Referendum: Proposed Revisions to Preservation Section Standing Rules


Since the section's bylaws were changed to standing rules per the member affinity group transition approved by Council in August 2016, the Preservation Section's standing rules have been in need of an update. This update reflects the current operations of the section's steering committee as it has evolved over the last five years. These changes mostly address the section's online presence, update outdated modes of communication prescribed in the standing rules, and clarify some confusing passages.

The updates also address the larger role the Preservation Section plays in raising funds for the National Disaster Recovery Fund for Archives (NDRFA). To this end, an NDRFA Committee and committee chair position has been added to the standing rules to facilitate the section's annual silent auction.

The updated standing rules will be added to the July 2019 ballot as a referendum. Please review the updates to the standing rules (marked in red in the attached document). Thank you!

Preservation section_amendments to standing rules 2019.pdf116.12 KB