Gift Acceptance Committee

Gift Acceptance Committee List

I. Purpose

II. Board Size, Length of Terms, and Selection

A Gift Acceptance Committee is established and shall be composed of the following members:

  • President, Society of American Archivists Foundation
  • Vice President, Society of American Archivists Foundation
  • Chair, Development Committee, Society of American Archivists Foundation
  • President, Society of American Archivists
  • Vice President/President-Elect, Society of American Archivists
  • Treasurer, Society of American Archivists
  • Executive Director, Society of American Archivists & Ex Officio SAAF Board Member

III. Duties and Responsibilities

The Gift Acceptance Committee shall be responsible for determining whether to solicit, accept, or reject all non-traditional gifts from external sources, defined as:

  • publicly traded securities,
  • U.S. bonds,
  • cash, personal property, or in-kind contributions valued over $25,000,
  • any other type of non-cash gifts,
  • gifts of any type or size that are restricted or structured in such a way as to place administrative or legal burdens on the SAAF or the Society of American Archivists, and
  • gifts from donors or sources (particularly corporate entities) that may not align with the core mission, values, and purposes of SAAF or the Society of American Archivists.

The SAAF Board President and the Chief Executive Officer of the Society of American Archivists are designated as the two members of the Gift Acceptance Committee authorized, jointly or separately, to represent the Gift Acceptance Committee and the SAAF Board when soliciting non-traditional donations or negotiating with donors of non-traditional gifts as defined by this policy.

The Gift Acceptance Committee is authorized to collaborate with the Chief Executive Officer and staff of the Society of American Archivists to develop procedures for the receipt and administration of gifts and donations to SAAF.

Approved by the Council: May 2023.