2017-09-05 Steering Committee Meeting Agenda

Zoom room: https://zoom.us/j/730197514

  1. Introductions
    1. Karl, Chair
    2. Alexis, Vice Chair/Chair-Elect
    3. Becky, Education Coordinator
    4. Kevin, Web Liaison
    5. Nikki, Secretary
    6. Sam, Social Media Manager
  2. The coming year in brief
    1. Emails
      1. Listserv is traditionally most active, but decreasingly so? Let’s redouble our effort there, including promoting content from…
    2. Blog posts
      1. Let’s revive the roundup
      2. Connect SAA to our RSS Feed
      3. Should we recruit further posting?
    3. Webinars
      1. In response to last year’s survey, let’s organize 2-3 good’ns this year
    4. Annual meeting! August 12ish in DC (with CoSA and NAGARA)
    5. ...and (monthly) meetings!
      1. “Where” and when to meet regularly?
  3. Logistics/resources for the year
    1. Committee (webarchiving-cmte) and leaders email lists
    2. Shared Google Drive
    3. Microsite, blog, and Twitter credentials
  4. Open discussion of other priorities for the year
    1. Karl: Standing rules/roster changes; Educational products (Doc? Webinars? SNAP RT?)
    2. Others…?