2024-2025 IAAS Elections

Good day, colleagues,

The International Archival Affairs Section (IAAS) of the Society of American Archivists (SAA) is seeking nominations for:

Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect (2-year term; serving year one as Junior Co-Chair and year two as Senior Co-Chair); and

One Steering Committee Member-at-Large (3-year term)

Our Steering Committee provides a great venue for your leadership! With two active virtual program series, we look forward to continuing these in the next few years as well as developing ideas that you have for the Section. The time commitment is one hour per month for virtual committee meetings with occasional additional time for programs and initiatives. Attending the SAA Annual Meeting in person is not required.

We are eager to broaden representation and perspective on our committee, so please consider adding your identity group or geographic location to our steering committee. 

Archivists not based in the USA are warmly welcome to apply. Self-nominations are also welcome. All candidates must be current SAA members.

Please submit your nomination to Karen Trivette at karenjtrivette@gmail.com by May 31, 2024, 5p EDT. Please provide a paragraph with a brief biography along with a statement of interest as to why you would like to run for the position.

Thank you for your consideration! Feel free to contact me with any questions.