Democracy Now! recently reported that there might be an effort to bury or even destroy full, non-censored, confidential copies of the notorious 2014 torture report. Some of you may remember that a shorter, redacted version was released to the public, but the longer original has never been released.
I think this could be a great subject for a post on the Human Rights Archives Section blog. I'd like to see a post explore the retention schedule for a document like the torture report that goes...
If you'll be in Portland, mark you calendars! The Human Rights Archives Section meeting will be on July 27 from 2 to 3:15 pm. Sign in and save the meeting to your schedule. We'll see you there!
In the latest post at the HRA Section blog, Bailey E. Hoffner covers a session at the Society of Southwest Archivists conference about disability records. Disability rights are an often overlooked aspect of human rights and I'm thrilled to publish this post highlighting the Texas Disability Rights Collection at the University of Texas Arlington. Bailey also covers some basics of disability sensitivity training.
Read the post here.
Find below an announcement from Lauren Gaylord, SNAP’s Blog Coordinator:
The SAA Annual Meeting is quickly approaching! If you’re one of the lucky ones able to go, please consider summarizing a session for your #SAALeftBehind colleagues who can’t attend this year. Knowledge is power and sharing is caring!
We’ve marked sessions that are of particular interest to SNAP members, but the blog team will happily accept summaries for any sessions, events, section meetings, and other conference...
Vote now in the 2017 SNAP elections! Check your inbox (and spam folders) for your unique email link to the online ballot. Voting for the new SNAP officers and Steering Committee members will close on July 12, 2017.
The approved revisions are minor. The Council has agreed upon measures to call all sections and roundtables Sections; to call each Section's unique procedures Standing Rules; to designate Section IX. Sections of the SAA Governance Manual as the SAA Section ByLaws, that is, the basic procedures that apply to all Sections; and to include updated language about those procedures in the Governance, Elections, and Amendments sections of each Section's Standing Rules.
The proposed revisions...
Section Members:
By now you should have received an email invitation to cast your ballot in the Archives Management Section election. If you don’t see one, please check you spam/junk folder as sometimes emails from SurveyMonkey will end up there.
Also, each voter is given a unique link to the ballot, so please do not forward the link to others.
Here is the link to the candidate statements:
This year we are electing one Vice Chair/Chair Elect and three Steering Committee members. Electronic ballots will be sent to members in July. The Vice Chair/Chair Elect serves a two-year term. Year 1: Serves as Vice Chair and participates as a member of the Steering Committee. Year 2: Serves as Chair of the Roundtable.
Steering Committee members may be appointed or elected, each for a one-year term that is renewable for up to three consecutive years at the discretion of the incoming Chair.
Meet our wonderful slate of candidates for the 2017 WCS election. The two individuals receiving the most votes will serve as co-Vice Chairs of the roundtable in 2017-2018 and co-Chairs of the roundtable in 2018-2019.
Annalise Berdini
Annalise Berdini is the Digital Archivist at UC San Diego Library Special Collections and Archives. Previously, she has worked as a Manuscripts/Archives Processor for UCSD Special Collections and Archives, and at various institutions in Philadelphia as...
New LEADERS of the Archival History Section and the STANDING RULES REFERENDUM will be decided, starting Monday June 26 and ending July 10. You'll receive a unique ballot from SurveyMonkey. Please do not share the link with others. In case you do not receive your ballot next week, please check your spam box and filter settings. If you have trouble receiving or casting a ballot, please email Felicia Owens.
According to the Governance Manual, all those who are active section members as of June...
Referendum Summary
In addition to voting for chair-elect and steering committee candidates, section members will be asked to approve revised Standing Rules (previously known as By-Laws; more about that change below) for the College and University Archives Section as part of this year's election process. The referendum will appear on the ballot members receive via SurveyMonkey sometime between June 26 and 28.
Wondering what changes you'll be voting for? A marked-up copy of the old By-Laws is...
Hannah Jellen
Hannah Jellen is the Interim Manuscripts Curator at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library (ALPLM) in Springfield, Illinois. She is a graduate of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) where she received her BM in Musicology and her MSLIS. She is returning to UIUC in August of 2017 to pursue an MM in Musicology where she will study American popular and folk music. Prior to her position at ALPLM, Hannah worked at the Sousa Archives and Center for American Music...
