Recent posts from groups

Thanks to everyone who cast a vote in bloggERS! inaugural caption contest! Check out the winning caption.
Mar 24, 2015   Electronic Records Section
With an expanding capacity to store information in the digital age, do archivists still need to consider the size of collections in making appraisal decisions? Is it more compelling to accept a collection that can be held on a few CDs than one that occupies 30 cubic feet of climate-controlled compact shelving? Should archivists make different acquisition decisions for digital and physical collections? These questions were the topics of a break-out discussion at the 2014 Electronic Records...
Mar 22, 2015   Electronic Records Section
Last week, we kicked off the bloggERS! caption contest, Caption These Bits!, by asking readers to submit captions for our first image. Thanks to everyone who contributed ideas -- the witty electronic records humor out there is inspiring! The bloggERS! editorial team voted for the top three captions and now we need your help to choose the winner. Cast your vote for your favorite caption by 3/23 and then we'll announce the winner.
Mar 18, 2015   Electronic Records Section
We’re excited to kick off a new repeating bloggERS feature: Caption These Bits! Once a month, bloggERS will invite readers to submit captions for images related to electronic records and the history of technology, sourced from archives around the world. Submit your caption below by 3/17. Digital archives, preservation, and curation humor encouraged. We’ll choose three finalists and invite readers to vote for the winner.
Mar 10, 2015   Electronic Records Section
Check out the latest bloggERS! post, Big Data and Big Challenges for Archives, by Glen McAninch. It's based on a breakout session at the ERS section meeting of last year’s SAA annual meeting.
  The RAAC Steering Committee is happy to announce that we are making progress toward our goals for 2014-2015. We will send follow-up emails soon regarding upcoming elections, our annual meeting, and more detailed announcements regarding our works-in-process as they reach new stages of completion.  In the meantime, we wanted to share highlights of RAAC’s work to date. Below is a sampling our mid-year accomplishments!   Disaster Planning & Recovery Subcommittee: How do regionals help their...
The AHS's Bibliography of Archival History is now available! Please find the PDF attached at the link. A group of core texts from the Bibliography can be found here: 
Mar 2, 2015   Archival History Section
In the latest post on bloggERS! Nat Wilson, Digital Archivist at Carleton College, discusses the need to move towards automation in descriptive metadata creation. What are your thoughts?
Feb 25, 2015   Electronic Records Section
If so, please consider running for a Steering Committee position! You can find more information here.
In its efforts to learn more about how archives and special collections repositories are currently quantifying their holdings, the SAA-ACRL/RBMS Joint Task Force on the Development of Standardized Holdings Counts and Measures for Archival Repositories and Special Collections Libraries is seeking examples of survey instruments, worksheets,  methodologies, etc. that have been used to: Provide a number for collections [of archival and/or manuscript material], titles [bibliographic units], and/or...
RAAC Steering Committee meeting minutes from the January 12, 2015 meeting are available online at: Meeting Minutes
We are pleased to announce the launch of bloggERS!, the blog of the Electronic Records Section. Developed as a forum to share information, resources, and ideas within the electronic records community, bloggERS! will feature news, research, and writings as well as opportunities for discussion and collaboration. Initial topics include digital preservation, electronic records management, and issues related to born-digital and digitized content. Are you ready to get involved? BloggERS! needs...
Jan 23, 2015   Electronic Records Section
In the November/December "Archival Outlook" (see "A Call to Action: The Cultural Heritage Working Group Seeks Your Input," page 11) we highlight the recent work of the CHWG and encourage all members to take a brief survey to gather baseline data about your largest concerns and needs regarding cultural heritage archives to determine new initiatives and projects. UPDATE: Due to other SAA surveys underway, the CHWG survey has been postponed to Fall 2015. The link to the survey will be included...
ARCS has launched a Facebook page, in order to promote the work of Section members and religious archives in general.  You can view the site without having a Facebook account; an account is required to "Like", "Share" or post comments. Address is If you have questions or comments, send them to any of the Facebook administrators:Carole Prietto (Daughters of Charity) - Carole.Prietto@doc.orgAngelique Richardson (Archdiocese of Atlanta)  arichardson@archatl.orgRyan Lee...
Please see this link to find the meeting minutes for Steering Committee meetings on August 14th and November 4th of 2014.
Send a scan of the photo, your name, and the citation information to Jennifer Sharp.
TS-EAD has been working hard to complete the development of EAD3.  The core schema was redesigned this fall to support the creation of derivative forms, including Relax NG, XSD, and DTD versions, along with undeprecated versions of each.  Many bugs were squashed along the way as well.  The stable development version of the schema can be found at   Currently we are focused on developing the migration style sheet and finalizing the tag library...
RAAC Steering Committee meeting minutes from the November 17, 2014 meeting are available online at: Meeting Minutes    
This document details the proposed changes to the bylaws with track changes. Please contact Beth Cron with any questions
Nov 10, 2014   Records Management Section
Vice Chair/Chair Elect Candidate Statements Roxanne Dunn I am currently employed as the Special Collections and Archives Librarian at Southeast Missouri State University. Having recently been elected to serve on SNAP's steering committee, I have enjoyed the limited time I have worked "behind the scenes" with SNAP and feel I can step up to help lead our RT. I have gained much experience during my first year of employment and I feel that will translate well to assist others with job hunting...
Statistics about Key Contact/SAA membership distribution is now available under About this Subcommittee.
Oct 17, 2014   Key Contact Subcommittee
The Key Contact subcommittee recently revised the FAQ document and it is now available via the link under About the Subcommittee. 
Oct 15, 2014   Key Contact Subcommittee