Kentucky Council on Archives

Number of Members: 
United States
General Email: 
kentucky-council-on-archives [at] googlegroups [dot] com
Associated Organization Contact(s)
  • Matthew Strandmark
    RAAC Liaison (2023-2024)
    University of Kentucky
    Education Archivist
    Margaret I. King Library
    179 Funkhouser Drive
    University of Kentucky
    Lexington, KY 40506
    United States
    Phone: 859-257-1949
    mstrandmark [at] uky [dot] edu

The Kentucky Council on Archives is an association of archivists, historians, librarians, records managers, and individuals interested in the advancement of archives.

KCA’s mission is to promote within Kentucky and in surrounding areas the cooperation and exchange of information among individuals interested in the collection, description, preservation, administration, and greatest possible accessibility of all archival materials.

KCA’s meetings and publications offer opportunities for the exchange of ideas between members. KCA meets at least once a year for its regular business meeting. Additional meetings may be called depending on demand. Programs of general professional interest are offered at each session. The organization also publishes a newsletter, The Kentucky Archivist, which contains articles on archival activities in the state, and news of national and local events affecting archives, as well as previews of the upcoming meetings.



KCA offers two educational events each year: a spring conference and a fall workshop. KCA also publishes a quarterly newsletter, oversees a Google Groups listserv, and partners with other state and regional organizations, like the state historical records advisory board and the Kentucky Commission on Oral History, for other educational and outreach opportunities.