Thank you to all of our excellent candidates for standing in the 2017 RAO Election. Please take some time to review their candidate statements and get to know them so you can make an informed choice. You will be voting for two Steering Committee Members, for two year terms, and one Vice Chair/Chair-elect, for a three year term. We are also voting on an edit to our bylaws, which is highlighted and underlined in the attached document. It reflects the need to for a more robust communication...
Please find below the election statements for candidates to the SNAP positions of Vice Chair/Chair Elect, Secretary, and Steering Committee members.
Vice Chair/Chair Elect:
Laura Bell
Laura Bell is a high achieving, enthusiastic Archives and Records Management student with experience in archives and libraries before her decision to pursue her MLS at Indiana University. Laura will be entering her second year at IU next fall, and has been selected for a funded internship at Smithsonian...
Please read the biographies and statements of interest for the 2017 Records Management Steering Committee candidates:
The nominee for Vice Chair of the Local Government Records Section is Blake Relle, of Louisiana State Archives.
Blake received his Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science with a concentration in archive management from LSU in 2013. Currently, he serves as an Archives Specialist at the Louisiana State Archives where he fulfills requests for materials made by the public as well as state agencies. Also, in this position, he processes and creates a DACS compliant finding aid for each...
Alexander H. Poole (Drexel University)
STEERING COMMITTEE (listed in alphabetical order; vote for three)
Michael Bullington (McDonald's Corporation)
Adam Mosseri (Kohler Corporation)
Ashley D. Stevens (Texas State Library and Archives Commission)
Ciaran B. Trace (University of Texas at Austin)
Nominations for Co-Chair (1 open position)
Elizabeth Dinschel
Danielle Russell
Nominations for Steering Committee (1 open position)
Lori Dedeyan
Mary Jo Fairchild
Heather Fox
Erin Glasco
Gayle Schechter
Florence Turcotte
Ashlyn Velte
Co-Chair Candidates
Elizabeth Dinschel
Biography: Elizabeth began her career in museums and archives in Florida after earning BAs in History and Political Science and an MA in History with a graduate minor in Public Administration. She worked for a small...
In preparation for the upcoming SAA Oral History Section election, a full slate of candidates has stepped forward to take part in the election for new leadership positions. Each candidate's bio and statement of interest can be viewed at this link on the Oral History Section's microsite.
SAA Staff will launch all ballots the first week of July. Ballots will be open for two weeks and results will be announced prior to the Annual Meeting in Portland.
Museum Archives Standards and Best Practices Working Group
“Work in Progress” Symposium
Wednesday, July 26th, 2017 9am-12noon
Oregon Convention Center
The Museum Archives Section Standards and Best Practices Working Group is holding a half-day symposium on museum archives “work in progress.” Presenters will share pilots, road-tests, and in-progress projects not yet finished with attendees to answer questions on implementation to date as well as solicit feedback and suggestions on next steps....
Our candidates for Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect are Blake Relle (Louisiana State Archives) and Elizabeth Wilkinson (University of Virginia).
Blake Relle (Louisiana State Archives) is our first candidate for Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect:
Biography:Blake Relle received his Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science with a concentration in archive management from LSU in 2013. Currently, he serves as an Archives Specialist at the Louisiana State Archives where he fulfills requests for materials made...
Candidate Biographies and Statements
Vice Chair/Chair-elect
Greg Bailey
Greg Bailey is the University Archivist and Clements Curator at Texas A&M University. He has served in these capacities since January 2014. As University Archivist he is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the university archives and related collections and serves as the primary spokesperson for Texas A&M history on behalf of the Libraries. As Clements Curator he is responsible for the papers of two term...
The Visual Materials Cataloging and Access Section will be holding elections electronically and outside of the annual meeting at SAA. Nominees are current members of SAA and VMCAS, and must be present at the annual meeting in July. Sharon Mizota will take over as Chair from Kait Dorsky at the annual meeting in July 2017.
Vice-Chair/ Chair-Elect Candidate: Ashley Levine, Archivist/Digital Resource Manager, Artifex Press (New York, New York)
About Ashley:
I currently serve as the Archivist and...
Something important to you missing from this newsletter? Send a submission my way and let me know what you would like to see.Please submit newsletter items about archives and human rights (writ broadly) to These can be recent publications, upcoming events or exhibitions, opportunities and scholarships, or something else entirely as long as it connects to archives and human rights. For the June newsletter, please send you submission June 23, 2017.
