The Society of American Archivists' (SAA) Technical Subcommittee on Encoded Archival Standards (TS-EAS), in collaboration with the Encoded Archival Standards Section Steering Committee, will be hosting a June webinar as part of the upcoming major revision of the Encoded Archival Description (EAD).
EAD 2002 and EAD3 are currently used by a global community, and TS-EAS aims to get a better understanding of the landscape of EAD use and the needs and requirements of the EAD community with regard...
Please send any nominations by May 22, 2021! Self-nominations are encouraged! We especially need at least one nominee for the role of vice-chair/chair-elect, but we are still accepting nominations for members-at-large too!
Are you seeking an opportunity to expand your network and get further involved in the oral history community? If so, consider running for an open position on the Oral History Section Steering Committee.
Benefits of providing your time and expertise to the Steering Committee...
Make an impact on SAA’s Accessioning, Acquisitions, and Appraisal communities and nominate yourself (or recommend others) for a leadership position with SAA's Acquisitions & Appraisal Section.
We are seeking individuals interested in acquisitions, appraisal, and accessioning for the following three positions:
Vice Chair/Chair Elect
Steering Committee At-Large Member (2 positions available)
This is a particularly exciting year for us as we consider how to incorporate...
Do you have an interest in supporting your fellow Lone Arrangers? Able to share your skills as our next newsletter editor? Can you offer organizational abilities to help build and share a network of regional resources? Looking for an opportunity to sharpen your leadership skills?
Don't be shy. Nominate yourself (or suggest someone else) for either LAS Vice/Chair, Newsletter Editor, or 1 of 2 Regional Representative Leads! A few hours a month make all the difference to a great group of...
Proposal to Amend Standing Rules of the Independent Archivists Section Through Referendum at Annual Election, 2021
When the standing rules for the Independent Archivists Section were created, there was confusion in setting up the initial Steering Committee positions and terms in such a way as to make sure all positions were covered and initial term lengths were staggered. Committee members were to serve terms and be rotated off in three-year cycles. The terms of initial members were of...
The Web Archiving Section is excited to accept nominations for the following Steering Committee positions for the 2021-2022 year!
Communications Manager
Student Member
If you or someone you know would like to run for a position on the the Web Archiving Section Steering Committee, please fill out this form by June 15, 2021 with the following:
Candidate Name
Job Title and Institution, if applicable
Bio and Candidate Statement (1-2 paragraphs)
Title of Steering Committee...
Election season is now here and the Archival History Section (AHS) is seeking candidates for four open positions:
· Section vice chair/chair-elect
· Three steering committee members
The vice chair/chair-elect serves for two years (one year as vice chair, and one year as chair). Steering committee members serve for one year. For more details, please see the section’s standing rules (
Nominees must be current members of the...
Come join the SAA Privacy and Confidentiality, Native American Archives, and Collection Management Sections and the Center for Digital Scholarship and Curation at Washington State University for an exciting two-part Mukurtu Workshop and Panel Event that explores how to thoughtfully approach managing, restricting, and providing access to Indigenous archival materials in your collections.
Part 1 – Overview of Mukurtu will feature Lotus Norton-Wisla (Digital and Community Outreach Archivist at...
The A&A Section's Steering Committee is asking the section membership to vote on proposed revisions to the section's standing rules. The revisions include formally adding accessioning to the section by changing the name of the section to Accessioning, Acquisitions, and Appraisal. We are also proposing the addition of a Goals and Objectives section of the standing rules. You can view the changes below.
These revisions will be put to a vote at the same time as the Steering Committee...
We are pleased to announce that we have added a new position to our Summer 2021 ballot: Social Media Coordinator, which will need to be approved by the section membership.
In accordance with the standing rules, the proposed changes were put forth to be reviewed by the executive director (or her/his designee) and the section’s Council Liaison and will now be put forward in a referendum vote by the section membership. This proposed amendment to the section’s standing rules will appear on the...
Election season is upon us and the DRS has four open positions this year:
Junior Co-Chair (2-year term):The Junior Co-chair shall be elected annually for a two-year term, serving in year one as Junior Co-chair and in year two as Senior Co-chair.
Steering Committee Member (3-year term): The Steering Committee comprises three members, each serving a staggered term of three years.
Web Liaison (2-year term)
NEW! Member-at-Large (2-year term)
Please consider nominating someone...
The leaders of the Design Records Section are proposing updates to the Standing Rules that will be added as a section member referendum on the annual ballot this summer. Major changes to the rules include adding provisions in the case of a vacancy or receiving no nominees for leadership roles, changing a role of Student Liaison to Member-at-Large, and adding other policies that were implied but never fully documented in order to increase clarity and transparency to our membership.
