Recent posts from groups

In honor of Preservation Week this week, the Section's Poster is now available. Please download and share!
Apr 28, 2014   Preservation Section
  How to deny scholars access to historical archives in the digital age China's Foreign Ministry curtails access to declassified historic archives China restricts academic access to historical archives    
Apr 17, 2014   Issues and Advocacy Section
RAAC Steering Committee meeting minutes from the April 8, 2014 meeting are available online at: Meeting Minutes  
Agenda:   1. Updates on obtaining volunteers/ which subcommittees still need volunteers? (5 minutes)   2. Subcommittee reports required one week prior to call for all future conference calls (5 minutes)   3. Updates from Subcommittees re: contacting SAA component groups (10 minutes)   4. Updates from chairs re: Archival Outlook, SAA Conference RAAC meeting, Steering Committee meeting at SAA (5 minutes)   5. Discussion of what to do with survey data (5 minutes)    6. Discussion of 3-year...
The Technical Subcommittee for Encoded Archival Description (TS-EAD) and the Schema Development Team welcome comments on the gamma release of the EAD3 schema.  This will be the final draft release prior to the official release of EAD3 this spring. The gamma release includes a significantly revised and improved Relax NG schema. A W3C schema version is also available for testing. New to this release is a separate schema that does not include the <relations> element, available as both Relax...
The Regional Archival Associations Consortium (RAAC) Subcommittees are looking for volunteers for their first projects!       To volunteer, please contact the Subcommittee Chair listed after each Subcommittee description.       For any other questions regarding the RAAC, please contact the RAAC Co-Chairs Rachel Chatalbash ( and Amanda Focke (    Advocacy Subcommittee (Tessa Beers, New England Archivists, chair)   Description: The role of the...
The Winter 2014 issue of Descriptive Notes, the newsletter of the Description Section, is now available online.
Jan 22, 2014   Description Section
View the map Create partnerships to bring educational opportunities to your area. Start a local mentoring program. Participate in a consortium for enhanced purchasing power. Establish a local or regional speaker’s bureau. Develop local or regional mini-conferences. Find travel and carpooling companions, as well as roommates, for conferences, workshops and other events. Share venues and presenters for public programming. Cooperate on collecting a particular historical topic, especially one that...
  Meeting Agenda: 1.      Presentation of microsite web plan (Lynette) (5-10 minutes) 2.      Discussion of coordination with other SAA component groups (5-10 minutes) 3.      Discussion of short-term goals for each subcommittee (each subcommittee description was unanimously approved by online Steering Committee vote) (30 minutes) 4.      Call for volunteers: procedure and timeline (5 minutes) 5.      Goals for co-chairs re: creation of strategic three-year plan (5-10 minutes)
RAAC Steering Committee meeting minutes are online now at: Meeting minutes Highlights include the creation of terms and structure of the steering committee, the assignment of chairs to sub-committees which align with our Statement of Purpose. These chairs will be calling for general RAAC member participation in our upcoming efforts starting in January 2014. Next Steering Committee meeting to held in early January 2014, with work going on in the background until then. Questions: use the RAAC...
  About this blog   The Schedule (  is your source for news about the Society of American Archivists Records Management Section. Our intention with this blog is to provide announcements, learning and education opportunities, and chances to share knowledge with other members of the RMRT in a more dynamic way than we could achieve with the SAA-provided microsite alone. (The microsite will still be the section’s repository for meeting minutes, reports and other...
The RAAC steering committee will hold its first meeting on November 7, 2013 at 2:00 EST, over the phone, with results to be shared on this site. Meeting Agenda:   introductions (5 minutes) determine steering committee structure (i.e. nominate steering committee chair or co-chairs; webmaster; chairs of ad-hoc committees, etc.) (10-15 minutes) self-identify steering committee members serving for 2 vs. 3 year terms (5 minutes) discuss plan for splitting other (non-...
On Friday, October 11th the Issues & Advocacy Roundtable sent a Letter to Target Corporation's CEO, Gregg Steinhafel, regarding the recent annoucement that Target had discontinued its corporate archives.  Please read the letter attached below.   On Wednesday, October 16th the Issues & Advocacy Roundtable received a Response from Target Corporation's, Senior Vice President, Communications and Reputation Management, Susan Kahn regarding changes in Target's Archives.  Please read the...
Oct 14, 2013   Issues and Advocacy Section
Annual Meeting Minutes, August 14 2013
If you submitted a session proposal with an archives history component or theme, don't forget to ask for endorsement from the Archival History Roundtable.    To request endorsement, send a copy of your proposal form to AHRT Chair Melissa Gottwald ( by Friday October 11 at the latest.    The Roundtable may endorse up to two proposals. Endorsement does not guarantee session acceptance, but it is one of the factors that the Program Committee considers.   All endorsement...
Oct 9, 2013   Archival History Section
The SAA Council adopted the motion to approve the Military Archives Roundtable bylaws on 30 Sept 2013! Thanks to the MART for your hard work, and a special thanks to Dr. Jim Ginther for his diligence with this project!  The membership of the MART adopted the Bylaws,  with an online ballot with 100% approval, on 16 July 2013. Congratulations to  MART! We now have excellent guidelines to help us accomplish our work! The approved bylaws will be posted to the MART microsite.
Oct 8, 2013   Military Archives Section
SNAP 2013 Special Elections Candidate Statements   Vice-Chair   Liza Booker    I am an alumni at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and I began my library career by working in an academic library at the University of Illinois for three years. I have complied bibliographies, webliographies, and organized various research projects. I am currently working as a Research Librarian in Fayetteville, NC for Operation Services Inc., under the jurisdiction of the Centers for Disease Control...
Comment categories included:  Amenities, Awards, Content, Cost, Hotel, Location, Plenaries and Presidential Address, Program structure and deadlines, Research Forum, Sections and Roundtables, Shorter meeting, Timing, Vendors / Exhibit Hall, Wifi and Online access  
All official representatives to the Regional Archival Associations Consortium (RAAC) are eligible to run for a position on the group’s Steering Committee. We ask that you consult with your regional organization and consider running for a position. This is an opportunity to help our fledgling group develop and to increase collaboration and communications among the regional organizations in the United States. The deadline for applications and nominations is midnight (PST) Friday, September 27,...
Topics:   What kinds of experiences have you had with online access with other organizations and what would you like to see SAA offer, with the caveat about expense?   What types of session formats would you like to see offered?    What types of networking opportunities should be available at the annual meeting?   What are you looking for in a plenary session?    Should the Annual meeting be shortened to contain attendees’ costs...