Recent posts from groups

Online Access at the Annual Meeting:  We Weigh In...We Hope You Will, Too!  January 17, 2013 The Online Access Subgroup of the Annual Meeting Task Force is continuing its work to identify and recommend ways to improve online access to SAA's annual meeting.  We've heard a lot of ideas (and concerns) from members, both at this past year's annual meeting and through other channels.  We'd like to take this opportunity to share the areas that we've prioritized based on your feedback and on our...
The SNAP Roundtable welcomes Rebecca Stephens, your new Liasion Coordinator.
Please find the Meeting Minutes for our recent Meeting here.
We are conducting a survey to identify trends in instruction services, successful methodologies and resources, and needs for tools and professional support for teaching with primary sources. The survey will take about 15-20 minutes. Respondents who complete it will be entered in a drawing to win one of five copies of the recent publication Past or Portal? Enhancing Undergraduate Learning through Special Collections and Archives, courtesy of ACRL. The survey will be available until...
SAA 2013 Session proposals due Sessions proposals are due Friday, October 5, 2012. If your session is related to the mission of LACCHA please submit for endorsement to or   For more information visit:
In San Diego? Join LACCHA and the Issues and Advocacy Roundtable for a joint roundtable meeting on August 8th from 5:30-7:30pm, in Sapphire KL. The roundtables will discuss outcomes of this year’s projects and decide on new ventures, hear about an NHPRC-funded grant focused on effective advocacy, and consider possible actions and shared goals More info:
LACCHA Jr. Co-Chair elections will be held electronically from July 1 through 15. Please have a look below at the candidate(s) biographies and statements. Joel A. Blanco-RiveraBioJoel is an Assistant Professor at Simmons College Graduate School of Library and Information Science. He recently received his PhD at the University of Pittsburgh School of Information Sciences. His research has focused on the study of the relation between archives and transitional justice in Latin America. He...
The Spring/Summer LACCHA Newsletter is now available. A few highlights include: "Access to Cultural Property and Heritage: The Puerto Rican Civil Court Documents Case Story" by Marisol Ramos "Tejiendo la Memoria: A Post-Custodial Archival Collaboration between the University of Texas Libraries and the Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen" by T-Kay Sangwand "Encounters in Chile: A Perspective on the International Archives Community" by Amanda Strauss "Memory and Cultural Heritage in Lucas do Rio...
SAA ACQUISITIONS & APPRAISAL SECTION – SOCIAL MEDIA AND COMMUNICATIONS INTERNSHIP The Acquisitions and Appraisal Section invites applications for an intern position to manage the social media and communications of the section. The intern will be responsible for developing and maintaining social media and communications efforts under the directorship of the section chair. Position Description: This is an unpaid appointment with an expectation of approximately one hour of work per week with...
  The SAA Statement of Core Values and Code of Ethics includes eleven core values.  Among them is Social Responsibility.  In fulfilling its charge to investigate and recommend changes to SAA’s annual meeting, the Social Responsibility Subgroup has been looking into ways in which the annual meeting can help us to be better local, national and global citizens. We've been focusing mainly on three areas: Fair labor practices A labor dispute at the Hyatt Regency during SAA's 2011 meeting in Chicago...
A part of the charge for the Annual Meeting Task Force is to offer Council specific recommendations for reasonable changes that can be made to the meeting’s structure and administration. The Content Subcommittee is charged with making recommendations on the current format, schedule and type of content. To this end, the Subcommittee has conducted a review of annual meetings for professional organizations from allied fields (including libraries, museums & international archival...
The Annual Meeting Task Force has been busy organizing, finding good sources for information, and conducting research, so it’s high time we reported to you, the members of SAA and started this conversation about where we go from here!  If you’re wondering what our charge is, please see the our page on the main SAA website (**TF-AM&Time=-1866235686).  It’s a big one…  But, in a nutshell, we have...
Read the letter co-signed by the Society of American Archivists and other organizations concerning the Intelligence Authorization Bill, 2013. [Letter]  
Nov 27, 2012   Issues and Advocacy Section
Read the letter by Gregor Trinkaus-Randall, President of the Society of American Archivists, issued to the Hon. James Moore, opposing to the April 30 decision by Library and Archives Canada to eliminate the National Archival Development Program and the Canadian Council on Archives. [Letter]      
Nov 27, 2012   Issues and Advocacy Section
The Roundtable has endorsed the following two proposals for SAA 2013: 1. Displaced Archives Nations and peoples have suffered throughout history from the removal of their documentary heritage. Records have been removed during war, revolution, and other conflicts for purposes ranging from plunder to propaganda to intelligence to documenting war crimes to the rescue of archives threatened with destruction. Such "displaced archives" are scattered in institutions across the globe; access to...
Candidate Statement for Web Liaison I am currently a student at Simmons Graduate School of Library and Information Science in the Archives and History dual-degree program.  In addition to being a full-time student, I am the Social Media Intern with the Archives and Archivists of Color Roundtable, as well as a founding member of the Core Working Group for Archivists without Borders, U.S. Chapter.  My interest in human rights developed prior to my entry into the information science field,...
The American Library Association (ALA) celebrates Preservation Week , next Spring  April 21st through April 27th, 2013.  Libraries and other institutions can use Preservation Week to connect and reach out to their local communities through events, activities, and resources.  It's a great opportunity for the general public to learn how library collections are preserved, and how libraries can help the public preserve their personal collections. For more information please visit us at http://www....
Oct 17, 2012   Preservation Section
In keeping with the Content Subcommittee’s assignment to review the current and past formats of SAA annual meetings, the subcommittee undertook a review of SAA meeting programs for the years 1997-2012.  The subcommittee looked at quantifiable aspects of the meeting—number of education sessions, attendance, etc.—as well as when specific events were held.   The data was compiled in two spreadsheets.  Observations and information that could not be presented in a spreadsheet appear in a word...
SNAP Appointed Officers   Liaison Coordinator: Amanda Strauss Website Coordinator: James Northway Social Media Coordinator: Helen Schubert Blog Coordinator: Lisa Huntsha Newsletter Coordinator: Gloria Gonzalez