Recent posts from groups

The Web Archiving Section is excited to announce the 2020-2021 Steering Committee leadership! The new roster is as follows: Chair: Tori MachesVice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Melissa WertheimerEducation Coordinator: Ryder KoubaCommunications Manager: April FeldmanSecretary: Kiera SullivanStudent Member: Allison Fischbach Congratulations and best of luck to those newly elected!
Oct 19, 2020   Web Archiving Section
Register Now for the Event: As we have begun returning to our collections over the past few months, there are sure to have been surprises waiting for us! Join the SAA Preservation Section for an informal virtual coffee klatch to catch up with each other and talk about the “new normal” in our workplaces. We are hosting an hour-long forum on Friday, October 16th from 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET to talk about pandemic-related closures and the aftermath, with guided...
Oct 9, 2020   Preservation Section
Do you have an idea for an article, book, or presentation about design records but don't want to go it alone? It can be intimidating to get started, so why not work with your colleagues! There are several ways through SAA to get involved, including Archival Outlook, American Archivist, and the Case Study Series. There are also other publications outside of SAA you can contribute to. The upcoming issue of American Archivist is dedicated specifically to design records, but that doesn't mean you...
Oct 6, 2020   Design Records Section
As we have begun returning to our collections over the past few months, there are sure to have been surprises waiting for us! Join the SAA Preservation Section for an informal virtual coffee klatch to catch up with each other and talk about the “new normal” in our workplaces. We are hosting an hour-long forum on Friday, October 16th from 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET to talk about pandemic-related closures and the aftermath, with guided conversations about what is like to be back and group problem...
Sep 29, 2020   Preservation Section
2020 Special Election: Candidate Statements Thank you to our excellent candidates for standing in the 2020 Collection Management Section special election. Please take some time to review their candidate statements and get to know them so you can make an informed choice. You will be voting for one Steering Committee member (three-year term). Ballots will be managed by SAA staff through Survey Monkey; keep an eye on your inbox for when the ballot opens! Steering Committee Candidate Statements...
The Technical Subcommittee on Describing Archives: A Content Standard (TS-DACS) recently requested feedback on its proposal to adopt two new single-level minimum required descriptive elements: ·        8.2. Rights Statement for Archival Description ·        13.10. Rights Statement for Archival Authority Records As noted in the request, these elements were proposed by Alston Coburn (East Carolina University) and Patrick Galligan (Rockefeller Archive Center). They would require archival...
SAA's Technical Subcommittee for Encoded Archival Standards (TS-EAS) is pleased to highlight the following new resources in our GitHub repository, following on the SAA 2020 annual conference: We've updated our procedural handbook, to include a set of design principles that we began to formulate in early 2020 -- and codified at the conference. The design principles reflect recent decisions and will guide future discussions for the development of EAD, EAC-CPF, and any other schemas that might be...
Nominees for Vice-Chair Andrew Hinton - Head of Collection Development, Vietnam Center and Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive, Texas Tech University Andrew Hinton joined the Vietnam Center and Archive in 2015 as Assistant Archivist. In this role, Andrew manages the Archive of Modern American Warfare, which collects and preserves the records of modern veterans. Andrew works closely with post-9/11 veterans to ensure that their records – especially born-digital records – are made available for...
Sep 16, 2020   Web Archiving Section
Our 2020 SAA virtual section meeting recording is now available! This recording is free and open for anyone to view: Local Government Records Section | SAA.Complete list of section meeting recordings here: SAA Section Meetings | SAA
Thank you to all of our excellent candidates for standing in the 2020 Local Government Records Section election. Please take some time to review their candidate statements and get to know them so you can make an informed choice.  You will be voting for: One Vice Chair/Chair-Elect (or Co-chair), for a two-year term; and 2 Steering Committee members (three-year terms).  Ballots will be managed by SAA staff through Survey Monkey; keep an eye on your inbox for when the ballot opens! ...
VOTE NOW! NAAS is holding a special election for two vacancies on the Steering Committee. Check out candidate statements and check your email inbox to vote by SEPTEMBER 17. The Native American Archives Section (NAAS) is holding a special election to fill two one-year vacancies on the Steering Committee. We have four candidates running for these positions: Selena Ortega-Chiolero Eric Hung Jackie Beckey Katherine Meyers Satriano SAA staff emailed section members their ballots on September 3, so...
On August 12, 2020 the Military Archives and Records Section held its annual meeting. The program portion of the meeting featured two presentations: Bill Carpenter and John Powers from the Information Security Oversight Office at NARA led an informative and engaging conversation about declassification. Their presentation on declassification realities is attached to this post.   Professor Edward Benoit, III and Gillian Brownlee from Louisiana State University gave an update on their Virtual...
