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A standard is simply an agreement on common practices among multiple parties. Standards have been around for a long time – electric current, railroad gauges, the metric system, and even musical notation are examples of standards. However, the processes th |
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The [SHRAB] serves as a coordinating body to facilitate cooperation among historical records repositories and other information agencies within the state and as a state-level review body for grant proposals as defined in the Commission's guidelines. Sp |
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The basic SPINDEX II programs provide for the printing of a register (a formatted, narrative collection description or abstract) and an index. The index provides for a primary sort of keywords, alphabetically or chronologically, and a secondary sort by ei |
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On the real-time television series '24,' split screens put us in two places at once, watching the counterterrorist heroes and the villains they're chasing. |
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Additionally, the spoliation, or attempt to suppress material evidence by a party to the suit, favorable to an adversary, is sufficient foundation for an inference of his guilt or negligence. |
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[Spool2] From early IBM 'Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On-Line,' but is widely thought to have been contrived for the effect. To send files to some device or program (a spooler) that queues them up and does something useful with them later. Without qu |
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Here were the oral and literate side by side, but writing has some advantages. In written form, information achieved a stability and durability it would not have so long as it remained only in the mind or in spoken words. What is more, writing was in it |
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The examination of documents issued by public authorities reveals the existence of two distinct types of actions, or act: those which were undertaken by the authority on its own direct initiative, of its own will, in the context of its political-sovereign |
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SOAP Version 1.2 (SOAP) is a lightweight protocol intended for exchanging structured information in a decentralized, distributed environment. It uses XML technologies to define an extensible messaging framework providing a message construct that can be ex |
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Copyright · Works that result from the fixation of a series of musical, spoken, or other sounds, but not including the sounds accompanying a motion picture or other audiovisual work, regardless of the nature of the material objects, such as disks, |
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Among the extrinsic elements, the diplomatists of medieval documents used to include the special signs, which should be regarded rather as intrinsic elements because of their function of identifying the persons involved in the documentation activity. The |
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[Beginning in 1964] LC developed two separate systems, the Master Record of Manuscript Collections (MRMC) to provide administrative control over holdings, and SPINDEX (emerging out of the previous punch card project) to provide automated forms of access t |
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Indirect methods [of access] may be classified 1) as sequential, in which there is some type of search through a sequence of records (but generally not a complete search that starts from the first record and proceeds through the whole file), or 2) as nons |
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[serial1] A publication in any medium issued in successive parts bearing numeric or chronological designations and intended to be continued indefinitely. Serials include periodicals; newspapers; annuals (reports, yearbooks, etc.); the journals, memoirs, |
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[Series1] File units or documents arranged in accordance with a filing system or maintained as a unit because they relate to a particular subject or function, result from the same activity, have a particular form, or because of some other relationship ari |
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A true series is composed of similar filing units arranged in a consistent pattern within which each of the filing units has its proper place. The series has a beginning and it has an end, and everything between has a certain relationship. The pattern may |
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Historically, the legal concept of signature1 is very broad and can be defined as any mark that is made with the intention of authenticating a marked document or record. Signatures serve to give evidence or authenticate a record by identifying the signer |
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A scroll which the clerk puts on a record to the side of the signatures of the parties to the instrument is a proper representation of a corporate seal2, 3. |
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The most important extrinsic element of medieval documents, and the least common and relevant in contemporary documents, is the seal2. Examining seals, diplomatists focus their attention on the material they are made of, their shape, size, typology (as i |
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[Secondary values] are values that some records have because of the uses, often unforeseen, to which they can be put by individuals other than those for whom the records were originally created. For instance, the primary value of probate court records is |
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Research or historical values are generally designated as secondary values. Legal value can be either a primary or a secondary value, depending on the purpose and function of a record. |
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Both the logical and physical means that will insure that information is protected. 'Logical Security' is an intangible process that identifies, authenticates, authorizes, protects, and provides access control over programs and data. A password is an ex |
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RAD provides archivists with a set of rules which 'aim to provide a consistent and common foundation for the description of archival material within a fonds, based on traditional archival principles.' [citing Rule 0.1] ¶ It is essential, therefore, t |
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Sampling1 usually (but not always) refers to the process of statistically testing a database for the likelihood of relevant information. It can be a useful technique in addressing a number of issues relating to litigation, including decisions what reposit |
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XML Schemas express shared vocabularies and allow machines to carry out rules made by people. They provide a means for defining the structure, content and semantics of XML documents. |
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