Recent posts from groups

Check out the latest post to bloggERS!, the blog of the SAA Electronic Records Section: Preservation beyond the bits: An interview with Linda Tadic.
Apr 28, 2016   Electronic Records Section
The 2016 Preservation Week poster is available for download! Please click here!
Apr 23, 2016   Preservation Section
The Government Records Case Studies are drawn from real life and address challenges faced by archives responsible for government records, including but not limited to: advocacy, (re)appraisal, custody issues, starting a records program, digitization projects, born-digital records, preservation, access, accountability and transparency. The goal is to develop a set of cases from a broad range of repositories, representing all levels of government: local, state, provincial, territorial, tribal,...
Apr 21, 2016   Government Records Section
Check out the third post in our Spring 2016 series on processing digital materials by Michael G. Olson, Service Manager for the Born-Digital/Forensics Labs at Stanford University Libraries.
Apr 19, 2016   Electronic Records Section
On behalf of the SAA Electronic Records Section blog editorial team, we'd like to invite you to check out the latest post in the bloggERS! Series on Digital Processing:
The 2016 RAO Program Committee is especially interested in hearing from vendors who'd like to present on the following topics or themes: Access to Born Digital Collections – This could be a policy discussion regarding privacy or confidentiality, as well as access policy and procedural issues, or the technology and manpower needed to make it happen. Assessment – What stats do you keep? What’s important? How do you track these stats? How do you use these at your institution? Archival...
The 2016 Nominations and Elections Committee for SAA’s Reference, Access and Outreach (RAO) Section is accepting nominations for candidates to run for Steering Committee membership (2 positions) and Vice Chair/Chair-Elect. RAO is committed to developing a diverse slate of candidates with a variety of backgrounds, from a range of institutions, and with an array of experience. Nominees must be current members of the Society of American Archivists and the Reference, Access and Outreach Section to...
SAA-ACRL/RBMS Joint Task Force on the Development of Standardized Statistical Measures for the Public Services of Archival Repositories and Special Collections Libraries:  SAA Progress Report (Prepared by:  Amy Schindler, SAA co-chair, and Christian Dupont, ACRL/RBMS co-chair)   Summary of Meeting Activities: The SAA-ACRL/RBMS Joint Task Force on the Development of Standardized Statistical Measures for the Public Services of Archives Repositories and Special Collections Libraries created by the...
Negotiation. The word in and of itself can be terrifying. What to ask for and how to negotiate your salary and new position. Do we as women, negotiate our worth, and what challenges do we face?   Please join WAR (@womenarchivists) for our next live tweet discussion on salary negotiation hosted by steering committee member, Beth Myers, Director of Special Collections at Smith College, (@archivedB) on February 19, 1:00-2:30pm EST. Have you recently been through a job negotiation? How do you go...
Feb 6, 2016   Women Archivists Section
The Summer 2014 issue of Descriptive Notes, the newsletter of the Description Section, is now available.
Jan 25, 2016   Description Section
I&A Steering Committee 2015 December 09 Conference Call   Last Meeting Follow-up:   1)      Blog (Christine).  One “Steering Share” blog post (each one introducing a steering committee member) will be published every two weeks.  We have a schedule, and two posts are ready. 2)      Website (Laurel).  October conference call minutes are ready to be posted. 3)      Illinois Museums issue (Wendy).  SAA is discussing next steps with the Midwest Archives Conference (MAC). 4)      Possible Models...
Jan 21, 2016   Issues and Advocacy Section
I am happy to announce the beta release of the EAD 2002 to EAD3 migration style sheet. The beta release is available on GitHub at Style sheet documentation is available in the README file, which is included in the release pckage and is accessible at The style sheet has been tested extensively against a wide variety of instances of EAD 2002. It is, however, a beta...
OHA@50: Traditions, Transitions, and Technologies from the Field 2016 OHA Annual Meeting October 12-16, 2016 Long Beach, California Renaissance Hotel The Oral History Association invites proposals for papers and presentations for its 50th anniversary meeting in 2016 to be held October 12-16, 2016 at the Renaissance Hotel in Long Beach, California.  The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2016. ( The fiftieth anniversary meeting offers at once an opportunity to...
Jan 12, 2016   Oral History Section
Islandora and Oral History: Improving Access to Interviews at the NCAR Archives   Kate Legg, Archivist and Digital Collections Librarian, National Center for Atmospheric Research   At the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Archives, we are striving to meet the challenges of fulfilling our users’ expectations in the digital age, especially around access to oral history collections. Beginning in the 1980s, NCAR joined with the American Meteorological Society (AMS) to create the AMS...
Jan 12, 2016   Oral History Section
The New Roots/Nuevas Raíces Latino Oral History Initiative Launches Bilingual Digital Resources By Hannah Gill, The Latino Migration Project at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill The growth of Latino communities in the U.S. South is one of the most significant demographic changes in the recent history of the nation. The New Roots/Nuevas Raices Oral History Initiative, established in 2007 to document this history from the perspectives of migrant newcomers, is pleased to announce the...
Jan 12, 2016   Oral History Section
Recording Life in the Zone: The Panama Canal Museum Collection Oral Histories   Jessica Marcetti, Collections Coordinator, and E. Haven Hawley, Chair, Special and Area Studies Collections Department, University of Florida   The Panama Canal Museum Collection (PCMC) at the University of Florida’s George A. Smathers Libraries collects items representing life and work in the Panama Canal Zone, including photographs, documents, 3-D objects, and oral histories. Generations of Americans working on...
Jan 12, 2016   Oral History Section
A Cowboy in Every County Oral History Project at the Oklahoma Oral History Research Program By Sarah Milligan, Associate Professor and Head, Oklahoma Oral History Research Program, Oklahoma State University   In conjunction with the 125th anniversary of Oklahoma State University’s founding, the Oklahoma Oral History Research Program (OOHRP) is interviewing at least one alumnus in in each of Oklahoma’s 77 counties during 2015-2016, with the goal of leveraging an anniversary event to the long-...
Jan 12, 2016   Oral History Section
Using Oral Histories to Create Campus Collaborations   Beth Ann Koelsch, Curator of the UNC Greensboro Women Veterans Historical Project   The Betty H. Carter Women Veterans Historical Project (WVHP), part of the University Libraries at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG), recognizes the contributions of women veterans with an annual November luncheon. The purpose of the event is to honor the service of women who served in the United States armed forces and the American...
Jan 12, 2016   Oral History Section
I&A Steering Committee 2015 October 14 Conference Call   Last Meeting Follow-up: 1)      Website (Laurel).  Minutes from the August SAA meeting and September conference call are posted. 2)      Blog (Christine).  Everyone signed up for the “Introducing the Steering Committee” blog posts; we’re ready to write them and post in November. 3)      Surveys (Wendy).  Affinity group survey was done.  Dues increase was discussed among Steering group and with Lisa. 4)      Project ARCC.  Wendy will...
Jan 12, 2016   Issues and Advocacy Section
  Remembering Cliff Kuhn Todd Moye, Professor of History and Director, University of North Texas Oral History Program We are very sorry to have to share with you the news that our friend and Oral History Association (OHA) Executive Director Cliff Kuhn passed away on November 8 in Atlanta, surrounded as he usually was by loved ones.   Surely we do not have to tell you what a loss this is—not just to his family and the OHA but to the worldwide oral history movement, to the fields of southern...
Jan 12, 2016   Oral History Section