Aug 22, 2020   Military Archives Section
Meet our wonderful candidate for the 2020 WCS election! The individual will serve as Co-Vice Chair during 2020-2021 and as Co-Chair of the section in 2021-2022. Alex McGee Biography  Alex McGee is the Women@MIT Project Archivist in the Department of Distinctive Collections at the MIT Libraries, where she seeks to add the records of women faculty, staff, students and alumnae to the historic record by collecting, preserving, and sharing their life and work with MIT and global audiences. Prior,...
Aug 21, 2020   Women's Collections Section
AES candidates - 2020-2021  Chair Ashley Todd-Diaz Ashley Todd-Diaz, Ph.D. is Assistant University Librarian for Special Collections and University Archives at Towson University. She also teaches as an adjunct professor in Emporia State University’s Master of Library and Information Science and Archives Studies Certificate programs. Ashley has served on the Archival Educators Section Steering Committee for the last two years and is interested in taking the next step with her work on the...
Aug 16, 2020   Archival Educators Section
Regional Archival Associations Consortium (RAAC) Annual Meeting Minutes Friday, July 31, 2020 3:30 pm EDT Online: Zoom Introductions The Regional Archival Associations Consortium (RAAC) provides an official venue for information exchange among the leadership of regional archival organizations, and among the Regionals and the Society of American Archivists. Our aim is to foster collaboration and offer formal channels to coordinate efforts among the Regionals, and between the Regionals and...
The AES annual meeting with occur on Tuesady, August 18th, from 11 to noon CST. We will be joined by representatives of the Graduate Archival Education Committee, who will discuss their recent work updating Guidelines for a Program in Archival Studies (GPAS).  Please register at:
Link for meeting registration: Meeting Agenda: Introduction of section leadership; brief overview of section initiatives of the past year; announcement of election results (Helice Koffler) SAA Council Representative report (Steven Booth) Round robin introductions by attendees and announcements Show-and-tell of Chicago Symphony Orchestra Archives collection highlights (Frank Villella) Discussion with Chicago Dance History Project Executive Director Jenai Cutcher (moderated...
Aug 6, 2020   Performing Arts Section
Thanks to all who attended and presented at the Section's (Virtual) Annual Business Meeting! The meeting minutes and slides have been posted to the microsite.
Aug 3, 2020   Description Section
Join the Science, Technology and Healthcare Section for our annual section meeting on Thursday, August 20th at 1:00pm-2:15pm CDT! Please register for free to receive the Zoom information. We will discuss how our institutions are impacted by COVID-19 and the challenges with documenting our communities, specifically to Science, Technology, and Health Care institutions. We will have breakout sessions so all can contribute. We will also hold our annual business meeting. Here is a list of...
Please join the Accessibility & Disability Section for our first annual section meeting this week on Thursday, July 30th, at 2pm ET/1 CT/12 MT/11 PT. Please register for free to receive the call information! Here is the agenda. We are pleased to feature two presentations: Nicole Joniec: Universally Designing for Accommodations: Accessibility at the Science History Institute Tyler Stump: Collecting Intellectual Disability Records in a Time of Deinstitutionalization Following the...
  AGENDA IAAS/LACCHA JOINT MEETING July 30, 8:30-10:30 am CT / 9:30:11:30am EST Advance registration required: Welcome/thank you for joining Council Update by Petrina Jackson IAAS Business (Margarita Vargas-Betancourt) Election Results Plans for 2020-2021 LACCHA Business (Amanda Moreno and Christina Bleyer) Election Results Webinar Recap Upcoming plans IAAS Presentation Title of talk: Accessibility in Times of Turmoil at NYU Abu Dhabi and...
Congratulations to Moira O'Connell-Morganstein (2020-2022), who will be our new Junior Co-Chair, and Alexa Hagen, who will be our new Steering Committee Member (2020-2023). We are excited to have you both join our leadership and look forward to your contributions!
Jul 28, 2020   Design Records Section
And the winners are!! Please join me in welcoming..... Vice Chair / Chair Elect: Ingi House, Director of National Archives, Denver, CO Term Statement:  During this term I would like to support and coordinate with the chair in order to accomplish the mission of the IA section. In addition, I would like to outreach more and coordinate more resources for Independent and Solo archivists, including virtual chats where we can exchange ideas on more informal level and have a safe place to vent.    ...
RAO Election Results are in! On behalf of the RAO Nominating Committee I would like to thank you to all the candidates who ran for leadership positions in the Reference, Access, and Outreach Section of SAA. And another thank you to all who voted in the election. The successful candidates, and upcoming leaders in RAO are as follows: Cinda Nofziger- Vice Chair/Chair Elect (2020-2021) Greta Browning- Steering Committee Member (2020-2022) Daria Labinsky- Steering Committee Member (2020-2022)...