Recent posts from groups

The SAA-ACRL/RBMS Joint Task Force on the Development of Standardized Statistical Measures for Public Services in Archival Repositories and Special Collections Libraries is currently developing a new standard defining appropriate statistical measures and performance metrics to govern the collection and analysis of statistical data for describing public services provided by archival repositories and special collections libraries. In August-September 2015, the Task Force disseminated a survey...
Elizabeth Surles (co-chair, 2016-2018) Elizabeth has been Archivist at the Institute of Jazz Studies since January 2014. Prior to joining the Institute, she was Digitization Archivist and then Library Director at the American Alpine Club Library in Golden, Colorado.  She formerly worked at the Sousa Archives and Center for American Music and the Office of Collections in the library of the University of Illinois, where she earned master’s degrees in musicology and library and information science...
Jul 8, 2016   Performing Arts Section
Below are the candidates for the 3 vacant positions to serve on the GRS Steering Committee for the 2016-2018 term. Following standing tradition, the candidate with the most votes will be asked to serve as Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect. Name: Ingi HouseInstitution: U.S. Navy Seabee MuseumGovernment Sector: Federal Statement of Interest: As a long-time federal archivist, I am interested in serving on the Government Records Steering Committee because I enjoy promoting their usage and assisting...
In preparation for the upcoming SAA Oral History Section election, a full slate of candidates has stepped forward to take part in the election for new leadership positions. Each candidate's bio and statement of interest can be viewed at this link on the Oral History Section's microsite. SAA Staff will create all ballots by the first week of July and share them with respective section/roundtable chairs, who are responsible for publicizing the ballot to their membership. Ballots will be open for...
Jun 27, 2016   Oral History Section
Candidate for Vice Chair/Chair-Elect Jody Hoks I am the Digital Archivist for the Archives, Local History, and Genealogy Unit at the Fort Worth Library. I am responsible for developing and promoting digital collections, and preserving and providing access to the Archives’ digital materials. Previously, I was the Assistant Archivist for the Bernard Rapoport Legacy Project at the Briscoe Center for American History, and a Project Archivist at the Milwaukee Public Library. I earned an MA in...
Meet the Candidates for the 2016 CMTRT Election
View the Brooklyn Historical Society's Oral History Metadata Synchronizer Guide here.
View the ArchivesSpace Repository Profile for UC Irvine here.
Martha Bace is our candidate for Vice-Chair/Chair-elect: Biography:Although I’ve lived in Alabama for a significant portion of my adult life, I am a Texan by birth and heritage.  After graduating from Vestavia Hills High School in Birmingham, in 1973, I received my bachelor’s degree in history from Austin College in Sherman, Texas, in 1977.  After graduation I worked at the University of Alabama in Birmingham in the bookstore for a year and a half before entering library school at George...
Jun 21, 2016   Description Section
My name is Keith Reynolds, I'm self identified cisgender gay male. and I was born and raised in Wyoming. I earned a master’s degree in public history from the University of Wyoming in 2011 and worked as an archivist at the American Heritage center for five years. I currently live in Utah and work for the Salt Lake City government doing records management. I spent two years working at the Utah AIDS Foundation, first as the HIV prevention coordinator and later as the client services...
Thank you to everyone who answered the call for nominations for the upcoming Preservation Section Steering Committee Elections! Here is the slate of nominees for the 2016 elections: VICE CHAIR/CHAIR-ELECT Janet CarletonJanet Carleton is Digital Initiatives coordinator for Ohio University Libraries where she is responsible for the digitization and digital preservation of the Libraries unique resources, and promoting their use through social media. She is active in SAA and regional and state...
Jun 17, 2016   Preservation Section
This year we are electing one Vice Chair/Chair Elect and two Steering Committee members. Electronic ballots will be sent to RLRT members in early July.  The Vice Chair/Chair Elect serves a two-year term. Year 1: Serves as Vice Chair and participates as a member of the Steering Committee. Year 2: Serves as Chair of the Roundtable. Steering Committee members may be appointed or elected, each for a one-year term that is renewable for up to three consecutive years at the discretion of the incoming...
Jun 17, 2016   Research Libraries Section
Greetings - Nominations closed on June 1st for the Labor Archives Roundtable Co-Chair.  We have one candidate, Conor Casey.  You can read his statement here: The election will be held in July, keep a lookout for the ballot and please be sure to vote to confirm this important position. many thanks, Catherine Powell and Meghan Courtney
Jun 16, 2016   Labor Archives Section
Candidate Statement for Co-Chair of the Labor Archives Roundtable Conor Casey, MA, MLIS, CA   Roundtable Service It was a pleasure serving as Labor Archives Roundtable Co-Chair in 2011-2013 and 2013-2015. In my terms, I coordinated our roundtable’s adoption of bylaws to ensure our compliance with SAA council policy, spearheaded an investigative effort to determine the viability of a topical cross-repository labor collections search portal, enhanced access to our updated LAR repository...
