Recent posts from groups

The EAD3 Study Group on Conversion and Migration is pleased to announce the release of its final report, "Implementing EAD3: Conversion and Migration."  This document aims to provide an overview of strategies available to migrate from EAD2002 to EAD3 and to highlight the issues most likely to complicate or completely prevent migration. This report was authored primarily by Elizabeth Dunham (Arizona State University), Christy Tomecek (Yale University), and Dave Mayo (Harvard University).  ...
Issues and Advocacy Section 2017 Ballot   Vice-Chair (vote for one)   Courtney Dean   Biographical Information: Courtney Dean is the Processing Archivist for the Center for Primary Research and Training (CFPRT) in UCLA Library Special Collections, where she provides hands-on training in archival methodology to graduate students from a variety of academic disciplines. In 2014 she co-founded the Los Angeles Archivists Collective (LAAC), a community-driven local professional organization with a...
May 25, 2017   Issues and Advocacy Section
The SAA Archives Management Section is seeking nominations for the following leadership positions: Vice Chair/Chair-Elect, Secretary and two Steering Committee Members. Terms begin immediately following the annual meeting in late July 2017.  See below for a summary of duties.   If you or a colleague are interested, please email Vice Chair Nancy Lenoil at  no later than Wednesday, May 24 and include the following information:  (1) which position you are interested in (2) a...
May 24, 2017   Archives Management Section
Chair Elect/Vice-Chair: Debra Schiff Steering Committee: Jim Havron Sara Borden Annie Tummino Read more about the candidates and their visions for the future here!
May 19, 2017   Solo Archivists Section
The SNAP Section Steering Committee will host our annual meeting on Wednesday, July 26, 2:30-3:45 PM in Portland, Oregon. As part of our conference program, we are soliciting speakers for a lightning round session following our formal business meeting. Presentations will be capped at 5 minutes. The call is open to all members of the SNAP Section. Preference will be given to students, new professionals, and first time speakers. Presentations are intended to provide an opportunity for SNAP...
The Students and New Archives Professionals (SNAP) Section is seeking nominations for a Vice Chair/Chair-Elect, Secretary, and three (3) Steering Committee Members.  Serving in a leadership role on the Roundtable is a wonderful way to become more involved with SNAP and SAA and get to know other archivists. Our proposed SNAP bylaws require, to ensure adequate student representation in SNAP leadership, that at least two candidates on the slate must be students at the time of the election. In...
BACKGROUND:  The Archival History Section should have continuous representation on the Advisory Board of Information and Culture: A Journal of History, a major journal representing authors in the field of archival history. From about 2010 to 2014, the Archival History Roundtable had representation on the board of Information and Culture: A Journal of History, but representation lapsed until October 2016, when a vote of the steering committee re-initiated representation on the board. To ensure...
May 15, 2017   Archival History Section
The Archival History Section (AHS) is very pleased to announce that the Section's newsletter will soon be revived, under the title Archival History News. Eric Stoykovich and Adam Mosseri have volunteered to serve as co-editors of Archival History News, beginning May 2017, with their term ending August 12, 2018 (with the possibility of a year-long extension as approved by the AHS steering committee).      The AHS Steering Committee has also submitted a request to SAA for a student intern to...
May 14, 2017   Archival History Section
The steering committee has completed the revisions for the Human Rights Archives Section Standing Rules, formerly known as by-laws.  The attached document shows the changes that have been made including the new required language approved by the Council.  There will be a referendum on the election ballot in June.
It is time to elect new officers to the lead the Military Archives Section. The by-laws require us to elect new officers every two years, so we are seeking nominations for the offices of Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary.  Please submit nominations via email at, including a short biography, a statement of what the nominee will bring to the position, and a list of goals for MARS as we go forward.  Nominations must be received by Tuesday, May 30th.  
May 5, 2017   Military Archives Section
In keeping with the decision by SAA Council to convert all Round Tables to Sections, the MART became the Military Archives Section. 
May 4, 2017   Military Archives Section
It's official -- nominations are open for leadership positions with SAA's Acquisitions and Appraisal Section! We are seeking individuals of all experience levels interested in acquisitions and appraisal for the following three positions: Vice-Chair / Chair-Elect Steering Committee At-Large Member (2 positions available) In order to be nominated for these positions, candidates must be a member of the Society of American Archivists and a member of the Acquisitions and Appraisal Section. You...
The Encoded Archival Standards Section is seeking candidates for three positions: one co-chair and two Steering Committee members. The successful candidates will serve a two-year term (August 2017-August 2019). Nominees must be current members of the Society of American Archivists to be considered. The EAS Section launched several exciting initiatives during 2016-17, including a webinar series and a social media presence.  If you have any questions about current projects or the work we...
It's that time of year again when we elect new leadership for Lone Arrangers! Being part of leadership at SAA is a great way to meet others and also be a conduit to SAA about lone arrangers' needs.   Please feel free to nominate yourself, or another colleague. The open positions are: Vice Chair/Chair-Elect – The individual elected to this post will serve as the incoming chair, and a member of the Steering Committee 2017-2018.  The following year they will become Chair and take over those...
May 2, 2017   Solo Archivists Section
Something important to you missing from this newsletter? Send a submission my way and let me know what you would like to see.Please submit newsletter items about archives and human rights (writ broadly) to These can be recent publications, upcoming events or exhibitions, opportunities and scholarships, or something else entirely as long as it connects to archives and human rights. For the April newsletter, please send you submission May 24, 2017.
As many of your know, I'm the editor of the Human Rights Archives Section Blog. I'm currently looking for writers to cover conference presentations relevant to human rights. A big thank you to the writers who have already come forward! If you happen to be attending one of the following conferences and would be interested in summarizing a session, please drop me an email at As an example, I covered a session at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference last year...
Canadians call it the most important symbol of national identity –above the maple-leaf flag or even hockey. And today it turns 35 years old. All this week, visitors to the Canadian Museum of Human Rights (CMHR) can receive their own copy of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in English, French, Ojibway, Oji-Cree, Central Cree, Inuktitut, Mi’kmaq or one of 24 other languages.The anniversary celebration of this watershed human rights legislation begins today and runs through Sunday,...