Recent posts from groups

The Recorded Sound Section's annual meeting will be held in Portland on Wednesday, July 26th, 2:30-3:45, RM. B11. Our guest speaker this year will be copyright expert, Peter Hirtle.  Peter Hirtle is an Affiliate Fellow of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University.  Until his retirement from Cornell in 2015, he served as Senior Policy Advisor to the Cornell University Library with a special mandate to address intellectual property issues.  Previously at Cornell, ...
The agendas for the BAS Colloquium & Section Meeting at the 2017 SAA Conference are now available! We invite you to participate in our colloquium, scheduled for Wednesday afternoon (7/26) focused on "Finding Inspiration in Your Company History Using Media and Design," as well as our section meeting on Friday afternoon (7/28), providing updates on all our projects this year & announcing the election results. We look forward to seeing everyone in Portland.
Jul 20, 2017   Business Archives Section
SAA 2017 Oral History Section Session Description - Wednesday, July 26, 4:00-5:15 pm Update from OHS Chair-Elect Amanda PellerinThis year’s Oral History Section Session, as in years past, will be full of informative and inspiring stories on current projects and future practices for the oral history discipline. Things will kick off with a presentation of the newly-elected section members.  Steven Sielaff and Jaycie Vos from the Oral History Association Task Force will discuss an exciting...
Jul 20, 2017   Oral History Section
Note from the ChairGreetings, everyone! This year’s annual meeting in Portland is shaping up to be exciting, with wonderful speakers, sessions, and a range of other opportunities made possible largely by its location. I wanted to take a few moments to highlight some of the upcoming events that might be of interest to members of this section, starting with our own business meeting. While our incoming chair Amanda Pellerin has provided details on our speakers elsewhere in this newsletter, please...
Jul 20, 2017   Oral History Section
Digitizing Oral History Projects at the University Archives, Texas State UniversityLindsey D. Waldenberg, Graduate Assistant, Texas State University  With more than one hundred years’ worth of history to process and preserve, the University Archives (established 2006) at Texas State University has accomplished much in its eleven years of operation. One of the Archives’ most recent projects focuses on digitizing its oral history collections. Consisting of over two hundred interviews that...
Jul 20, 2017   Oral History Section
Documenting Denver Activism Archives Project Undertakes a New Method of Oral HistoryKatrina Vandeven, Director, Documenting Denver Activism Archives Project  Following the 2016 election, Denver, Colorado has experienced a new wave of grassroots, activist activity. Citizens who had previously not interacted with the state are taking new measures to speak to their local and national governments, often en masse, in marches and rallies with attendance in the hundreds to tens of thousands....
Jul 20, 2017   Oral History Section
American Folklife Center Launches Occupational Folklife Project OnlineKelly Revak, Processing Archivist, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress The American Folklife Center is pleased to announce the online launch of the Occupational Folklife Project (OFP), a major oral history initiative of the American Folklife Center (AFC) at the Library of Congress documenting the diverse culture of contemporary American workers. The first installment features “Working the Port of Houston,” a...
Jul 20, 2017   Oral History Section
Audio, Film and Video Preservation and Access at the Oklahoma Historical Society JA Pryse, Director of Digital Archives, and Rachel Mosman, Head Photo Archivist and Media Specialist, Oklahoma Historical Society  The Oklahoma Historical Society (OHS) Research Division is comprised of numerous departments, each responsible for unique formats of archival materials. It is the main goal of the Digital Archives Division to identify and prioritize the methodical reformatting of all...
Jul 20, 2017   Oral History Section
Online Portal for Oklahoma Native Art of the Oklahoma Oral History Research Program, Oklahoma State University LibrarySarah Milligan, Head, Oklahoma Oral History Research Program and Associate Professor, Oklahoma State University Library The Oklahoma Native Artist oral history project, a project of the Oklahoma Oral History Research Program (OOHRP) at the Oklahoma State University Library since 2010, is uniquely stand-alone. It is not tied to a particular art project, exhibition, or collection...
Jul 20, 2017   Oral History Section
The 2017 Chapter Oral History Project, Institute of the Sister of Mercy of the Americas  Maureen Skorupa Keyes, Sisters of Mercy Mid-Atlantic Community Archives, Merion, PA  The Sisters of Mercy Archives Team, consisting of archivists from the Mercy Heritage Center, located in Belmont, North Carolina, and community archivists from the Mid-Atlantic Community in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and the West-Midwest Community in Omaha, Nebraska, has initiated the 2017 Chapter Oral...
Jul 20, 2017   Oral History Section
The Founders of American Sign Language Interpreters and Interpreter Educators Carolyn Ball, Executive Director, VRS Interpreting Institute (VRSII) On June 16, 1964 the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) was founded in Muncie, Indiana at Ball State College. The establishment of RID was not planned, nor was it expected.  After RID was established, the small membership was scattered across the country and there were very few contacts made between members, apart from the occasional...
