Susan will reach out to Felicia re: partnering (a la CoSA); Susan will also reach out to CoSA to learn more about their tool and who maintains it, how it works
Project plan feedback
What do we mean by open access? (Resource will be open access)
Include institution size? Budget is probably more important than # of total employees
Susan will work on matching resources to taxonomy, will let Annalise know if she needs help
Reached out to Felicia (SAA) and COSA about who administers website: is there a place our resources document could be added and maintained?
SAA Annual
Assuming that conference is likely to be online only
In Chicago, large public events (those run by the city) have been canceled for this summer; does not necessarily extend to private events but seems likely that large in-person events won’t take place
What can we organize online, regardless of the status of the conference itself
Standard presentation format can easily be translated to online panel
Will touch base with Government Records group about planning a virtual meeting
We need to submit everything (open positions, candidates, and candidate statements) to Felicia by June 1