Recent posts from groups

If you’ve got links to ingest workflows, transfer guidelines, in-house best practices, digital materials surveys, or any other formal or informal procedures that just might maybe, kinda, one day be helpful to another archivist, why not post or describe them in the comments?
Labor Archives Roundtable Colleagues, ​It's the time of year when we send out the call for nominees to fill the staggered, two-year term as Labor Archives Roundtable co-chair. This term will be for 2015​-2017,  and will begin in August. Co-Chair Conor Casey's co-chair spot will be expiring, and he is not eligible to serve another consecutive term under the roundtable bylaws. We definitely need a new co-chair candidate. If we have more than one candidate, we have the option of holding an...
Jun 1, 2015   Labor Archives Section
Election season is fast approaching and the Electronic Records Section has some exciting opportunities for service. The ERS will elect a new Vice Chair/Chair Elect and two Steering Committee members, with terms to begin this coming August, following the 2015 Annual Meeting. Vice Chair/Chair Elect (One position open)The Vice Chair serves a one-year term assisting the Chair in leading the section and representing the section in the absence of the Chair. Upon completion of the Vice Chair's term,...
May 26, 2015   Electronic Records Section
­The Society of American Archivists is publishing a series of case studies designed to facilitate an understanding of issues related to the management of government archives and records. They will be published electronically and distributed through the SAA website under a Creative Commons license, with copyright retained by the authors. Suggested use for these case studies includes as teaching tools in graduate archival education programs and in continuing education workshops, as well as...
May 26, 2015   Government Records Section
The Acquisitions and Appraisal Section is seeking nominations for candidates to run for the following three positions: Vice-Chair / Chair-Elect Steering Committee At-Large Member (2 positions available)  In order to be nominated for these positions, candidates must be a member of the Society of American Archivists and a member of the Acquisitions and Appraisal Section.  You are invited to nominate yourself or someone else for any of the above positions.  Please include name, email address,...
Attendees of the 2015 SAA Annual Conference in Cleveland will have a fun opportunity to give back to the host city by participating in a charitable service project.  We will be partnering with Shoes and Clothes for Kids (SC4K) to provide a volunteer opportunity for interested meeting goers. Shoes and Clothes for Kids (SC4K) is the only non-profit organization in Greater Cleveland providing new shoes and clothes at no charge throughout the year to thousands of children in need.  For the past 46...
An alumnus from Carleton College donated the first computer used by our student newspaper, The Carletonian, a late 1980’s MacintoshPlus.  How would you go about salvaging the files from this device?
May 20, 2015   Electronic Records Section
RAAC's Grants Development Subcommittee developed a resource to raise awareness among member regionals about grant opportunities. The Grant Resource Guide is a list of national and state-level grants, which is intended to expand and evolve over time. If you have additional grant opportunities to add to the list, please contact Kristen Chinery, Grants Development Subcommittee Chair at  Please share the link wherever you think appropriate!    
Prepare for Hurricane and Tornado Season - share these Disaster Recovery Resources! Find trusted information including disaster planning, recovery, funding, and training resources. Learn what’s available and what to do before disaster strikes. This new online resource was created by the Disaster Planning and Recovery Subcommittee of the Regional Archival Associations Consortium to assist archives and other repositories in preparing for and responding to collections emergencies. Does your...
RAAC Steering Committee meeting minutes from the May 4, 2015 meeting are available online at: Meeting Minutes
We’re not even halfway through 2015 yet, but it appears to be a rather dramatic year for archives. From records management issues in universities to questionable email practices of public officials to laws that appear to be throwbacks to the early twentieth-century, there’s a lot going on that can affect both archives and archivists. With that in mind, the Issues & Advocacy Roundtable is launching a blog series called Archivists on the Issues and we are looking for contributors. Entries...