Jul 20, 2017   Oral History Section
The Baylor University Institute for Oral History announces its upcoming online introductory oral history workshop available on two consecutive Wednesday mornings, February 7 and 14, 2018.  The six-hour, interactive training attracts newcomers to oral history from around the world.  Baylor’s award-winning oral historians equip participants to get started using oral history methodology through instruction on project design, ethical and legal considerations, recording equipment, interviewing...
Jul 20, 2017   Oral History Section
Baylor University Institute for Oral History Announces Launch of "Survivors of Genocide" Project Website Baylor University Institute for Oral History The Baylor University Institute for Oral History (BUIOH) is proud to announce the launch of its newest project website, "Survivors of Genocide." From May 2015 through October 2016, the Institute conducted fourteen oral histories with survivors of the genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda/Burundi, Bosnia, and Darfur. This work was contracted through a...
Jul 20, 2017   Oral History Section
Attached is the agenda for the LAGAS section meeting on Wednesday, July 26th. We look forward to seeing you all at SAA! 
The 2017 issue of Archival Elements contains the following articles:  Message from the Co-chairs  Science, Technology, and Health Care Related Sessions in Portland  Unsung Heroes of STEM and Medicine  News from Our Members  Asking the Archivists  Brief Submissions  Short Contributions  Feature Articles  About the Authors  Steering Committee Members PDFs of all the newsletters are here. 
The business meeting portion of the Military Archives Section's gathering will focus on the issues of elections, the annual staff ride, the military archival directory, and the future of the Section. After that, we'll have two presentations: about military classification and how to use your collections to embrace World War I during its centennial year. 1. Classification: what it is, the impact of over-classification, and what MAS can do to contribute to SAA's overall objective of greater...
Jul 14, 2017   Military Archives Section
Pre-Revolutionary Era Gelfand, Aleksandr. “As Vast as the Sea”: An Overview of Archives and the Archival Profession in Russia from the Time of Ivan the Terrible to World War I.” American Archivist 79, no. 2 (Fall–Winter 2016): 230-253. Available with subscription or SAA membership: Soviet Era Epstein, Fritz T. "Archives Administration in the Soviet Union." American Archivist 20, no. 2 (Apr 1957): 131-45.  Freely available at: http://americanarchivist...
Jul 9, 2017   Archival History Section
Join the Electronic Records Section and the Records Management Section for a panel on managing email with Chris Prom (Task Force on Technical Approaches to Email Archives), Sarah Demb (Harvard University’s approach to email appraisal), and Camille Tyndall Watson (Transforming Online Mail with Embedded Semantics).  We will be meeting Wednesday, July 26 from 4:00pm - 5:15pm.
Something important to you missing from this newsletter? Send a submission my way and let me know what you would like to see.Please submit newsletter items about archives and human rights (writ broadly) to These can be recent publications, upcoming events or exhibitions, opportunities and scholarships, or something else entirely as long as it connects to archives and human rights. For the July newsletter, please send you submission July 26, 2017.
If you happen to be attending SAA and would be interested in summarizing a session, please drop me an email at The HRA blog has two conference posts so far, one about a session on Indigenous records and one about a disability rights collection. Your post can be a simple summary of the issues discussed, or you can get a little opinionated and say what you thought was most productive about the session or not as productive. I would love to see one or more of these...
Residents and survivors of a West Philadelphia bombing that killed 11 people, including five children, in 1985 gathered near Cobbs Creek Parkway and Osage Avenue Saturday afternoon to commemorate the solemn occasion. The bombing by Pennsylvania State Police against members of the MOVE activist group destroyed 61 homes at the time, and continues to define a marginalized section of the city. Those who gathered for the unveiling of a temporary marker called for greater social justice and a demand...
These award-winning images are among 70 photographs chosen from almost 1,000 submissions received from across Canada for an exhibition featuring widely diverse expressions of human rights issues.  Points of View opened June 23 at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR) and runs until February 4, 2018. It includes 3D tactile versions of the five award-winning photographs, enabling visitors who are blind to “see” the art through their fingertips. Each photo in the exhibition is accompanied by...
The State Department released a long-awaited “retrospective” volume of declassified U.S. government documents on the 1953 coup in Iran. The volume includes fascinating details on Iranian, American and British planning and implementation of the covert operation, as well as information about U.S. contacts with key figures such as Ayatollah Abol-Ghasem Kashani, and insights into U.S. concerns about the growing influence of the communist Tudeh Party. The publication is the culmination of decades...
More than 40 photographs taken by Willman are now on exhibit in Mandela: The Journey to Ubuntu at the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center. It takes visitors on a journey through Mandela’s life and South Africa’s route to racial equality. Willman came to Cincinnati for the exhibit’s recent installation.  The photographic journey begins in Mandela’s birthplace in the village of Mvezo and follows him to the cities of Johannesburg and Pretoria, where Mandela and other anti-apartheid...