Hope to hear from the Council of State Archivists (CoSA) about their resource library
Can SAA help us with a hosting solution?
Could SAA & CoSA could work together to jointly host resources rather than build two similar resources?
SAA Annual (Conference is now online)
Government records section is still interested in collaborating on a panel on email archiving; next step is to start reaching out to potential panelists
ERS did have a discussion about email archiving at SAA Annual in the last couple of years; will review old program and make sure we don’t repeat specific topics or invite the same panelists
This year’s theme is Creating our Future
Email blast will go out after this meeting
bloggERS will share via bloggERS Twitter; will also push to Digital Curation list, WCS
In light of the fact that some people might not be able to maintain their SAA membership right now, we are all encouraged to do some targeted outreach to encourage individuals to run for leadership positions
Will try to get a list of current ERS members
Need to have list of candidates by June 1; candidate submission deadline is May 29
June 2020
Resource Project
Pinged CoSA again and have not heard back yet about their resource library
SAA Annual (Conference is now online)
GRS wrote to confirm that we’re still interested in working with them on a joint section meeting
Initially requested a 2 hour meeting but it looks like we can only have 75 minutes
Can we do back-to-back section meetings (Part I and Part II, each 75 minutes) so that we can have plenty of time? ‘
What logistics do we need to think about to make this happen?
Will reach out to GRS to schedule a call with ERS/GRS members to talk next steps
Donating Section’s discretionary money ($250) to the Archival Workers Emergency Fund (AWEF)
Steering committee agrees that we should allocate this money to AWEF
Will send poll to ERS membership about this
Need to make this decision and do paperwork before end of June
July 2020
Resource project
Found information about the formation of the CoSA project but have not been able to connect with anyone who worked on it
Annual Meeting planning
Three confirmed speakers:
RATOM - Camille Tyndall-Watson
Speaker #2
Jessica Drmacich - compliance for email archiving in institutional archives
Fourth panelist would be nice but may be difficult to get someone on such short notice; would want to have someone confirmed by Monday or Tuesday so that there’s a full week before the panel; ideally someone from a manuscript repository
July 28, 3:00-5:00
Panel presentation followed by moderated conversation
Moderators (for panelists and the chat) are all set
Five minutes for each section set aside for section business
New incoming Vice Chair - Sara Rogers
New steering committee members: Valencia Johnson, Jenny Korns - thank you for joining, looking forward to working with them
Members rolling off: Alice Prael, Jessica Venlet (steering committee); Jessica Farrell (immediate past chair) - thank you for serving!
This year ERS put together a project plan around bringing together the vast landscape of electronic/born-digital records resources. Look out for ways to get involved later this year.
Steering Committee Election
Ballot closed on 7/14
Waiting to get official results
ERS chair will reach out to individual candidates and then make an announcement to the section