May 18, 2015   Issues and Advocacy Section
We are soliciting volunteers to stand for election to roundtable leadership.  We need candidates for Vice Chair and at least four candidates for steering committee.   A. Steering Committee The Steering Committee is composed of between six and eight members willing to serve, including the officers (a Chair and a Vice-Chair).   The Steering Committee directs and coordinates the activities of the Roundtable and approves appointments made by the Chair and the Vice-Chair if vacancies occur....
May 14, 2015   Issues and Advocacy Section
We're pleased to announce the winner of the latest bloggERS! Caption these Bits! contest. Thanks to everyone who participated!
Please click here to access them. Any questions can be directed to a Steering Committee member.
The 2015 Preservation Week Poster is now available for download (see attachment below). Please post and share!
Apr 29, 2015   Preservation Section
Heads up for anyone with an interest in video game preservation: The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is seeking an exemption to the Prohibition on Circumvention of Copyright Protection Systems for Access Control Technologies (17 USC §1201(a)(1)). The exemption is proposed for users who want to modify “videogames that are no longer supported by the developer, and that require communication with a server,” in order to serve player communities who want to keep maintain the functionality of...
Apr 28, 2015   Electronic Records Section
 The Mercy Heritage Center—a museum, education center, and the National Archives for the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas -- has published its first digital exhibit, titled Civil War Sisters: Healing the Wounds of the Nation.   It focuses on the role of the Sisters of Mercy in the American Civil War. It also explores the context of that time period—what was medicine like in the 1860s? What was Catholic American life like in the 1860s? What was the American Civil War? How did the history of the...
What is an RAO Hot Topic? An RAO hot topic is an issue, a concern, an idea that has sparked recent attention in RAO circles.  It can be something that seems novel or cutting-edge; it can be an enduring issue that is garnering new attention or approaches.  What Makes an RAO Hot Topic HOT? An RAO hot topic can be provocative and even fractious; it can also be surprising and funny. Above all else, a hot topic should engender passion, engagement and excitement.    What is an RAO Cool Demo? An...
Once a month, bloggERS! invites readers to submit captions for images related to electronic records and the history of technology, sourced from archives around the world. Submit your caption below by 4/22. Digital archives, preservation, and curation humor are encouraged. We’ll choose three finalists and invite readers to vote for the winner.
Apr 15, 2015   Electronic Records Section
RAAC Steering Committee meeting minutes from the March 9, 2015 meeting are available online at: Meeting Minutes 
Thank you to everyone who was able to us at the Museum Archives Section Business Meeting at the CoSA - NAGARA - SAA Joint Annual Meeting that took place on Friday, August 15 at 12:30PM (Marriott Wardman Park, Room Washington 2 [Exhibition Level]) Business Meeting Agenda: 12:30 – 12:35 p.m.  Greeting and Introductions – Outgoing Cochairs Heidi Abbey and Jennie Thomas 12:35 – 12:50 p.m.  Survey Results – Heidi Abbey 12:50 – 12:55 p.m.  Ballot Results and New Officer Introductions – Incoming...
Apr 13, 2015   Museum Archives Section
John Rees, Archivist and Digital Resources Manager at the National Library of Medicine, discusses the challenges for archivists of identifying and redacting personally identifiable information (PII) and personal health information (PHI) in born-digital content. The topic is based on a breakout session during the Electronic Records Section meeting at the 2014 annual meeting of the Society of American Archivists.
Apr 13, 2015   Electronic Records Section
Thanks to everyone who cast a vote in bloggERS! inaugural caption contest! Check out the winning caption.
Mar 24, 2015   Electronic Records Section
With an expanding capacity to store information in the digital age, do archivists still need to consider the size of collections in making appraisal decisions? Is it more compelling to accept a collection that can be held on a few CDs than one that occupies 30 cubic feet of climate-controlled compact shelving? Should archivists make different acquisition decisions for digital and physical collections? These questions were the topics of a break-out discussion at the 2014 Electronic Records...
Mar 22, 2015   Electronic Records Section