Recent posts from groups

 NAAR 2015 Elections: Candidate Biographies and Statements ***Voting is NOW open! Members will receive an email from SAA with voting instructions. Voting is open until July 14.**** Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect Colleen Cook Archives Coordinator Aqua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indian Palm Springs, California Bio: I am the Archives Coordinator for the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians Tribal Historic Preservation Office.  In this role I manage a Cultural Register of the tribe, a reference archive...
Dear LAGAR Membership,   The Lesbian and Gay Archives Roundtable of SAA is extending the call for nominations for our female self-identified co-chair to serve the Roundtable, 2015-2017.  As per our bylaws, the current female self-identified co-chair must step down at the close of our annual business meeting, 2015; and we hope to replace her with someone of similar fine skills! This new co-chair will work with the current male self-identified co-chair in organizing meetings, sub-committees and...
Meet our wonderful slate of candidates for the 2015 WCRT ballot. The two candidates receiving the most votes will serve as co-Vice Chairs of the roundtable in 2015-2016 and co-Chairs of the roundtable in 2016-2017.Holly SmithBiography Holly A. Smith is currently the College Archivist at Spelman College. Previously she served as African American Materials Specialist in the Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She received her B.A. in...
Jun 18, 2015   Women's Collections Section
Candidate Statements for 2015 Labor Archives Roundtable Co-Chair Election [In Alphabetical Order by Surname] Meghan Courtney - LAR Candidate Bio I would like to express my interest in serving as co-chair for the Labor Archives Roundtable for the 2015-2017 term. Please accept the following as a candidate statement, if necessary: As the AFSCME Archivist, I work closely with an active union, confirming my belief that many labor organizations have a high level of interest in archiving their...
Jun 18, 2015   Labor Archives Section
The nominations for the 2015 Privacy & Confidentiality Roundtable Steering Committee have been posted. Please take a few moments to review candidate biographical notes and statements of interest before the election.
The deadline for submitting nominations and self-nominations for leadership positions in the Electronic Records Section has been extended to Friday, June 19. We are accepting nominations for: Vice Chair/Chair Elect (1 position open -- currently uncontested) Steering Committee (2 positions open) Send all nominations and self-nominations (including name, contact information, and a brief biography and statement of interest) to Marty Gengenbach at: This is a great...
Jun 15, 2015   Electronic Records Section
The slate of candidates is now available for viewing: Name: Tony Wright Institution: The City of Grand Rapids Community Archives and Research Center Statement of Interest: I would like to serve on the Government Records Steering Committee because I have fifteen years of experience with local government records and archives. My experience with city and county government includes the development and improvement of records retention schedules; FOIA requests and FOIA policy development; Document...
Jun 15, 2015   Government Records Section
Courtney Bailey I have a master's degree with a concentration in archives and records management from the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  I have been an SAA member since 2011, and I have been working as a records management analyst at the State Archives of North Carolina since 2014.  I recognize there are many records management initiatives currently taking place at the national, state, and local levels, especially in regards to...
Jun 15, 2015   Records Management Section
We have a two exceptional candidates running for co-chair in the 2015 election! Watch for the online election link from SAA to make your selection. Co-Chair (Select one: Bethany Anderson, Elizabeth Clemens) Bethany Anderson Bethany Anderson is a Visiting Archival Operations and Reference Specialist in the University Archives at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where she manages the processing of digital content and appraises, arranges, and describes hybrid scientific records and...
Jun 15, 2015   Women Archivists Section
It’s time for Caption These Bits! round three! You’re digital pun experts now, right? Once a month, bloggERS invites readers to submit captions for images related to electronic records and the history of technology, sourced from archives around the world. Submit your caption below by 6/19. Digital archives, preservation, and curation humor encouraged. We’ll choose three finalists and invite readers to vote for the winner.
Jun 14, 2015   Electronic Records Section
The time for 2015 elections for open SNAP positions is upon us. Take a few minutes to read over the candidate statements! Vice-chair/Chair Elect Candidates   Kelly Kietur – Private archive I'm Kelly and I currently work as an archivist at a private archive in the Detroit area. I'm interested in serving as Vice Chair/Chair-Elect because as a new archivist as well as a first generation professional I am all too familiar with how daunting it can be when one is just starting out. I want to help...
Local Government Records Roundtable Bylaws (Adopted by the Local Government Records Roundtable membership June 14, 2013) Amendments made May 28, 2015 to be approved by membership according to the terms of therein.   I. NAME. The name of the roundtable shall be Local Government Records Roundtable. II. MISSION. The mission of the roundtable is to provide a forum for dialogue among archivists concerned with the administration, organization, and care of records of local government. III. MEMBERS....