The SAA-ACRL/RBMS Joint Task Force on the Development of Standardized Statistical Measures for Public Services in Archival Repositories and Special Collections Libraries submitted the final draft version of the standard to the RBMS Executive Committee and SAA Standards Committee on June 9, 2017 for review and eventual approval. The submission will be reviewed by ACRL-RBMS and SAA over the coming months. The task force recognizes that while this review is underway, archivists and special...
Survey Monkey emails for voting will be generated between June 26 and June 28. Watch for them! If you do not get one, and it's not in your spam folder, or if you have any other problems casting your ballot, please contact
Slate for the 2017 Preservation Section Election
Vice-Chair/Chair Elect
We have 1 candidate for 1 position.
Eve Neiger
We have 3 candidates for 1 position.
Fletcher Durant
Summer Espinoza
Rhonda Rhinehart
Scroll down for the candidate's...
Candidates for Vice Chair/Chair Elect
Lauren Algee
Biographical Statement
I have been Digital Curation Librarian for DC Public Libraries Special Collections since 2013, where I manage creation, preservation, and access for digital local history collections. I proposed and supervised the National Digital Stewardship Residency project that created the DCPL Memory Lab, a public digitization preservation lab and resource and am now part of the team bringing the Memory Lab model to other public...
SAA Recorded Sound Section 2017/2018 Elections
Nominee Bios and Statements
Vice Chair/Chair Elect
Sarah Cunningham: Sarah Cunningham is the Audiovisual Archivist at the LBJ Presidential Library branch of the National Archives (2003 – present) and is on the faculty at the Graduate School of Information at the University of Texas at Austin. She teaches the Introductory and Advanced classes in Audio Preservation.
Cunningham’s work revolves around digitization projects, the preservation and...
Vacant Position
Chair-Elect: Three-year term - first year Chair-elect, second year as Chair, and third year as immediate past Chair
The main responsibilities of the vacant position are providing leadership & direction for the Security Section. This includes, but is not limited to, planning the annual meeting, holding additional meetings as needed to evaluate activities/direction of section, sending relevant announcements to the section via the listserv, and updating the section's blog and...
Steering Committee
Maria Isabel Molestina-Kurlat, Morgan Library and Museum
Maria Isabel Molestina-Kurlat is the Reader Services Librarian in the Sherman Fairchild Reading Room of The Morgan Library & Museum. She has been working in libraries since 2001 and began working with special collections of rare books, manuscripts, and archives in 2007. Her focus is on provenance research of 20th century works of art. As part of her core responsibilities, her daily work involves researching...
Dear Labor Archives Section Colleagues,
It's the time of year when we send out the call for nominees to fill the staggered, two-year term as Labor Archives Roundtable co-chair. This term will be for 2017-2019, and will begin in August.
If we have more than one candidate, we have the option of holding an election. If there is only one nominee, that person will be appointed to the position.
If you have questions about the specifics of the work we do, feel free to contact us off-list....
Three candidates were nominated for the ARCS vice-chair/chair-elect. Four candidates were nominated for the ARCS steering committee member-at-large (one vacancy). Election ballots will open at the beginning of July 2017. Read more about the candidates here.
Candidates for Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect
Taffey Hall
Taffey Hall serves as director of the Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives in Nashville, Tennessee. She was archivist for the SBHLA from May 2003 through July 2016 and began...
Co-chair Candidates
Dallas Pillen
Archivist for Metadata and Digital Projects, Bentley Historical Library
Biographical Statement
Dallas Pillen is the Archivist for Metadata and Digital Projects at the Bentley Historical Library, where he has worked extensively on the Bentley's ArchivesSpace implementation, including migrating legacy metadata, establishing new descriptive guidelines and workflows, training staff, and developing local ArchivesSpace plugins. Dallas also oversees the Bentley's web...
Thank you to all of our excellent candidates for standing in the 2017 RAO Election. Please take some time to review their candidate statements and get to know them so you can make an informed choice. You will be voting for two Steering Committee Members, for two year terms, and one Vice Chair/Chair-elect, for a three year term. We are also voting on an edit to our bylaws, which is highlighted and underlined in the attached document. It reflects the need to for a more robust communication...
Please find below the election statements for candidates to the SNAP positions of Vice Chair/Chair Elect, Secretary, and Steering Committee members.
Vice Chair/Chair Elect:
Laura Bell
Laura Bell is a high achieving, enthusiastic Archives and Records Management student with experience in archives and libraries before her decision to pursue her MLS at Indiana University. Laura will be entering her second year at IU next fall, and has been selected for a funded internship at Smithsonian...