SAA Foundation Opportunity Grant Application & Guidelines


The Society of American Archivists (SAA) Foundation Opportunity Grant program is designed to provide funding that will enable archival repositories to take advantage of unexpected and time-sensitive opportunities, i.e., projects that the repository would not be able to benefit from if it does not receive timely outside financial support. 

Examples of eligible projects include: 

Sample project 1: An archival repository is eager to accept the donation of an archive from a collector, but the collector expects the repository to pay for the packing and shipping of the archive and expects a response within a short deadline; or evaluating the potential donation incurs costs not accounted for in the annual budget, such as out-of-town traveling to survey the archive.
Sample project 2: An archival repository is considering the acquisition of an archive which contains born digital materials, which the repository does not have the expertise to evaluate, to conduct an appraisal or survey and seeks funding to attend a training workshop to develop that expertise.

The Opportunity Grant Fund differs from the SAA Foundation’s Catalyst Grant program (formerly, Strategic Grant program) in that it is designed to provide timely support for unplanned opportunities. The Catalyst Grant provides funding for planned, complex, longer-term projects that will benefit the applicant organization and advance one or more of the strategic goals of the SAA and the SAA Foundation. Visit the Catalyst Grant program site for more information. 

Basic facts 

  • Grants will be between $300 and $2,500, with no match required. 
  • Applicants must demonstrate they are prepared to begin and complete the work within 8 months. 
  • SAA Foundation accepts Opportunity Grant applications year-round until funds have been fully allocated. The application website will indicate when/if funds are exhausted for the current grant cycle. 
  • Applications are submitted online.


Eligible applicants 

  • Archivists who reside within the United States and are affiliated with non-profit archival repositories that have stewardship over collections that are open to the public 
  • Applicants are not required to hold an SAA membership to apply for an Opportunity Grant. 
  • Non-profit archival repositories that have stewardship over collections that are open to the public and are located within the United States


  • Applicants who have previously received SAA Foundation funding must have submitted a final report for their last project before applying for an Opportunity Grant. 
  • Applicants who submitted an unsuccessful application for a Catalyst Grant are not eligible to apply for an Opportunity Grant for the same project
  • Projects requesting assistance with emergency preparedness or recovery efforts from major disasters are not eligible for Opportunity Grants. The National Disaster Recovery Fund for Archives exists to support such projects. 
  • Financial support to attend the SAA Annual Meeting is not eligible for Opportunity Grants. The Annual Meeting Awards Fund exists to support such requests. 

Eligible expenses 

  • Salaries and benefits. Salaries and benefits should apply only to project activities proposed and to time spent on project work (e.g., a percentage of salary based on time spent on a specific project). SAA Foundation may pay benefits if they are specifically indicated in the budget. 
  • Fees and honoraria. Consultant fees and honoraria paid to archivists, conservators, or consultants should apply only to the project activities proposed and to time spent on project work. 
  • Internships and training opportunities. Funding for internships and training opportunities will be considered if it can be demonstrated that an opportunity will need to be passed up if additional funding is not available. 
  • Project-related domestic travel. SAA Foundation grant funds may be used to pay for travel that is directly related to project activities (e.g., travel to donor site to appraise an unplanned acquisition). This includes domestic airfare, hotel, meals, mileage, and per diem at any standard rate if the rates do not exceed current federal rates for the local area. 
  • Supplies and equipment. SAA Foundation may pay for archival supplies and equipment that are needed to support project activities. 
  • Postage. Mailing costs related to the proposed activity may be included. Applicants are encouraged to take advantage of bulk-mail postal rates whenever possible. 

Ineligible expenses 

  • Overhead or indirect costs 
  • Fellowships, scholarships, or prizes 
  • Capital expenses, including construction, preservation, or renovation projects 
  • Purchases of equipment (e.g., computers, printers) that are designed to support capacity building but are unrelated to a specific opportunity. 
  • Lobbying and fundraising activities 
  • Expenses incurred before the grant was awarded 
  • Food and beverages 

Application Process and Sample Timeline

Application submission: Online applications are accepted on a rolling basis. 
Application confirmation: SAA Foundation Grant Review Committee will confirm receipt of applications within five business days of receipt. 
Application review: SAA Foundation Grant Review Committeewill review applications the first week of each month. 

  • Applications received by 5:00 PM Central Time on the 24th of the month will be reviewed in the first week of the following month. 
  • For applications received on or after the 25th of the month, we cannot guarantee review until the following review cycle. So, a grant submitted on March 26 may not be reviewed until the first week of May.
Submit grant applications before the 24th of the month for faster consideration.

Applicant notification: All applicants will be notified regarding the approval status of their application. 

  • Applicants approved for an opportunity grant will receive, by email, an approval letter for their records and further instructions for payment, evaluation, and reporting. 
  • Applicants not selected for an opportunity grant will be notified by email. 

Distribution of funds: The SAA Foundation requires the following documents before funds can be distributed: 

  • Awardee’s W-9 
  • Banking information
Application submission date
Distribution of funds
By 24th of month
5 business days of receipt
Within 3 weeks of confirmation
4 to 5 weeks from confirmation Within 1 week from receipt of necessary documentation
On or after 25th of month
5 business days of receipt
3 to 8 weeks from confirmation
4 to 10 weeks from confirmation Within 1 week from receipt of necessary documentation


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