IAART launched a new blog - Submit your ideas for a title to win a prize!

We are a little over a week away from the annual meeting of the International Archival Affairs Roundtable, which will take place during SAA's annual meeting in Washington.  An agenda will be sent out during the next couple of days.

In the meantime, I would like to announce the launch of our new (as yet untitled) roundtable blog, which can be found at http://iaartsaa.wordpress.com/ .

The purpose of this blog is to supplement, not supplant, the round table's listserv, by providing an opportunity for IAART members and guests to contribute occasional essays related to various facets of the international aspects of our profession.  For more information about the blog, please take a look at the entry that I recently posted, which discusses some of the goals and purposes of it.  If you would like to submit a blog entry of your own, please send them to the junior co-chair of IAART, who is currently Christian Kelleher (kelleher@austin.utexas.edu), for review.  Many thanks go out to Ryder Kouba, who created the initial design and site, as well as the other members of the IAART steering committee for their input and suggestions

One other note:  The blog still doesn't have a title, and we would like to turn to you, the IAART members, to help us come up with a fitting name for this blog.  If you have any ideas that you would like to submit, please send them to my attention (bbauer@ushmm.org), between now and August 31.  The winning title will be announced after that time, and there may even be a prize involved (stay tuned for details of that).

Best regards,

Brad Bauer
Senior co-chair, IAART