EAD3 Status Update

TS-EAD has been working hard to complete the development of EAD3.  The core schema was redesigned this fall to support the creation of derivative forms, including Relax NG, XSD, and DTD versions, along with undeprecated versions of each.  Many bugs were squashed along the way as well.  The stable development version of the schema can be found at https://github.com/SAA-SDT/EAD-Revision/tree/develop.  

Currently we are focused on developing the migration style sheet and finalizing the tag library.  The current *unfinished* version of the migration style sheet is available at https://github.com/SAA-SDT/EAD2002toEAD3/tree/develop.  Work on those should be completed early in 2015, at which point EAD3 will be submitted first to the Standards Committee and then to SAA Council for adoption by the society.  

We want to thank to the EAD community for the support, feedback, and patience they have given us throughout the revision process.  It will all be paying off soon.

As always, your questions or concerns are welcome.