ERS Electronic Mailing List

Electronic Mailing List

ERECS-L is operated jointly by the Electronics Records Section and SUNY at Albany. This was the first listserv operated by an SAA unit and has served as the model for SAA's Listserv Policy. ERECS-L has been operating since 1994 and currently has over 1,000 members.

The list is dedicated to discussions about the preservation and management of records in electronic form.

To subscribe send a message to: LISTSERV@LISTSERV.ALBANY.EDU

In the body of the message, include ONLY a statement in the following form:

SUB ERECS-L [Yourfirstname Yourlastname]

You can also search, post to, join, leave, or change your settings for the list through its Web interface:

There is also an SAA-hosted ERS list. Information about subscribing to the SAA-hosted list is available from