January 27, 2016 6:00-8:00p.m. The Burke Library Reading Room (3rd Floor)
Union Theological Seminary, 3041 Broadway
Panelists: Larry Cox, Co-Director, Kairos: The Center for Religions, Rights and Social Justice and former Executive Director, Amnesty International USA; Gail Hovey, Former member of the Southern Africa Committee, American Committee on Africa; Rev. William Wipfler, Former Director of the Latin American Department of the National Council of Churches
Moderator: Carolyn...
A group of "engineers, designers, business executives, and others" created and signed a pledge vowing not to create a database of individuals based on their religious beliefs. In doing so, the writers of the pledge acknowledge the role of technology in human rights abuses throughout history and vow to identify and advocate against the targeting of marginalized communities such as Muslims and immigrants.
The full pledge can be found at http://neveragain.tech/
Please submit newsletter items about archives and human rights (writ broadly) to hilary.h.barlow@gmail.com. These can be recent publications, upcoming events or exhibitions, opportunities and scholarships, or something else entirely as long as it connects to archives and human rights. For the January newsletter, please send you submission by January 15, 2017.
The human rights archives blog is making a comeback and we need your contributions! Is there an issue that really irks you and you have something to say? Is there something in the news that can benefit from an archival perspective? Did you work on an incredible project related to archives and human rights and you want to share you insights?
Send blog post pitches to hilary.h.barlow@gmail.com. Include a short summary of your idea and why you're the best person to write it. Publication...
by George Apodaca (Harvard University) and Ana Rodriguez (University of Florida) Co-chairs, Latin American and Caribbean Cultural Heritage (LACCHA) Section
Mexican archivist Enrique Chmelnik, president of the Association of Mexican Private Archives and Libraries (AMABPAC) and director of the Center for Documentation and Jewish Research in Mexico (CDIJUM) was the guest speaker and presenter at the Latin American and Caribbean Cultural Heritage Section (LACCHA) gathering during Archives*...
What happens when depository librarians look beyond our SuDoc “Y” collections? Are the real gems of Congressional information filed in archival boxes or in the open stacks of depository libraries? In every state, Congressional archives are the perfect complement to federal depository libraries. As documents librarians learn about local Members of Congress and their papers, we can bring increased focus to our own collection development, LibGuides, reference, and instruction. In this session, two...
C-SPAN3 interviews Robert Spindler, Arizona State, about the Carl Hayden and Barry Goldwater papers and Maurita Baldock, University of Arizona, about Morris Udall, Stewart Udall and Gabby Giffords.
The 2015-2016 Collection Management Tools Roundtable annual report is now available online.
The Basics of Disaster Preparedness: In Case “It Will Never Happen to Us” Happens Tomorrow
While we cannot cover the vast amount of information related to disaster preparedness, it is our hope that we can give PLASC members enough information to get started. Basic information covered will include who to call for help, where to find resources, what supplies they should have on hand, how to handle wet items, and the importance of documenting your event.
The video recording and slide decks from the 2016 annual meeting of the Collection Management Tools Roundtable are now available online. Visit our Annual Meetings page to view the presentations and download the slides.
Update: The comment period for Version 1 closed on August 22, 2016. Version 2 is open for comments January 18-February 18, 2017. Archivists and special collections librarians should direct further comments to Task Force co-chairs Amy Schindler amycschindler@gmail.com (SAA) and Christian Dupont christian.dupont@bc.edu (ACRL/RBMS).
Comments Sought
The SAA-ACRL/RBMS Joint Task Force on the Development of Standardized Statistical Measures for Public Services in Archival Repositories and Special...
Please welcome Christina Bryant as the LGRRT Interim Vice Chair. She responded to a call for a volunteer to fill this role at the roundtable meeting in Atlanta on August 5, 2016. Christina is the Archivist of the New Orleans Public Library.
The SAA Council has accepted the Local Government Records Roundtable bylaws that were amended May 28, 2015 and approved by the Roundtable membership on August 21, 2015.
Following some section updates, we heard presentations from Joel Wurl, Senior Program Officer, Division of Preservation and Access, National Endowment for the Humanities, and Christine Wiseman, Unit Head – Digital Services, Woodruff Library, Atlanta University Center.
We then enjoyed lightning presentations from a variety of institutions on selection criteria and tools used to select collections or items for preservation and conservation treatment. Our speakers include: Tommy Brown – Auburn...
The votes have been counted and the section has chosen!
Janet Carleton for Chair Elect & Anastasia Matijkiw for Member at Large will be taking their places on the Steering Committee of the Preservation Section. Congratulations to you both.
Thanks to all the great candidates we had this year and to the section for casting your votes.
-Alix BentrudOutgoing Chair
Note from the Chair
As we approach the 2016 annual meeting, I’m not only looking forward to meeting many of you in Atlanta, but also to the official launch of the SAA Oral History Project Digital Collection. Please join us at the section meeting on Thursday, August 4, 3:30-5pm in Room 204/205 to learn more from project intern Treshani Perera.
This collection was made possible by the hard work of more than 35 members of the section who coordinated and conducted interviews, created...