Jennifer Day, CA Archivist, The City of Oklahoma City, Office of City Clerk As Chair of the Local Government Records Roundtable I hope to generate more discussion and activity on the email forum, establish goals for the coming year to create a resource/education guide for preserving government records, and start a campaign to bring more LGRRT members to the SAA annual meeting. I appreciate your participation and support.  A little about my professional background and current position:  I have...
The Local Government Records Roundtable will meet in Cleveland on Friday August 21 at 4:30 The meeting will include a presentation from a government archivist working in the Cleveland area, Judith Cetina:  Judith G. Cetina has a  BA (1971), MA (1974) and Ph.D. (1977) in History from Case Western University; and completed fellowships at the Case Western Reserve University Archives and the Western Reserve Historical Society. She has been with the Cuyahoga County Archives since 1977 and has been...
This year we are electing one Vice Chair/Chair Elect and three Steering Committee members. Electronic ballots will be sent to RLRT members in early July. The Vice Chair/Chair Elect serves a two-year term. Year 1: Serves as Vice Chair and participates as a member of the Steering Committee. Year 2: Serves as Chair of the Roundtable. Candidate for Vice Chair/Chair Elect: Jessica Lacher-Feldman Steering Committee members may be appointed or elected, each for a one-year term that is renewable...
Jun 12, 2015   Research Libraries Section
Vice Chair/Chair-elect (vote for one) Christine George Greetings, IART members. My name is Christine Anne George and I would like you to vote for me for Vice Chair. I’ve been on the IART Steering Committee for the past two years and am extremely proud of the work we’ve done. As a member of the Steering Committee, I’ve helped gather research that has been compiled into informative blog posts about issues, such as the news round up for the situation at the University of Oregon and an update about...
Jun 11, 2015   Issues and Advocacy Section
The proposed Records Management Roundtable bylaws were accepted by SAA Council at their May 2015 meeting. You can view the final bylaws in the attachment with all the changes accepted. We will be using these bylaws going forward including for the upcoming election.  Please contact Beth Cron at with any questions!
Jun 11, 2015   Records Management Section
Junior Co-Chair and the Online Communication Liaison for 2015-2017 The Latin American and Caribbean Cultural Heritage Archives Roundtable (LACCHA) is ready to elect the Junior Co-Chair and the Online Communication Liaison for 2015-2017. The candidates for these positions are the following (please see bios and statements):   Candidate for Junior Co-chair: George Apodaca   Candidate for Online Communications Liaison:   Lauren b. Goodley
Members, Good news following the May Council meeting.  Our Statement of Mission, Vision and Core Values has been officially (and unanimously) approved!  Many thanks to those who offered feedback, both during last year’s business meeting and during the comment period in the fall.  Some changes have been made to our original draft, most notably in the last value.  The Steering Committee decided to change this value to “Dialogue” when conversations with Council revealed that we needed a...
View Todd's bio and statement:
Candidate for Vice Chair/Chair/Immediate Past Chair (1 Position)   Molly Marcusse Biography: Molly Marcusse is the Assistant Archivist for processing and reference at the American Heritage Center of the University of Wyoming. In this position she works shifts on the reference desk, answers reference requests, processes and describes collections, and is currently working with the accessioning department to create a more efficient and effective workflow for description of new collection materials...
Jun 9, 2015   Description Section
Please review your 2015 nominees. A list of them can be found here. Each candidate has their own candidate page with their qualifications and candidate statements.
Dear Colleagues, The Nominating Committee of the Oral History Section seeks candidates to fill the following positions: Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect – 1 seat Steering Committee Member - 2 seats Responsibilities of the officers, election and term information are detailed in the Section’s bylaws. Please consider nominating yourself, or a colleague (with their permission), to stand for election this summer. Elected individuals will take office at the close of the Section meeting in August 2015....
Jun 4, 2015   Oral History Section
Dear Colleagues, The Nominating Committee of the Oral History Section seeks candidates to fill the following positions: Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect – 1 seat Steering Committee Member - 2 seats Responsibilities of the officers, election and term information are detailed in the Section’s bylaws. Please consider nominating yourself, or a colleague (with their permission), to stand for election this summer. Elected individuals will take office at the close of the Section meeting in August 2015....
Jun 4, 2015   Oral History Section
The Archival History Roundtable is pleased to solicit nominations for four open positions: roundtable vice-chair/chair-elect and three steering committee members. Nominees must be current members of the Society of American Archivists to be considered by the Steering Committee. You may nominate a colleague or self-nominate. To nominate a colleague for either of these positions, please prepare a brief statement of their qualifications (1 paragraph).  To self-nominate for either of these positions...
Jun 3, 2015   Archival History Section