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In conjunction with the 125th anniversary of Oklahoma State University’s founding, the Oklahoma Oral History Research Program (OOHRP) is interviewing at least one alumnus in in each of Oklahoma’s 77 counties during 2015-2016, with the goal of leveraging an anniversary event to the long-term benefit of the program. Like any anniversary project, there are pros and cons for taking it on, and in the interest of reporting not just the project details, but the complexities of oral history project planning, here are the goals and risks for our decision-making process for this project:
We anticipate this project will:
We foresee numerous challenges, including:
As well as numerous risks:
Halfway through the project, the return on investment has been mixed. We have seen new traffic from University Communications highlighting this project, as well as having it spotlighted from campus areas that are often hard to reach (like the Vice President for Research's Office, whose homepage profiled this project). We were featured in the alumni magazine and could be a large part of the profile for the commemorative "events" marketing push. Our social media traffic is buzzing, and we have gained a precedent for student internships and online curation of our material (multimedia blogger position). We have made the short list for the Library's project fundraising pitches and are hopefully creating some traction for future efforts. Although we are visible, we don't yet know how that will translate to interaction with faculty and access to students in the classroom. We have been pleasantly surprised by the diversity of nominations and have found that many individuals nominated would not otherwise have been reached within our current network.