Jun 16, 2016   Labor Archives Section
Candidate Biographies and Statements Vice Chair/Chair-elect Christy Fic Christy Fic is the University Archivist & Special Collections Librarian at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania. Before coming to Shippensburg, she worked as a contract processing archivist for the Smithsonian Institution's National Anthropological Archives. Christy holds an MLIS from the University of Pittsburgh, an MA in Applied History from Shippensburg University, and a BA in Anthropology & Sociology...
Meet our wonderful slate of candidates for the 2016 WCRT election. The two individuals receiving the most votes will serve as co-Vice Chairs of the roundtable in 2016-2017 and co-Chairs of the roundtable in 2017-2018. Annalise Berdini Biography I am currently the Digital Archivist at UC San Diego Special Collections and Archives. I previously worked as project assistant and processor on the PACSCL/CLIR Hidden Collections Project in Philadelphia, PA, where I earned my MLIS in Archives...
Jun 16, 2016   Women's Collections Section
SAA LACCHA Jr. Co-Chair nominee Ana D. RodriguezAna D. Rodriguez has been involved with learning environments such as art collections, museums, and libraries for the past seventeen years. These combined experiences have allowed her to acquire a knowledge base in the areas of art documentation, exhibits preparation, description of archival visual materials, and various aspects of special collections librarianship. Ana’s journey in archives started in Puerto Rico where she worked as assistant...
SAA Recorded Sound Roundtable 2016/2017 Elections Nominee Bios and Statements   Vice Chair/Chair Elect    Tre Berney: Tre is the Director of Digitization and Conservation Services at Cornell University Library, overseeing the Digital Media Group and the Conservation Lab. I designed and created Cornell’s AV Digitization Lab and help develop preservation and access workflows and policy for digital content across the library. I have an extensive background in audiovisual production,...
SNAP RT 2016-2017 Ballot Vice Chair/Chair-Elect Candidates Megan Moltrup - University of Texas at Austin My name is Megan Moltrup. I graduated from the University of Texas at Austin this past May. During my time at UT, I specialized in archives and was involved in our student chapter of SAA. Last year, I served as our President, one of my major projects was working to organize a roundtable meeting for student chapter officers. I've worked in a variety of institutions including the Harry Ransom...
Nominations for Chair Beth Cron Beth Cron is a Senior Records Management Policy Analyst at the National Archives and Records Administration. She is a member of the Records Management Policy and Outreach Section within the Office of the Chief Records Officer. Her team has produced guidance on social media records, cloud computing, and email archiving applications. Beth is a 2008 graduate of the School of Information at the University of Michigan and she specialized in Archives and Records...
Jun 15, 2016   Records Management Section
Cliff Hight, Candidate for VP/Chair-Elect Biographical statement: Cliff Hight has been the university archivist at Kansas State University Libraries since 2011. His primary stewardship is the preservation and accessibility of historically-significant university records in all formats. He holds an MSIS in archives and records administration and an MA in history from the University at Albany, State University of New York.  He was the archivist/curator at the Royal Gorge Regional Museum and...
SOCIETY OF AMERICAN ARCHIVISITS Archival History Round Table Election of Officers 2016-2017   The election of new officers for the Archival History Roundtable will be held for the following positions: Vice Chair/Chair-Elect (1 position) and Steering Committee (3 positions).  Each candidate was invited to submit a brief background statement of experience and interest in the Archival History Roundtable. Candidate for Vice Chair/Chair-Elect: Kelly Kolar (Middle Tennessee State University) I am...
Jun 15, 2016   Archival History Section
The Museum Archives Section’s Standards and Best Practices Working Group is holding a half-day symposium on born-digital records in a museum setting at this year’s Annual Meeting. We will discuss acquiring, preserving, and providing access to born-digital archival materials and consider strategies for successful collaborations with our colleagues in other departments. While focused on museums, this symposium will be valuable for any archivist dealing with born-digital records and communicating...
Jun 15, 2016   Museum Archives Section
Issues and Advocacy 2016 Roundtable Ballot Vice-Chair (vote for one) Hope M. DunbarBio:I would like to nominate myself for the position of Vice-Chair for the Issues & Advocacy Roundtable. I am currently an Archivist at SUNY Buffalo State College in the Archives & Special Collections Department. Previously, I have had roles in the Special Collections & Rare Book Department of the Buffalo & Erie County Public Library; the Library & Archives of the John Felice Rome Center...
Jun 14, 2016   Issues and Advocacy Section
Co-chair Candidates Stacie Williams: Stacie Williams is the Learning Lab Manager at the University of Kentucky's Special Collections Research Center, coordinating an undergraduate archives research internship, and she additionally teaches the graduate-level archives and manuscripts management course in UK’s School of Library and Information Science. She has previously worked at Tufts University's Digital Collections and Archives, the Harvard Medical School's Countway Library, and the Lexington...
Jun 13, 2016   Women Archivists Section