Preservation Week 2018 Twitter Conference

The Society of American Archivists Preservation Section is holding a Twitter Conference beginning at 9:00 AM EST on April 26th as part of Preservation Week 2018. This free and inclusive conference will cover a range of preservation related topics for archivists and librarians (or any interested party!). You can follow along on Twitter using the hashtag #PresTC and ask questions to the conference “speakers”.

Each speaker will have a 15 minute time slot allocated to their presentation. There is no theme beyond “preservation” with the hope that the will be subject matter of interested to a broad range of audiences to help support the educational mission of Preservation Week.

This Conference has been modeled after the recent Icon Twitter Conference (#IconTC) and Public Archaeology Twitter Conference (#PATC).



Call for Papers


Please submit your presentation proposal here. The submission deadline is April 6th.

Papers are encouraged from all forms of practitioners with a project or research on the preservation of library and archival materials. In particular, we would like to encourage submissions from students and individuals of diverse backgrounds and organizations.

If you have any questions, please contact Fletcher Durant, SAA Preservation Section Communications Chair: fletcher dot durant at gmail dot com. Or contact him on Twitter @fletcherdurant.


Speakers Guidance


1. You must have a Twitter account to participate, this can be a personal or organisational account.
2. Presentations are allowed a minimum of 6 tweets and maximum of 12 tweets up to your character limit (280 characters). Think of this as a lightning talk on the Internet.
3. Every tweet must be numbered (1 - 12) and include the hashtag #PresTC to allow later audiences to follow along.
4. Your tweets should start with an introductory tweet, have 4-10 "body" tweets, and end with a summary tweet or even a list of further resources.
5. While Fair Use for educational purposes should cover most content, the speaker is responsible for ensuring they have the correct copyright and permissions for the material to be placed on Twitter.
6. Speakers are encouraged to include media in their tweets, from images to GIFs. Utilize the format of Twitter to be creative with the presentation of your work. But please note that an attached image takes up space in your tweet, so you get fewer characters.
7. Discussion and questions are encouraged. When asking a question, please direct your tweet to the individual using their handle and use the hashtag #PresTC
9. See a good example from #PATC here.
10. Have fun!


On the day

1. Draft your tweets ahead of time in order to avoid issues during the event. Make sure your account is not private and your tweets are not protected, otherwise we will be unable to see them. Follow the event with hashtag #PresTC.
2. Our advice is to tweet one per minute or similar, which will then allow some time for questions or comments. There will be plenty of time after you have completed your 15mins for more questions/comments so don’t worry if you are unable to answer them all in your allocated time.
3. Reply to yourself with each tweet, so that they are displayed together on Twitter.
4. We ask that your first presentation tweet be pinned to the top of your profile page for at least 1 week after the event to allow users to find your tweets after the event.