If you happen to be attending SAA and would be interested in summarizing a session, please drop me an email at As an example, I covered a session at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference last year for the Issues & Advocacy blog. It can be a simple summary of the issues discussed, or you can get a little opinionated and say what you thought was most productive about the session or not as productive.
Here is one session I would like to have covered: ...
Archives can connect to activism and activist movements in a number of ways, however this connection often falls into two main categories: 1) Archival material being used as evidence in activism campaigns and 2) Archives disrupting social norms by collecting and archiving the work of those outside of mainstream society.
The act of preserving the voices of oppressed groups, marginalized communities, and social movements can be a form of activism. For example, the community driven archival...
Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect, the independent U.S. national organization among Anne Frank organizations worldwide, has obtained commitments from 26 state legislators across 20 states, including Republicans and Democrats, to introduce legislation that would require education in public schools on the Holocaust, the Armenian Genocide and other genocides.Those 20 states are among the shocking 42 U.S. states that do not already require education on genocide awareness and prevention. The 20...
Up to one and a half million Armenians were killed. Turkey has always rejected the term genocide, saying the violence against Armenians was part of widespread conflict in the region. Taner Akcam has spent his career documenting the targeted killing of Armenian Turks at the start of World War I. He's a Turkish historian at Clark University. And he recently found a document that he calls the smoking gun.
Listen to the interview here.
The National Security Archive’s Chiquita Papers collection represents key evidence behind a “communication” calling on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate officials from Chiquita Brands International for facilitating crimes against humanity committed by armed groups the company paid in Colombia.
The Archive provided more than 48,000 pages of internal Chiquita records to the ICC as part of the communication, including financial records, legal memoranda, handwritten notes, and...
To kick off LGBT Pride Month, the Schomburg Center is proud to present the third annual First Fridays: LGBT Pride social gathering, in honor of our In the Life Archive, a collection of materials of and by black LGBT people throughout history preserved in our Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division. Complementing the party will be a special pop-up exhibit culled from our collections highlighting the life and work of LGBT activist Storme DeLarverie, who's credited as having thrown the...
The latest post over at the HRA Section blog summarizes a presentation by three archivists at the Archives Association of Ontario conference. They related how archivists in the province are responding to calls by the Truth & Reconciliation Commission of Canada to improve access to records about residential schools specifically and records related to Indigenous communities more broadly.
Read the post here.
Marcella Huggard, Candidate for VP/Chair elect
Biographical statement:
MA in History, concentration in Public History, from Colorado State University
BA in History, minor in Theatre Performance, from Knox College
Professional experience:
Archives and Manuscripts Coordinator, Kenneth Spencer Research Library-University of Kansas, 2015-Present.
Positions held at the Kansas State Historical Society in the State Archives: Public Records Program Supervisor, 2013-2015; Government...
Article 1. Name : Per the request this co-chair, and with the support of the Steering Committee, co-chairs Keith Reynolds and Lisa Calahan put out a call for volunteers to a Renaming Committee with the charge of finding a more inclusive name to reflect our Section's membership. Responding to the many wonderful suggestions made by the committee and LAGAS members, the Committee has put forward four names to be voted on by section members.
Diverse Sexuality and Gender Section (DSGS)...
Below are the candidates for the 2 vacant positions to serve on the GRS Steering Committee for the 2017-2019 term. Following standing tradition, the candidate with the most votes will be asked to serve as Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect.
Name: Jessica Knox-Jensen Institution: California State Archives Government Sector: State
Statement of Interest:
I am interested in serving on the Government Records Steering Committee because I am committed to increasing awareness of the importance of government...
Archivists and Archives of Color Section (AAC) 2017-2018 Slate of Candidates includes three candidates for two positions: Vice Chair/Chair-Elect and Newsletter Editor.
For anyone interested in protecting archives and cultural heritage objects from the threats of crimes, the Security Section is seeking nominations for a new member to join the leadership. We are seeking candidates for the position of Chair-elect. This is a three-year term (August 2017 to August 2020) - year one as Chair-elect, year two as Chair, and year three as immediate past Chair. We encourage candidates from any size or type of archives or cultural heritage institution and even beyond the...
Candidates are listed in alphabetical order.
Nikki Thomas
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
I am currently the Archivist for Collection Management at UNC Charlotte where I manage and supervise accessioning, arrangement, description, and preservation functions for University Archives and manuscripts, including establishment of policies, procedures, workflows and guidelines. Previously, I was Manuscripts Curator at UT San Antonio, where I managed the university’s manuscript collections...