Section business
Internal communications
- Karl: All up and running with the new SAA forum? The section’s list seems to be operating OK, how about the steering committee’s?
Standing rules and elections
- Karl: Proposal for rolling out changes to committee membership roles/terms:
- February 12 - Introduce proposed changes to WARCSEC list for review and elicit feedback through annotated Google doc and/or direct form
- March 5 - Provide SAA with final version of changes to be voted upon
- March 19 - SAA-run special referendum opens
- ??? - Special referendum closes
- May 15 - Official SAA time to call for 2018-19 nominations
- June 1 - Official SAA deadline for section vote information
- Alexis and Nikki: About those term lengths for some or all non-Char/VC steering committee members..updates from our peers’ precedents ? Recommendations?
- Karl: Will immediately run our schedule, however edited from the above, by Felicia Owens to ensure that it provides SAA sufficient lead time.
- Karl and Becky: Documenting the Now team open to doing a live webinar co-hosted by WARCSEC and A&A. Cliff Hight, chair of the latter, is on board so far, too. We will all have an initial planning call to discuss the timing and content of such a webinar. Preliminary discussion is to have this call in March and stage the webinar in April or May.
- Becky: Doodle poll to narrow down dates/times for this? To include everyone on the email chain. Can KU host such a call or should we enlist UNC or IA?
- Alternatively , should we consider this a topic for a joint meeting of the two sections at SAA in DC? Can float this idea before our planning call if so, but we’d need to act fast. SAA’s deadline for section meeting details, while they can be brief, is March 1.
- Whether the above is a webinar or section meeting, do we want to pursue a second educational programming event in 2018? Possibilities include webinar on describing web archives, pre-conference training workshops, … ?
- Sam: Report back on Web Archiving Roundup and @WebArch_RT activities.
Next meeting (proposed): Tuesday, February 6, 2018