SAA Foundation Grant Review Committee


I. Purpose

The Grant Review Committee is responsible for receiving and evaluating grant applications according to the SAA Grant Application Evaluation Procedures, and recommending to the Board which applications should receive grant funding.

II. Committee Selection, Size, and Length of Term

The Grant Review Committee is an appointed body of the SAA Foundation Board. The Committee consists of the SAAF President (who serves as Chair) and no fewer than three additional members, one of whom may be appointed from outside the Board. Members of the committee are appointed by the President no later than the close of the Board’s annual meeting and subject to approval by the Board. The Executive Director serves ex officio with voice, but without vote.

III. Reporting Procedures

The Grant Review Committee reports to each full meeting of the Foundation Board of Directors and at other times as requested by the Board. For grant reviews, the Committee will consider applications (due February 1), conduct its review, and report its recommendations to the Board by March 30.

IV. Duties and Responsibilities

  • Annually review and recommend revisions (as needed) to ensure that the Foundation’s Grant Evaluation Criteria (including the strategic initiatives identified in the Development Plan), Requirements Checklist, and Evaluation Form remain relevant and appropriate.
  • Solicit from the Foundation Board the annual grant funding allocation.
  • Solicit from the Foundation Board any special program priorities that support the SAAF or SAA missions and strategic plans.
  • Assist the Executive Director in issuing the Call for Proposals before December 1 each year.
  • Assist the Executive Director in assessing initial letters of inquiry.
  • Work individually and collectively to analyze and evaluate grant applications submitted to the Foundation. Seek appropriate outside expertise and/or consultation when the content of a proposal requires special knowledge (e.g., with regard to technologies, methodologies, or unfamiliar domains).
  • Evaluate and make a recommendation to the Board on each grant application received. Recommendations not to fund a proposal must include a rationale that may be incorporated into communications with proposers.
  • Monitor the submission of impact statements and follow-up reports from grant awardees.
  • Comply with the Foundation’s conflict-of-interest policy when performing grant review work.

V. Meetings

The Committee meets via conference call periodically and may meet in person provided that 1) there is a compelling need and 2) the Board approves the necessary resources.

Approved by the SAA Foundation Board of Directors: November 2016. Revisions approved by the Board: July 2018.