Confirmed that planning for lightning talks and speakers is moving forward. Will send a communication to ERS membership about the section meeting agenda once everything has been finalized.
Resources Project/Internship plan
No action items at this time.
2019 Section Elections
Reviewed positions that are available: vice-chair/chair-elect, 2 steering committee members
Discussed individuals who we might like to reach out to one-on-one to encourage them to run for steering committee or, if they are not interested in running themselves, solicit recommendations for other candidates. Emphasis on an interest in encouraging people of color and individuals from other underrepresented groups within SAA to run.
Discussed what information we want to require from candidates, including institutional affiliation, job title, and a headshot or other image.
Discussed what information and requests will be in the call for participation that we send out.
Pushed to a future meeting:
Preparing to write Annual Report, which is due after 2019 Annual Meeting in August
Secretary’s update on microsite
June 2019
2019 Section Elections
Confirmed that we have candidates for each position and approved draft ballot
bloggERS elections are coming soon; no SC action items at this time
Annual Meeting Planning
Final program information has been shared with Felicia
Planned brief agenda for business meeting portion
Discussed plans for icebreaker and breakout sessions
Meeting with Acquisitions & Appraisal Section to finalize some details in mid-July
Early Career Member
We are interested in adding an early career member to the steering committee
Discussed mentorship opportunities and desire to have this member lead the resource survey project
Secretary Update
Reviewed public meeting minutes from this year and confirmed these will be shared publicly; need to decide how to share: text on microsite, link to Google Doc, etc.
Microsite updates
Would like to add clearer contact information for members who would like to get involved, current SC roster
Jane and Kelsey will review existing content and determine a plan for better organizing the microsite going forward
July 2019
Election Results
Results are in! The three candidates who ran for three open positions (vice-chair, 2 steering committee members) were elected and will begin their terms after Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting Planning
Finalized agenda and last steps for preparing for joint section meeting with Acquisitions & Appraisal section.
Early Career Member update
Early career members will be paired with groups, not sections at this time. We can request to have an intern work with us in the future if we like.
Many thanks to outgoing steering committee members! Thanks for all your hard work!