archivist and Digital Collections Librarian at Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota. Since I joined SAA in 2005 as a graduate student, I have been a member of the Reference, Access and Outreach Section. I have been fortunate to serve on RAO task forces (National History Day and currently as co-chair of the Teaching with Primary Sources working group). I have also served as the RAO Communications Liaison for two...
by Jill Severn  Regular review of an organization’s bylaws is a great way to ensure that the organization remains nimble, responsive, and current. (It is also a great way to make sure that the organization’s image isn’t marred by the presence of typos.)  Last year the RAO steering committee included this review as one of its tasks for the year.  After careful scrutiny, the group determined that a few revisions would clarify and reflect current practice and a broad slathering of spell check...
The Metadata and Digital Object Roundtable (MDOR) is looking for several enthusiastic volunteers to join its ranks – we are accepting nominations for: ·        Junior co-chair (2 year term:  one year as junior chair, followed by one year as senior chair) ·         Steering committee members-at-large: a three-year term. We need to fill two (2) positions.  If you are an SAA member in good standing, and a member of the MDOR, please send us your nominations.  You can nominate colleagues who you...
The May 2013 issue of the Archivists and Archives of Color Roundtable Newsletter is now available for download! It includes an article about the Washington State University's Hirahira photo collection, a remembrance of past AACR co-chair Taronda Spencer, and a calendar of upcoming events. LinksAACR NewslettersAACR Newsletter (May 2013) 
The EAD Roundtable is seeking nominations for a new Co-Chair and two new Steering Committee members. Each of these positions will serve a two-year term. Responsibilities of the Co-Chair include the following: All administrative tasks, including information sharing, coordinating elections, and leading the annual meeting Acting as a liaison to other groups and to SAA leadership Serving as an ex officio member on the Technical Subcommittee for Encoded Archival Description (TS-EAD) of the...
Memorial Resolution in Honor of Taronda Spencer Whereas, Taronda Spencer, served as College Archivist and Historian of Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia from 1997 to 2013, culminating her twenty-eight years of service to the archival profession; and Whereas, Taronda Spencer, attended Spelman College earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in History in 1980; and Whereas, Taronda Spencer, received a Master of Arts degree in History and Archives Administration from the University of New Orleans in...
Seeking a few good members!    Please send us any nominations for Steering Committee for the Reference, Outreach, and Access Section.  And of course, you’re welcome to nominate yourself!   Here are the (short) by-laws that explain the duties and terms of the officers: Serving as a section leader is a great way to get involved with—or continue to be involved with—SAA, and a chance to benefit your profession. The Nominations Committee would be...
Dear Members of the International Archival Affairs Roundtable (IAART): During the past year, an ad-hoc steering committee has been formed to create a new governance structure for this roundtable, which would allow us to create a steering committee and elect officers in a way similar to that of other SAA roundtables. One of the first steps has been to draft bylaws for the IAART. The SAA Council now requires that all roundtables adopt bylaws by August 31, 2013 (For more information about...
Enhance your knowledge of the final major battle of the War of 1812 by joining SAA’s Military Archives Roundtable (MART) on a “staff ride” to study the New Orleans Campaign (December 1814 – January 1815). Examine the Battle of New Orleans using archival sources such as letters, diaries, and maps that tell the story from individual participants’ points of view. Hear from soldiers, sailors, Marines, British military, and pirates! The New Orleans Campaign Staff Ride is a free bus tour open to all...
May 8, 2013   Military Archives Section
The Privacy and Confidentiality Roundtable meeting at the SAA Annual meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 14, 2013, from 5:15 pm to 7:15 pm. The Roundtable meeting provides time for informal discussion of current privacy issues. In addition, Phoebe Evans Letocha will discuss the impact of recent changes to HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) Privacy Rule on the archival community. Mark Greene will report on his survey of privacy procedures in archives around the...
Pass it On: Preservation Week is April 21nd-27th. See the Preservation Week 2013 page for member activities and useful resources related to preservation.
Apr 16, 2013   Preservation Section
Women's Archives/Women's Collections:  What does the Future Hold? Women's Archives Symposium - Tuesday, August 13, 2013 (during the SAA Annual Conference) Perspectives on Women's Archives: A Reader (ed. Tanya Zanish-Belcher with Anke Voss) will be hot off the press when SAA convenes in August.  Join us to celebrate its publication and ponder some of the issues it raises in a one-day symposium just the day before the opening of the conference.  Panelists will offer remarks to generate...
We are pleased to announce that the WCRT Bylaws Committee has completed our first draft.  We are asking for member feedback on this draft before we send it in to the council for approval. Go here to read the draft and please comment on the blog, below this post or email or  We would like your comments by April 15, 2013. 
Mar 25, 2013   Women's Collections Section
The Reference, Access, and Outreach Section invites applications for four unpaid internships. See the flyer below for position descriptions and application information. The deadline to apply is April 5.
Use this Google Docs spreadsheet to find a ride, offer a ride, find a roommate, or offer crash space in your home near New Orleans. This spreadsheet is editable by anyone. If you no longer need a ride, rider, or roommate, please come back and update your information. SAA attendees who are not SNAP members are welcome to use this spreadsheet!
Calling Privilege a Right is Just Plain Wrong Greetings and salutations, all. Christine Anne George here. Perhaps you remember me from post #5 where I wrote about the Belfast Project back in November. Well I’m back to talk about it again in light of the document from the Government Affairs Working Group (GAWG) on the subject and the latest post on SAA president Jackie Dooley’s blog, Off the Record (OtR). In the interest of full disclosure, there are a few things you should know. I believe that...
Feb 16, 2013   Issues and Advocacy Section
Dear all,   Now that the first heady rush of 2013 is behind us, it's time to start thinking about sharing the triumphs and adventures of 2012. I invite you to submit contributions to the 2013 issue of Archival Elements, the newsletter of the Science, Technology, and Health Care Roundtable. I'm looking for articles on a wide variety of topics related to archival management of science-related collections. Have you accessioned or processed a new collection? Finished a nifty project or developed a...
On January 25, 2013, the Department of Health and Human Services issued major changes in the HIPAA Privacy Regulations, effective March 26, 2013. These changes include a significant modification to the definition of Protected Health Information whereby "individually identifiable health information of a person who has been deceased for more than 50 years is not protected health information under the Privacy Rule." See p. 5613-5614 of the final rule at