Here are...
As discussed during last year’s section meeting, a task force with members Tamar Zeffren, David Benjamin, Mott Linn, and Brenda Burk was formed to review the current standing rules and update it to reflect current practices and overall SAA section guidelines.
In accordance with the standing rule, the proposed amendments were reviewed by the executive director (or her designee) and the section’s Council Liaison and will now be put forward in a referendum vote by the section membership.
The SAA Preservation Section is looking for your support for the National Disaster Recovery Fund for Archives. The NDRFA provides grants that support the recovery of archival collections from major disasters, regardless of region or repository type. Learn more about the Fundraiser
The Society of American Archivists' (SAA) Technical Subcommittee on Encoded Archival Standards (TS-EAS), in collaboration with the Encoded Archival Standards Section Steering Committee, will be hosting an April webinar to introduce proposed changes to the EAC-CPF standard.
Encoded Archival Context - Corporate bodies, Persons, and Families (EAC-CPF) is an international standard maintained by SAA for encoding contextual information about persons, corporate bodies, and families related...
Dear section members,
I am happy to announce that Susan Tucker has been elected as the section's new vice chair/chair elect. Susan comes to us with a wealth of SAA steering committee and task force experience and will take over the section's leadership after this year's annual meeting. Congratulations, Susan!
Sebastian Modrow, Chair
Join us on Wednesday, April 28th, 2021 from 12:00 - 2:30 PM EST for #PresTC21, a Preservation Week Twitter Conference hosted by the Society of American Archivists Preservation Section. This free and inclusive conference on Twitter will present a series of lightning talks that we hope will be of interest to librarians, archivists, and anyone who may care about preserving cultural heritage.
Each speaker will have 10-15 minutes to present their talk, and then take questions from you, the...
Over the last year, your Lone Arrangers Section leadership has worked hard to identify how to best provide constructive and enduring leadership. To do this, the 2020/2021 LAS leadership updated the section's standing rules (bylaws) regarding its governance. The changes move the elected leadership from general steering committee members to specific two-year term officer roles, bringing the responsibilities and accountability of the newsletter and web content management under elected leadership,...
Download the spreadsheet to access a list of free events in celebration of Preservation Week 2021. The events run April 26 - May 1. Please note advanced registration may be required.
Please send any nominations by May 15, 2021! Self-nominations are encouraged!
Are you seeking an opportunity to expand your network and get further involved in the oral history community? If so, consider running for an open position on the Oral History Section Steering Committee.
Benefits of providing your time and expertise to the Steering Committee include:
Networking with engaged colleagues
Cultivating leadership skills in a real-world setting.
Driving trends in the field.
The Society of American Archivists' (SAA) Technical Subcommittee on Encoded Archival Standards (TS-EAS), in collaboration with the Encoded Archival Standards Section Steering Committee, will be hosting an April webinar to introduce proposed changes to the EAC-CPF standard.
Encoded Archival Context - Corporate bodies, Persons, and Families (EAC-CPF) is an international standard maintained by SAA for encoding contextual information about persons, corporate bodies, and families related to...
The Electronic Records Section (ERS) and the Web Archiving Section (WAS) will host a joint section meeting during SAA's 2021 virtual conference to encourage dialogue among our respective members and reflect the overlap between electronic records and web archiving workflows, personnel, and challenges. The ERS and WAS Steering Committees invite presentations of 5-minute lightning talks on the topic of repairing gaps in the historical record through web archiving and born-digital...
Dear Colleagues,The Description Section is pleased to announce the launch of its new blog, Descriptive Notes! With this transition, we hope to make Descriptive Notes more accessible as a forum for the exchange of ideas and resources about archival description.Inspired by the Section's Inclusive Description Portal, we are starting off the blog with a series on inclusive description. In our first post, Sharon Mizota discusses the development of guidelines for using Wikidata as a controlled...
The Description Section’s Standing Rules are in need of updating to reflect the changes in the roles and responsibilities of Section officers, to reflect changes in SAA guidelines, and other small changes. None of these fundamentally alter or change the Section’s overall mission or objectives. Changes are viewable in the document linked below.
The revised Standing Rules with tracked changes are attached. If anyone has questions or feedback on this, please email chair Katie Duvall (
TS-DACS is thrilled to announce that SAA Council unanimously approved their proposal for two new required elements for DACS.
Chapter 8 (Description Control) will now include required element 8.2, Rights Statement for Archival Description. Chapter 13 (Authority Record Management) will include a new required element 13.10, Rights Statement for Archival Authority Records. Chapters 1 and 9 will also be updated to reflect the new required elements.
TS-DACS will begin work to add the new...