2021-12-22 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


Melissa Wertheimer (Chair)
Susan Paterson (Vice-Chair)
Rosemary Grant (Marketing and Communications Manager)
Amanda Greenwood (Student Member)
Kiera Sullivan (Secretary) 

Absent: Ryder Kouba (Education Coordinator) - Ryder was unable to attend the meeting but sent his Coffee Chat updates via email beforehand

Agenda items:


Melissa shared that she will be serving on the National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) Web Archiving Survey for Web Archives in America Working Group. She is also submitting a conference proposal for both MARAC and SAA that involves web archiving. The two co-panelists (Wesley Chenault, Cornell and Brigette Kamsler - George Washington University) would like to contribute to the blog.

Kiera mentioned that she has also submitted a proposal for SAA 2022.

Amanda shared that her literature review of archiving the pandemic is going to be published!

Amanda also shared that she graduated and has been offered a job - a grant funded position at Union College in Schenectady, NY. The job will be reprocessing and digitizing correspondence from the John Bigelow collection. She is also going to try to start a web archiving program there.

Old/Continuing Business

 SAA Council Liaison (Melissa)

Melissa reached out to our SAA Council Liaison to know why we can’t join more sections to post announcements. Did not hear back.

Rosie said that she was able to figure out how to do it and has documented that process for future reference. More on this later when we discuss Listserv Updates.

Blog updates (Rosie)

Grace’s post is live, and it was reposted a few times. The blog spreadsheet on our Google Drive is updated with details. It was featured on the Archive-It blog

Ed Summers is writing an upcoming blog post for January. 

  • ACTION: Rosie will check in with him after New Years. Likely mid-January, but will keep us all updated.
  • ACTION: Rosie to add Wesley Chenault (Cornell) and Brigette Kamsler (George Washington University) to the spreadsheet

Meredith Evans (who was contacted through Amanda) is also interested. Rosie asked Amanda for some info on Meredith

Amanda shared that Meredith was a past president of SAA, and is the Director of the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library.

Rosie stated that she is working on how we can get someone like this to speak to web archives (Administrative perspective, leadership, etc.)

Melissa asked that Rosie keep track of monthly statistics/analytics/info - this will help with the monthly report. Rosie asked if analytics was tracked at all in the past. Melissa told her no.

  • ACTION: Rosie will now track statistics/analytics on a monthly basis.

Melissa signed up for the April blog post. She may be writing a post for  International Internet Preservation Coalition (IIPC) about user engagement with web archives, and this could be posted on our blog, as well.

Twitter updates (Rosie)

Rosie gave a shout out to Ryder for sharing loads of twitter content with her. She encouraged the rest of the group to send her relevant links on Twitter as often as we’d like/are able.

Rosie suggested that she begin sharing analytics at monthly meeting. The group agreed this is a good idea.

  • ACTION: Rosie will provide an analytics update at our upcoming monthly meetings.

Listserv updates (Rosie)

Rosie created an instructional sheet on how to join other SAA committees so we can continue posting wherever we need to.

Coffee chat updates (Ryder)

 Ryder provided some information via email in advance of our meeting:

Possible participants from Archives Unleashed: Ian Milligan - utilizing web archives, and Ed Summers - blog post follow up and discussion of their new tools

Possible participant: former colleague of Ryder’s who was on the OCLC Web Archives Metadata Task Force - how we describe/arrange our WA collections

  • ACTION: Ryder will extend a coffee chat invitation to one of the potential participants the first week of January and cc Melissa.

Melissa mentioned that the Federal Government Web Archiving Group had a meeting a few weeks ago (participants included Library of Congress, Smithsonian, National Agriculture Library, National Archives and Records Administration, National Library of Medicine, Food and Drug Administration, Government Printing Office, etc.) and Melissa brought up the coffee chat idea/asked if there was any interest for participation. They will be talking about what kinds of topics and participants we might be able to get.

  • ACTION: Melissa will reach out to the SAA Performing Arts Section for a joint section meeting.

If that doesn’t work out, we could ask the Federal GOvernment Records section if they’d be interested.

  • ACTION: Susan will reach out to some of her Canadian colleagues to see if they’d be interested in doing a coffee chat or a blog post (people form the Canadian Government Information Digital Preservation Network (CGI-DPN) - Susan is the chair!- and people at University of Toronto)

Melissa suggested that this become a series - could be a series of blogs and/or coffee chats.

New Business

Melissa - would like to reserve a coffee chat for the NDSA working group to talk to our section about the survey

  • ACTION: Kiera will reach out to the ENRICH Cultural Institutions Network to see if anyone is interested in doing a blog post or coffee chat about web archiving intersecting with TK/CI labels.

Meeting adjourned 3:11 PM (PACIFIC)

Summary of action items:

  • Rosie will check in with him after New Years. Likely mid-January, but will keep us all updated.
  • Rosie to add Wesley Chenault (Cornell) and Brigette Kamsler (George Washington University) to the blog spreadsheet
  • Rosie will now track statistics/analytics on a monthly basis.
  • Rosie will provide an analytics update at our upcoming monthly meetings.
  • Ryder will extend a coffee chat invitation to one of the potential participants the first week of January and cc Melissa.
  • Melissa will reach out to the SAA Performing Arts Section for a joint section meeting.
  • Susan will reach out to some of her Canadian colleagues to see if they’d be interested in doing a coffee chat or a blog post (people form the Canadian Government Information Digital Preservation Network (CGI-DPN) - Susan is the chair!- and people at University of Toronto)
  • Kiera will reach out to the ENRICH Cultural Institutions Network to see if anyone is interested in doing a blog post or coffee chat about web archiving intersecting with TK/CI labels.