Update on EAC-CPF 2.0, Encoded Archival Context - Corporate bodies, Persons, and Families (EAC-CPF) standard

The Technical Subcommittee on Encoded Archival Standards (TS-EAS), in collaboration with the Encoded Archival Standards Section Steering Committee, is excited to share the recordings of two webinars held in November 2022 that introduce the new version of the EAC-CPF standard.


Encoded Archival Context - Corporate bodies, Persons, and Families (EAC-CPF) is an international standard maintained by SAA for encoding contextual information about persons, corporate bodies, and families related to archival materials. The schema and tag library are available on the EAC-CPF website: https://eac.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/schemata-and-tag-library/ Details of the revision process that led to the new version are also available on the EAC-CPF website: https://eac.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/eac-cpf-2-0-background/ 

The recordings of these webinars are now available on SAA’s YouTube channel. The link to the slide deck on Github is also listed below:

November 14: https://youtu.be/Gs8Erj2GNYk

November 15: https://youtu.be/di1cAZIfvG4

Slides (PDF): https://github.com/SAA-SDT/TS-EAS-subteam-notes/blob/master/outreach-communications-subteam/webinars/webinar-eac-cpf-revision-introduction.pdf


Thank you and Happy New Year!

Sarah Cruz (TS-EAS early career member) & Cory Nimer (TS-EAS Outreach team lead)