SAA Foundation Board of Directors Mtg Agenda (May 19 & 20, 2025)

(RSVP required for Zoom security.) 

Society of American Archivists Foundation 
Board of Directors Meeting 
May 19 & 20, 2025 
Virtual Meeting - Chicago, IL 

All SAA members are welcome to attend SAA Foundation Board of Director meetings.  


The chair may call for an executive session should a confidential matter be considered. Visitors leave the room during executive sessions. 


Agendas and background materials for SAA Foundation Board of Director meetings are publicly available below.  


Open the first PDF attachment - the Agenda, item I.A. - to see the organization of all background materials. The Roman numeral/letter label of each item as listed in the Agenda corresponds to a document attached below (e.g., II.A.). There are three situations in which a document may not accompany an agenda item: 1) no document will be considered in conjunction with the agenda item, 2) the document is not available for the posting, or 3) the agenda item is confidential and/or inappropriate for public distribution.