Three steering committee members volunteered to keep this project (resources for born-digital archives/electronic records programs) from last term going this year
Sub-committee will solicit assistance from students or early career members who are interested in working with us
SAA Annual Meeting
Two members volunteered to take the lead organizing our section meeting for SAA Annual in 2020
Proposed working with records management section on a joint meeting
Potential topics: change management, putting policies and procedures in place - marrying the practical and the ideal, GDPR requirements and transparency - how GDPR affects archivists
December 2019
The ERS Steering Committee did not meet in December 2019.
January 2020
ERS Resource Group sub-committee report
No updates from December
Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, January 22 for sub-committee to discuss how to proceed with the project; all are welcome to join
SAA Annual Meeting
ERS will reach out to Records Management section
May want to solicit feedback on our meeting format and activities from ERS members to make sure we’re planning a meeting that is valuable
Planning such an involved program was a lot of work in 2019; may want to scale things back this year